Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Cool plants...taking a seat in the back..Being optimistic about your purp plant :thumb:

:welcome: Qkrop! Thanks for the optimistic outlook on Ms. Purp. :) If you have any questions, feel free and don't be shy. :circle-of-love:

I need to add a correction on the information for Aphids. I found out that the white specks on the plant are not the nymph aphids, they are the skins. Aphids will molt and leave behind skins that resemble tiny white ants.

On another note, yeah....I asked for rain. We needed rain in a bad way here. We got it and then some. :laughtwo:
A major thunderstorm with high winds rolled through here last night while I was at work. The Screen house held up with no problem. YEY!
I got really really lucky with one plant in there. The biggest one (THC Bomb) had been sitting on a cheap plastic table which the wind had tipped causing the pot to slide and tip. It was actually sitting half on and half off the table with the plant almost sideways. It bent, but it didn't break due to the tie down on the support stick.
I took the table out and set the plant on the ground. LOL
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE 8-3 Indoor Girls:

I'll edit this post as I get pictures of all the plants. I did some defol on all of the plants a couple of days ago to open the lower buds up.
I took the outdoor pics on the screened deck. I wasn't about to take them outside where I know the Aphids are waiting....:laughtwo:

First up are the two Purple Cheese plants. This is a side by side for comparison purposes. The Budmaster plant is a much bigger plant. Although the Mars Hydro girl is a week younger, I don't think it would make that much difference. There is definitely more growth up and around than the Mars Hydro.
I'll be honest here, I do believe that the buds on the Mars Hydro girl are much denser than the Budmaster. You can see in the pics. When I rest one of the larger bud branches from each plant on my fingers there is a difference in weight there for sure.
Also, I can see purple tinges starting on the Mars girl, none as yet on the Budmaster.
We'll see how these play out in the end result. It's early yet. :)



Pyramid Purple under Budmaster XG:

We are at mostly cloudy trichomes with a few amber dotted here and there. I'm thinking maybe harvest this weekend.








Cash Crop Mars Hydro:

This Cash Crop is kickin' Purple Cheeses' arse! LOL
It's growing leaps and bounds and filling up space under that light.


Outside with her for the photo shoot:






Finally the last one!

Buddha under Smart Grow Technologies LED:






I'm heading out to check the Wildlings to see if there was any storm damage.
Have a great day everyone!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I hear ya Catman! If there's enough for a smoke, we need to see what these critters find so delicious about this thing. :loopy:

I transferred some Daddy Longlegs from the grapevines to the plant. They eat small critters including inchworms and aphids. I hope they stick around on the plant for awhile. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well, the good news is the Sleestack Skunk #1 in the screen house is a girl. Very tiny pistils emerging. The rest are no shows as yet.


The not so good news, the Wildlings are getting hit hard by these critters, mostly the leafhoppers from what I can see. The sheer numbers of them in that haven is incredible. The leaves from the middle down are suffering damages despite the treatment with the SNS 209. I sprayed this morning and when I went back to the first plant there were leafhoppers on it again.

I doubt seriously that I will attempt another outdoor grow in an unprotected open area such as that. This is way too much work and worry. I suppose if I lived anywhere but the country and woods it wouldn't be so bad. This is critter haven, simply because of the location.

Maybe next year I can screen the whole haven in and at least get some amount of control on the bugs, but that would take money and a ton of time. The time would be in the top/roof area. It would get littered with leaves and such, keeping it cleaned off would become problematic I'm sure. No matter what I do, there are going to be chewing bugs. Screening it in would really do nothing more than knock down the numbers a bit.

The barn turned out to be a costly thought for indoor growing during the winter. I would have to pay to keep the drive plowed in that area, which would not be cheap at all. Shoveling a walkway constantly to the barn is not feasible for me. And although I can get heat in there, insulating the eaves would have been costly as well. They are open eave overhangs, (I hope you know what I mean there) because it's a barn. ;-) The heat would be constantly going upward, it's about 12 feet up to the support beams. There is a lot of wasted space for the heat to hang out in. And last, but certainly not least, the critters that dig under the foundation to get in there to build the winter homes. Skunks, woodchucks, chipmunks, and all those other things.

So, plan "B" has been in the works for the past couple of weeks. I'll post a pic when it's ready. :)

I hope everyone is doing well. We are finally getting a break from the heat and humidity here. That sure makes a body feel more like doing things. LOL

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Guess what... guess what..... guess what...:confused: They are all 4 girls...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:

That is SUCH good news! Woo hoo!! I needed that positive news today, and I'm sure you are just overjoyed. :thanks:

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Your plan B has me curious. :blushsmile: Cant wait to find out what it is. Oh, the suspense!
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

:ciao: Sorrenna!

No need to wait long. I have pics ready. :)

First of all, I wanted to show you Top Gal's new fence. I hated the chicken wire and it was interfering with the shoots growing on the sides. So I used a piece of plastic garden fencing. I think she feels free now. :)


Now, here's the new Fall/Winter Grow room.
I will not be putting the old truck in the garage this winter, so I have a full side of the garage available for use. I already have most everything set up. There are ropes hanging from the beams to hang the lights. I have a piece of carpet on the floor so the plants won't be sitting on cold cement. I might even put some wooden pallets under that to get them off the floor entirely.
I had a tarp that was by coincidence just wide and long enough for the space to separate the two garage stalls. Luck. LOL
There is a work bench to store essentials and to work on when needed. The soil is stored in the bins against the door.
I made sure that I could still open the rolling door if needed.
The total plant space for growing is 21' x 11'. That is a nice amount of space for sure. The height that the plants can grow to is about 8 to 9 feet before hitting any lighting, and if I get plants any higher than that they go between the rafters. :rofl:

There is room to hang a LOT of lighting should I expand the grow.





The major job I left to do is insulating the eaves. There are soffets on the outside, but no insulation between rafters.


I have two choices on heating it. One is a heater on a timer.
The best choice is the wood stove which is directly outside the back garage door. It is piped into the wall to the basement stairwell and connected to the furnace ductwork from there.
I'm going to disconnect that (I'm not heating the house with wood this year, it's way too much work anymore), and re-direct the pipes into the garage. Then I can just keep a low fire in the wood stove to heat the garage. That won't take up a lot of wood like trying to heat a whole house to a comfort level.
So, that decision is yet to be made.

There is a very large window in the garage to let light in, and I have overhead fluorescent lighting when needed also.

I am not worried on fumes from vehicles. I start the car and back out. What little fumes generated in that short amount of time are being sucked out by the open garage door as I'm leaving or arriving.

I don't worry about light leaks too much, unless they are major. It's plenty dark in that garage, so much so that I have to feel my way around if I don't have my keychain light working when I get home at night. ;-)

I think that's about it.
If the plants in the Haven start looking like they won't survive the bug beatings, I may uproot them and bring them in the garage for the remainder. I dunno.....

I'll be growing perpetual, I have 6 seedlings ready to up pot and start in the Veg stage. Good time to test out the Garage grow.

If you have any concerns or comments, please feel free. I'm always looking for ideas and seeing things I may have missed.


BTW, I don't want to continue growing flowering plants in the house because of one major thing. The smell.
I am having family Thanksgiving and Christmas at my house this year, and I don't want that smell in the house. If it was only a couple of plants, that wouldn't be so bad. But I have a lot of plants and plan to keep it that way. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Oh, your plan B is stupendous. :blushsmile: I like it. So much room. Whats that like? lol
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Awesome update on your future grow plans.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Oh, your plan B is stupendous. :blushsmile: I like it. So much room. Whats that like? lol

Thanks Sorenna, I am lucky to have the kind of space I do. I'm a bit claustrophobic, so it's a good thing on that level. :)

Awesome update on your future grow plans.
Thanks brother from anudder fadder. :)
Hope you are doing well!
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Good lord, Canna, always thinking and on the make my head spin....have to shout out about the Canna touch with the table cloth over the work bench...that's so clean, efficient, and simple...I like the way your mind similar to are absolutely killing it.....:thumb:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Queen DIY...
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