Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Don't worry. If you can really taste the pollen you put on there, I will eat my hat. Sure smoking straight pollen is gross. But you aren't doing that are you.
Hey, DP! Thanks for all of that information. I will be planning some more breeding in the future for sure, as I understand and work the processes.
I am going to leave the seeds on the branch until about a week after harvesting the buds just to be sure they are completely ready....unless I see signs that they are falling out or completely dried.
I'm going to get more progress pics up by Friday.
How is your super male project coming along? I haven't been to the thread the last couple of days.
Take care!
Here's a quick pic update. I only had time for one pic this morning without a tripod, not the best shot. The brown pistils have started to fall off and the seeds are shrinking into the calyx's:
Canna, I would be really interested to see if there is any truth whatsoever about the shape of the seed/volcano top having anything to do with sex. I personally think there is no connection, otherwise we would know already, but that is based on nothing really :)
Hey Rainstacks,
I have been thinking about that theory since I started this and now that I see how the seeds are formed I seriously don't believe there is any correlation to the shape of the "volcano" and fem vs. male seeds. If you look closely at how the pistils are attached to the seeds in the beginning, there are some wider...doubled up...centered differently etc. I think the shape of the end of the seed is only reacting to what the pistils were doing before they served their purpose and fell away. It's like the umbilical cord on a newborn, everyone has different belly buttons based on the structure of the umbilical cord and how it was detached. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for popping in!:circle-of-love:
Canna, I would be really interested to see if there is any truth whatsoever about the shape of the seed/volcano top having anything to do with sex. I personally think there is no connection, otherwise we would know already, but that is based on nothing really :)

:nomo: g' morning everyone.
One more thought on this. As I was having my cuppa this morning, I was thinking about how in the world the plant decides which seed is male or female. I began to look and compare photos from beginning to now and I see that each seed has either one or two pistils attached.
What if.....just one pistil meant male seed and two pistils meant female seed..or vice versa? I cannot wait to get another male plant now to test out this theory. I will have to find a way to mark or note where each individual seed is, like a map, and keep it handy when I grow the plants from seed.
I think I can go back through photos here and get the top and just below documented before harvest.
What do you think on that theory?
I've always been told it's not yet determined for sure. If you water and feed correctly your ratio can be different than an over watered and/or over/under feed , and was also told what you feed can alter the outcome. I don't know this to be true but Just something to check.
Good afternoon Kieftreefarms! There are so many variables, and chromosomes come into play too of course. I would need a degree or two with some steady research to figure it out I'm sure. LOL
Ya know, this is the most amazing site we are on....:420: and it goes back many years with awesome information. I just ran into this regarding how to make feminised seeds, a most interesting thread to read!

How can I get my plants to produce feminized seeds?

If I ever get the time, I will read every single post by "medical marijuana".
Shoot Princess DIY, behind that the MOD's need to start a "Picture Of The Month" contest!
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