Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

No harm done here. I think journal entry activity all depends on where we all are at the moment.
I do remember a big discussion on the lady bug differences on my thread last year regarding the same thing about the species. We had lots of journal activity then too.
So, I'm sure the subject would have come up again here even if you had not mentioned it.

G' nite everyone. Work day tomorrow.
Joe m8,that was very funny stuff,1 little mistake,an they throw u 2 the lions,priceless far as I'm concerned,no insects would be welcome around my plants,even if it is an innocent ladybug,but hey Joe,GET UR FACTS RIGHT :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hmmmm....seems my efforts to make Joe feel better about something that has been a misunderstood subject around the internet just got blasted away to oblivion by your post. If misunderstood things couldn't be corrected with facts...where would we be?
No one threw anyone to the lions. It was a discussion prompted by a statement. It happens all the time.

And now for another discussion, prompted by what you said. Keep the language clean on my threads please. I treat people with respect in my communications here, and I expect the same in return.
Joe m8,that was very funny stuff,1 little mistake,an they throw u 2 the lions,priceless far as I'm concerned,no insects would be welcome around my plants,even if it is an innocent ladybug,but hey Joe,GET UR FACTS RIGHT :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
No-one threw anyone to the lions Snake. I was just stating that I had never heard that Asian Ladybugs ate cannabis as I somewhat recalled the convo about them. I had no idea if Joe was wrong or right & wanted to know. He's been helping plenty of members here. About the only lion he's been thrown to was Princess DIY & her old avatar which was a friendly lion. It's not that serious Snake. Take a chill pill (both of yous) & hit this my friend

I wont stand for anyone walking away from my partner's thread unhappy. If that joint doesn't make you feel better try this. :roorrip:
Heys guys,I'm not angry ect.I guess my sense of humour is not every1's cupa tea,I'm young,fulla shizz,an got lots 2 learn,but I'm a messer,love jokes,an having a laugh.joes wee thing made me goodness,some of u's wouldn't last 10 mins over in northern Ireland.if we can't have a good ole chuckle at the antics of others,I'm even pissing myself at my own antics,chopping a half grown plant in half,priceless.u seem a serious women canna,so I'll keep the wise cracks an banter 4 other threads:hippy:
Well, gang. It appears I'm going to have to get the exhaust going out the back bathroom window in a hurry now. I put that Fruit Auto in with the flowering girls from my other grow, and when I woke up this morning the house wreaked of skunky/fruitiness. LOL
When the lights go out at night, so do the fans.
At least it is better weather outside. I'm going to have to cut a piece of plywood for the small window in there with a hole to fit the exhaust hose. I had bought a small exhaust fan at my local Habitat for Humanity outlet last year. It's going to come in handy now. Hopefully I can get that done tonight. If relatives come by....well they'll know something more than a skunk in the barn is going on. ROFL
I will be sooooo happy when I can move the grow outside or back to the basement.
Have a great day!
Here canna,I've just washed my mouth out with soap,so I'm a good boy now :blunt:see the way ur plants are starting 2 smell,an ur having 2 cut holes in ur bathroom? Why bother,sure its legal there,i take it its still seen as an evil drug by some over there?? Plus if ur neighbours smell it,can u still get busted by the cops?? I dont understand,either its legal,or quessing its a neighbour thing,i suppose some people would still see it as scumbag stuff growing it
Canna is a legal grower in a legal state, snakelad. She keeps a tidy home, enjoys the security of being able to let others into her home, and doesn't want it to smell like skunk-ass. Perhaps you are the sort who doesn't care about stink whether its filthy clothes and unwashed dishes or strong cannabis odor?

Where did you get the impression she is going to make holes in her bathroom? She is going to open a window, fit the opening with a piece of plywood, make a hole in the plywood to install a fan into, and move the smelly air out. And, it will be done quickly and efficiently!
Hey snakelad,
I totally understand what you're asking. Yes, it is legal here. I don't worry about people knowing I'm growing it should they find out, but I still like to stay private with that. There are many many people who still look at this plant as a bad drug in the same ranks with cocain etc.
The smell becomes a problem in the house because it permeates everything, including clothing and furniture. I can't tell you the number of times I found myself smelling like skunk when arriving at work because I forgot to put my lab coat on when I went to work on the plants before leaving.
It doesn't bother me personally, but the boss' customers and the boss wouldn't be receptive to it. Despite it being legal, there are still people who won't be swayed on their belief that it's bad stuff. I don't need any negative reactions at the business for myself, but especially out of respect to the boss. I have allergies to perfumes and after shaves myself, they can throw me into an asthma attack very quickly. So, I know how customers might feel smelling a skunk while trying to do biz with an employee. LOL
I don't have any neighbors close enough to smell anything. I'm on my own 30 acres back in the woods.
I do have relatives that are still t-totally against MJ, so I like to try to keep peace in the family. LOL
It's legal.....but in the eyes of some will never be an okay thing. It's a shame....but it's true.
Thank u canna,that explains it all nicely.I honestly thought it was that I take ur point totally about ur clothes smelling.not good 4 get the family thing aswel,far 2 many people in this world against things they havnt a clue about.these people really wind me up,cause they can sit in bars,get blind drunk,totally make an arse of themselves,ruin a good night,then have the cheek 2 look down their noses at the rest of us 4 smoking a spliff.its a complete joke.over the years I've tried most drugs ect ect,an it wasn't cause of smoking weed,most of it was because u were DRUNK and up 4 it atthe time,iin fact if I hada been stoned at the time,u prob wouldn't bother taking those things.but there's no talking 2 these types of people.:Namaste:
If someone had told me a year ago that I would be growing marijuana some day....I would have stopped them cold in their tracks. LOL
It wasn't that I personally was anti-mj, it was the thought of going to jail. Lady Luck has never been to see me and if someone were going to get caught and get the worst of would be me. :laugh:

Since I have started growing and I can prove the healing effects etc., and pain control cannabis gives, I have turned quite a few people in my circles away from the "bad drug" conspiracy. Even my Mom wants to try to the pain cream. LOL
It's a battle, and one that will be fought for a long time...we keep winning some battles as we go here..but have yet to win the war.

BTW, your comment about washing your mouth out gave me a giggle. My mother used to make us literally eat a half bar of soap whenever we said a cuss word. Trust me, we learned to stop doing that. When you breath soapy bubbles, it kind of takes all the fun out of it. :rofl::rofl:
If someone had told me a year ago that I would be growing marijuana some day....I would have stopped them cold in their tracks. LOL
It wasn't that I personally was anti-mj, it was the thought of going to jail. Lady Luck has never been to see me and if someone were going to get caught and get the worst of would be me. :laugh:

Since I have started growing and I can prove the healing effects etc., and pain control cannabis gives, I have turned quite a few people in my circles away from the "bad drug" conspiracy. Even my Mom wants to try to the pain cream. LOL
It's a battle, and one that will be fought for a long time...we keep winning some battles as we go here..but have yet to win the war.

You and me both Canna!:Namaste:
If ur mother was my mother,id be running about with a perminate bar of dove dangling from my chops.if u ever have watched billy connolly canna,a big Scottish comic,a real class act on stage,so so funny. An he swears his chops of,I do think a bit of swearing makes a joke more funny,but that's just me.I'm glad the pain ur in is helped by cannabis,I won't lie 2 u,I smoke only 4 the stone effect,as I'm just sick of alcohol,an its nasty here,if some1 hada told me last year I'd be attempting at growing 2 plants,well my girl,I woulda fell of my seat laughing.I play golf with very respectable people,an their mouths would hit the dirt if only they knew.its those wee moments that make life funny at times,as next time I'm on the course with these guys,I'll be secretly thinking 2 myself "if only these muppets knew" :) saying that,they might smell it of my clothes an hit me with "would u be growing 2 plants,in a tent,with window open,posting pics on the net,an more importantly son,havnt a bloody clue wot ur doing?" now that would make my day,ur jaw would hit the floor:high-five:
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