Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Canna!
Thanks everyone!
I posted these pictures on the wrong thread. LOL So here's the info from the wrong one:

And while I had some time this morning after making my bud dryer and between cooking times, I just had to get a progress pic ....or two. I just LOVE watching the process of these seeds! I've always wondered how the little volcano tops were formed on the seeds, I guess now we know. And the mottled look that young seeds have, check out the textured pattern going on with this:

And three more:
I couldn't find anything definite on the process I figured on pic my books would cover that better but seems they weren't interested in that part mostly before and after with some best way to treat plant as they say it needs more N than norm and less or no flush.
Good Morning everyone, (or evening wherever you may be)
The November Member of The Month contest was a very exciting race to the finish line! We actually have a tie this month!

Although I did not get to first place, I feel like a winner because of all of you who felt that I was worthy of the nomination and your votes.
Thank you for your appreciation of my contributions here at :420:, I am truly grateful and I appreciate all of you!!:cheer::thanks:
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