Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

looks like you've learned so much already for your first grow, and good looking plants those seeds look like there gnna grow a very nice strain, have u found out if they have crossed those two breeds yet?
Hi Aztecbuds and glad to see you made it! :welcome:
Isn't his avatar cool everybody? He did that himself. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey, Aztec I did a little research the day I posted that thought of crossing them on your thread and didn't really find much on it. I will be digging deeper this week on that.
Have fun and keep em' green!:cheesygrinsmiley:
I did another search under different terms, came up with a video on autos and this clip of a smoke report:

"This example of White Widow x Kush had a very subtle smell, almost nonexistent. The smell that is there is the smell of classic good pot, sweet, with a minimum of "plant matter" smell.

So far okay, but how about the high? Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Pure euphoria without fatigue, or mental incapacitation, or extreme drowsiness. I was skeptical about this herb until I got to experience marijuana enlightenment. I continue use this weed as my casual get-high. Bom Shiva."

So,'s been crossed before. :cheesygrinsmiley:
great pics,

the method i use to put pollen on pistils is the que tip or cotton bud as we call them over here, i find this method works well and leaves no cotton on pistils or buds, plus it allows you to put the pollen exactly where you want it, i dip the que tip into the pollen and give it a little rub back and forth until i can see pollen on it, then i gently brush this over the pistils, you will feel the pistils pulling on the que tip as you pull it over them, ive never had any cotton left behind so maybe shop around for some cheaper brand que tips like from the dollar store, these tend to be harder than the branded tips and dont tend to be as fluffy, i had a big bag for 99p and thats what i use for pollen,

it also cuts down on the amount of pollen getting dropped on leaves or other parts of the plant, a fine brush would also work well but not tried brush so cant comment to much on that, but the que tip works fine and you can make sure all pistils get pollen on them.

but the method you have used seems to of worked well and you will see them pods splitting open in a couple of weeks.

if i pollenate late for some reason then ill harvest the plant but leave the seeded buds on the plant for a while longer until im sure they have had 4 or more weeks on the plant.

but ive got seeds here that are green still and i dont have problems growing them, i harvested a plant early and totally forgot that the lower buds had been pollenated, so when the buds where dry the seeds where still green and i was going to throw them out, but i tried to soak a couple of both germinated with no problems.
Definitely on my to do soon list as I have one or two strains that seem like they would blend well. Learning as we go. I've read the breeders bible, and a few other plant breeding books but find that it takes hands on for me to remember things. Watching our having discussions about also helps me retain info so :popcorn:
Definitely on my to do soon list as I have one or two strains that seem like they would blend well. Learning as we go. I've read the breeders bible, and a few other plant breeding books but find that it takes hands on for me to remember things. Watching our having discussions about also helps me retain info so :popcorn:

:hmmmm: and I thought I did a :lot-o-toke: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Different ? of seed process: originally had day 39 there. Oops!
I have to get a real camera before X-mas
Here's the question of the week.
You can take a clone from a plant, force flower on it by putting it straight into 12/12 schedule without any roots at all. (I can't remember if this was putting it in water or soil at the moment)
SO, if in the future I were to cut off the selected pollinated branch from the plant and place that branch stem into water or soil, would the seed process continue even without roots on the stem?
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