Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Hey gal. Back for a lil while. Checking on the Wildlings. Whew, you been busy.

Hi Ya Cajun! Good to see you. Yeah, I've been busy as a bee....

Wildlings are doing great. I have some pics from today, but the upload time on photos is quite irritating. I'll wait to see if the morning brings some better speed.

Hope things are calming down for you at least a little.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Oh, and I want to thank the person (Grizzwald or TassieD?) that suggested putting warped lumber down flat and let time take it's course to straighten it.
I had a 16' 2 x 4 that I really needed, I put it down on the ground and piled a bunch of firewood along the top of it. I knew it was going to rain good and hard. It worked like a charm, that thing was nice and flat this morning.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Princess DIY at it again! Shine on Partner...
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

agreed nice. very nice DYI
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Just wanted to stop in and see how thing are going. That is a great growing space. I really like that.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Oh, and I want to thank the person (Grizzwald or TassieD?) that suggested putting warped lumber down flat and let time take it's course to straighten it.


Not sure who it was, but it was defiantly Australian advise, your sure of that, lol... Actually it's totally Aussie advice.."throw it back on the ground, let time take it's course.. That don't work, well throw that over there onto the ground and see if that helps"
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

The outdoor girls are doing great! No bugs in the den and they are looking much healthier. I gave them all a drink of some KoolBlooms and floralicious mixture, mixed up for veggie stage. We'll see how they like that.

Perseverance and a "what the hell, give it a try" attitude paid off. All three of the broken seedlings have rooted. :yahoo:

I will have update pictures of all the indoor and outdoor plants tomorrow.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

:goodjob: Partner.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!


The girls are doing great. I'm checking for pistils daily, nothing yet.
These kids aren't getting hit by chewing critters like the ones near the house. I believe that's because these girls are in the woods where grasshoppers and other chewing bugs don't really hang out. They like grassy areas.
So, not necessarily in any order.....the Wildlings and the Purple:










re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I'm in :green_heart: with the Purple Partner.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!


I think the Pyramid purple under the Budmaster XG's is going to be ready for harvest very soon. Since I took these pictures the pistils have all turned brown and curled inward. I checked trichomes and they are still cloudy, no amber. As soon as I see amber, I'm probably going to chop.



Mars Hydro Girls:



Smart Grow Technologies LED Buddha:



This poor beaten up plant is growing new leaves, but they won't uncurl.


I should have some better pics of the pyramid purple buds later on.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I'm really interested in how BM's old XG's do in comparison with the other lights! :) alls looking good healthy :)

Should be a good comparison going on, I have two purple under Mars Hydro and one under BM/XG. I am interested to see how they do also. :)

Almost forgot, I have a new idea for a housing for the Budmaster Lights. I want to separate those a bit more so I can get a wider light footprint.
I should be able to get that started this weekend if all works out.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Thanks everybody. And Radogast, I put an end table and a reading lamp in the rocking room. ;-)

Well, the good news is that I believe I see preflowers on a couple of the Wildlings and on Top Gal. I'll check again in a couple days.

The not so good news is the Ms. Purple has a nanner. I pulled her out of the Haven and brought her up to the house away from any possible wind issues. I'll get the tripod out tomorrow and try to get some clearer shots of trichomes. It doesn't look to me like there is any amber whatsoever on it. And I really don't see anything in the way of real buddage. Being a pretty purple is about all she is right now. LOL

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Holey Cow Cannafan! It's a real trip to stop by after not being in for a while! It seems like you are the pied piper of cannaland :hippy: and up for all these different environmental challenges!

Those different LED set ups are more than great - people can learn so much tagging along after you :cheesygrinsmiley:

Green Growing to You :Namaste:
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