Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!


Canna, you are nothing short of amazing. This is exquisite. :high-five:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Thanks Sue, I really love that purple plant. It's a shame it's not going to produce anything worthy of a harvest. Maybe the cannabutter will turn out purple if I use it for that. :biglaugh:

@Light Addict, you gave me a great idea for a property sign. People do that around here to name their little piece of paradise.

I have my Pops making me a sign: "Critter Acres"
It's absolutely fitting here.


I gave all the indoor girls another drink of Floralicious and Koolblooms mix. The floralicious looks and smells just like molasses, so I'm sure that's the main ingredient in it.
Next grow I'm going to try two plants of the same strain and try the flowering feeds on one and not the other to see what the difference will be.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Why don't you just go ahead and let Purple sprout some beans Partner?
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

It's so great watching experimentation - :peace:

I totally agree Catman! :)

Why don't you just go ahead and let Purple sprout some beans Partner?

And this is why we love you partner, :hug: Great idea! :hug: I'm going to do that. No more nanners currently, but we'll leave her be and see if she seeds herself. I did check this morning and found a supply of Aphids on it (not hard to see against that purple. LOL) I sprayed the SNS 217 for spider mites and literally watched (jewelers headset on) the aphids keel over and die.

Your a busy one over here.. an it looks as though it will be paying off sooner than later now...:blushsmile:....:circle-of-love:

I'm excited to finally get one soon to harvest. Got mostly milky today. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

This purple plant was covered with Aphids!

Here's a couple of pictures, if you want to see the rest and some information on Aphids, I started a new category in my Blog called "BUGS!". I figure if I'm going to have every kind of plant destroying bug out there on my plants, I might as well document it for others to identify. ;-)
Here's the blog post on Aphids. I'll add more MJ bugs through the weekend:

Aphids - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®





The SNS 209 worked. I'll douse it a couple more times through the weekend, and I'm heading out to the haven and Top Gal too.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

lmao/ dang woman, national geographic doesnt have crap on you with camera work.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

dang woman, national geographic doesnt have crap on you with camera work.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

You do stunning work Canna. :bravo:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

OK how's our great hunter of defenseless animals doing over here. We still catch and release over here. Ya good over here Cana. No more hawks carrying away seeds. Or anything. Lmao. Just picking hun. You OK here. Looks normal for ya here. The Safari Hunter. Un new nick name.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE Screen House kids 8-2-15

I sure wish I was good enough to be a Nat Geo photographer! I would be traveling the world and making the boo coo bucks. LOL (I'd probably get gored by a Rhino or something)
Thanks ya'll. :)

Funny you should ask 7Dust...I am posting pics now. LOL

Yep, still got critters. I don't call critters with teeth as sharp as razors exactly defenseless....

Poor Top Gal will have to live with the chicken wire around her planter, something went digging in her last night. Probably the same critter that chewed the tops off the Hollyhock I planted about a week ago, started them from seed. Grrrr You can see them behind the plant, there are only a couple of tops left. Didn't harm Top Gal though, so the prevention is back in place:


I see no signs of aphids on her, yey!

The kids in the screen house are doing okay. I walked in there yesterday and had a PeeJay moment because one of them was wilted pretty bad. We need rain here desperately. Supposed to get some today, but it isn't looking promising on the radar.


I grabbed up some pond water and fed them all. They loved it. (fish poo. LOL)

So here they all are with some text to explain who's who:






It's interesting on the difference of the plants, even though the same strain. The THC Bomb is about 3 feet tall, where her sister is only about 2 foot and planted the same day. Also with the THC Bombs, the difference in the leaf structure is evident. One looks more sativa-ish than the other. Strange.
And the Sleestack Skunks are only a week apart in planting, but a great difference in size.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

It's wonderful to watch how differently they all express themselves, isn't it?
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I grabbed up some pond water and fed them all. They loved it. (fish poo. LOL)

I use aquarium water all through Veg, stirring up all the good stuff from the bottom and out of the filter.
Girls look great I'd love to live where I could grow outdoors. :goodjob:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I use aquarium water all through Veg, stirring up all the good stuff from the bottom and out of the filter.
Girls look great I'd love to live where I could grow outdoors. :goodjob:

That's a great idea. ;-)

I've got fish poo, frog poo, bug poo, duck and bird poo....something ought to be good for them. :laughtwo:

I'm starting to think that growing outdoors is more for the critters benefit than mine. :rofl:

@PeeJay, yes it is nice to see how they express themselves. Some lanky, some full and all those other things. I love this plant. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Very cool looking plants. I do agree that its interesting how they each have their own personalities and structure.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Lmao. They have to bite before they are agressive.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Yeah yeah....

Okay here's the little seedlings that got broken and rooted for me. They're staying nice and short for me under the CFL that I put close to them:


Some other seedlings almost ready for potting up. I have a small fan blowing lightly on them to get the stems strong....I hope:
(you can sure tell which one the White Widow is. Tall and lanky. LOL)


I'm going to get pictures of the indoor girls tomorrow under natural lighting. I am just not fond of taking pictures under LED light.
In the meantime, here's some purple cheese under Budmaster XG using flash. Just cuz I thought it's looking nice and cheesy. :)



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