Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

HI LadyVadalon,
Have you germinated your seeds yet? I usually just germ mine in a wet paper towel, in a warm dark place. Or just place the seed in some distilled water, again warm dark place and wait for the taproot to show.
Once the taproot is out you can plant it directly into the soil, about 1/2 to 3/4" down. Then wait for the sprout.
I only use the rockwool or rapid rooter cubes for clones. I'm sure there are people out there who use it for seeds though. I can't comment much on that because I don't use that method for the seeds.
Hope that helps from my end.
Hi lady valalon,I do everything cannafan said,my seeds germinated within 2 days.but I plants mine in 10 litre pots as I kept reading that u really shouldn't transplant them.then I came across a thread that went through an autos whole life cycle,an the best set up 4 those plants.turns out always planting them in their final pots had the best results,an 18\6 4 the lights produced better and bigger 2 plants had a little burn on 1 or 2 leaves as the soil was a bit hot with nuts,but nothing 2 worry about,they keep going growing at a fast rate.if I were u I'd def plant those seeds (auto) in2 their final pots.:Namaste:
I agree with snakelad on autos, you should plant the seed, once you have taproot, in the pot you plan to use for the final flowering stage. They don't like transplanting, and transplanting can slow down the growing process. Auto's grow automatically, they flower on their own schedule and the more interruptions they get to their growing, the less you may get in the end as far as yield.
Hope that helps!

No, I have not attempted any seeds except from my first disaster of 14 seeds 6 survived and 3 were girls. When I did the seeds I started out as you had mentioned minus the paper towel. They all had good tap roots but, when I put them in the pugs everything went down hill. I think I kept them to wet and rotted them. Well, they were half sprouted and transparent even the ones that had some hight to them were transparent. I should have taken photos of them. I chucked them.

I was given some Train Wreck and fruitty seed a few months a go. I have them stored in small glass corked bottles out of the light. I hope that is ok to store them that way. I seen earlier in your journal someone had mentioned the freezer. I just don't know about that. It seems that everyone has some way that works for them. :)

Until I get my mess straitened out in my two tents. Everything, I have in my two tents have been in veg from back in September ( the mudpie garden:) ) Well, now that everything is unlocked and growing like they should I am being over ran by plants. The 6 swiss Cheese were given to me but before the unlock of nutrients. So, only 9 plants are not from my mudpie collection. I really do have a mess!!!

I was going to go a head and clone from the three seeds that made it, yesterday. LOL...LOL...I opened the tent, I had 3 T8 fixtures that had gone out on me. I took my sons word that he had watered the day before. I should have taken the Saturday Night freak-show snapshot.
I have 19 plants in that tent. Not from greed, from stupidity :wood: of mud. 9 plants in the other tent going to 12/12 Today/Sunday all from the mudpie ranch. :thedoubletake:

I really really want to try the seeds but in soil this time. But, I need to get this other out of the way. I will be so HAPPY to get all this under control. Reading your journal ,LA, KJC and the many others that Have helped :goof: me out so much!!! :thanks: BUT NOW I HAVE A JUNGEL :whoa:

Sorry, for being long winded. I really needed to vent! My husband heard most of it, poor guy. I even took half of his man-cave for my grows.

Thank You 420 for teaching me new things every day !!!! :circle-of-love:
I agree with snakelad on autos, you should plant the seed, once you have taproot, in the pot you plan to use for the final flowering stage. They don't like transplanting, and transplanting can slow down the growing process. Auto's grow automatically, they flower on their own schedule and the more interruptions they get to their growing, the less you may get in the end as far as yield.
Hope that helps!

Thank you it helps :) But, I do not have any autos. I have been reading and taking notes incase I ever end up with some. Then I will know what to do. Why do they tell you not to transplant them? Are they just really touchy because of genetics? And auto flower is not a normal /natural plant behavior so, the roots don't tolerate much? Just wondering :)
Canna,I've a question 4 u.I've cut 4 smallish branches of 1 of the plants already,2 smoke.see the rest of that plant,will it still grow an get much bigger,or have I stressed it 2 much.doesn't seem 2 be getting any bigger.
Canna,I've a question 4 u.I've cut 4 smallish branches of 1 of the plants already,2 smoke.see the rest of that plant,will it still grow an get much bigger,or have I stressed it 2 much.doesn't seem 2 be getting any bigger.

It wont get bigger but the buds will resume their growth/ripening after a few days. Thoguht I would answer since canna isnt on right now

No, I have not attempted any seeds except from my first disaster of 14 seeds 6 survived and 3 were girls. When I did the seeds I started out as you had mentioned minus the paper towel. They all had good tap roots but, when I put them in the pugs everything went down hill. I think I kept them to wet and rotted them. Well, they were half sprouted and transparent even the ones that had some hight to them were transparent. I should have taken photos of them. I chucked them.

I was given some Train Wreck and fruitty seed a few months a go. I have them stored in small glass corked bottles out of the light. I hope that is ok to store them that way. I seen earlier in your journal someone had mentioned the freezer. I just don't know about that. It seems that everyone has some way that works for them. :)

Until I get my mess straitened out in my two tents. Everything, I have in my two tents have been in veg from back in September ( the mudpie garden:) ) Well, now that everything is unlocked and growing like they should I am being over ran by plants. The 6 swiss Cheese were given to me but before the unlock of nutrients. So, only 9 plants are not from my mudpie collection. I really do have a mess!!!

I was going to go a head and clone from the three seeds that made it, yesterday. LOL...LOL...I opened the tent, I had 3 T8 fixtures that had gone out on me. I took my sons word that he had watered the day before. I should have taken the Saturday Night freak-show snapshot.
I have 19 plants in that tent. Not from greed, from stupidity :wood: of mud. 9 plants in the other tent going to 12/12 Today/Sunday all from the mudpie ranch. :thedoubletake:

I really really want to try the seeds but in soil this time. But, I need to get this other out of the way. I will be so HAPPY to get all this under control. Reading your journal ,LA, KJC and the many others that Have helped :goof: me out so much!!! :thanks: BUT NOW I HAVE A JUNGEL :whoa:

Sorry, for being long winded. I really needed to vent! My husband heard most of it, poor guy. I even took half of his man-cave for my grows.

Thank You 420 for teaching me new things every day !!!! :circle-of-love:

Geez, LadyV....It sounds like you certainly have more of a grow than you intended on. That happened to me on my first grow, I wound up with more females than I expected. Not a bad thing here, because I had plenty of space. But I had to rig more DIY lighting for the expansion.
I have learned one thing, never depend totally on anyone to take care of your plants. It's kind of a murphy's law thing with me. LOL
I'm sure it's going to all work out. I wouldn't put seeds in the freezer unless you plan to store them for a very long time. You should be fine keeping them in a cool dark place, considering you will be using them fairly soon. You should keep a packet of silica gel in with the seeds, if you don't have that...a few grains of rice in the container will help soak up any moisture that may occurr due to weather/humidity etc.

I am happy that you are learning so much here! I knew absolutely zero about growing before I came here. Awesome place and awesome ppls!
I'll pop over to your journal today and take a look see too. :thumb:
Thank you it helps :) But, I do not have any autos. I have been reading and taking notes incase I ever end up with some. Then I will know what to do. Why do they tell you not to transplant them? Are they just really touchy because of genetics? And auto flower is not a normal /natural plant behavior so, the roots don't tolerate much? Just wondering :)

These plants have an internal "grow clock" of sorts, (autos). They will grow at the rate they will grow, (genetics is probably right there) you can't alter growth with lighting changes etc. With the photo period plants you can put them back into veggie stage during flowering and the flowering will stop. Autos will not stop the flowering process. You can slow it down, transplanting can do that because of the shock of being uprooted as with any plant, but again..that means lower yields. So yeah, they are finicky. LOL
That's about the best I can explain it, this is my first grow of an Auto myself so I'm in the learning curve too.
When doing seeds does it have to be in a rapid rooter or that other thing? I use OFF can I put the seed right into that soil? I have heard so many things and read that it burns them. I don't remember what soil cannafan is using. I do not do so well with the pugs even when I am cloning. When I clone this time I am going to try the plugs(rapid rooters) and not make them so wet. I think that is my issue with them.

HI LadyVadalon,
Have you germinated your seeds yet? I usually just germ mine in a wet paper towel, in a warm dark place. Or just place the seed in some distilled water, again warm dark place and wait for the taproot to show.
Once the taproot is out you can plant it directly into the soil

Hi lady valalon,I do everything cannafan said,my seeds germinated within 2 days.but I plants mine in 10 litre pots as I kept reading that u really shouldn't transplant them.

Yeah Lady V, I tried the Rapid Rooters for tap-rooting & had so so results. Now I just place them in a little seed dish with 6.5 PHed tap water, sit it on a heat mat, cover with a big bottle cap to keep dark, & just wait about 24 hours. I have 100% tap-rooting success with this method. Then I place them in a cup of soil or either their permanent pot. Either way I have great results.
Hey Canna lookin good!

I had another "Accidental" breeding project that occurred after a recent harvest lol Seems when I was over worked I contaminated my flower room when I was feeding the breeders and flowers haha.... The cross occur on my Ladybug OG plant (Tastes like Watermelon Jolly Ranchers) When I grow the seed I will name her Cannafan 'wewt
Hey Canna lookin good!

I had another "Accidental" breeding project that occurred after a recent harvest lol Seems when I was over worked I contaminated my flower room when I was feeding the breeders and flowers haha.... The cross occur on my Ladybug OG plant (Tastes like Watermelon Jolly Ranchers) When I grow the seed I will name her Cannafan 'wewt

Hey Hey wildrosebud, good to see you!
I would LOVE to taste that. I used to eat watermelon jolly ranchers by the bag full. LOL
Isn't is great that some boo boo's turn out to be something really good?
Thanks for the thoughts on the name, that's too cool.
Geez, LadyV....It sounds like you certainly have more of a grow than you intended on. That happened to me on my first grow, I wound up with more females than I expected. Not a bad thing here, because I had plenty of space. But I had to rig more DIY lighting for the expansion.
I have learned one thing, never depend totally on anyone to take care of your plants. It's kind of a murphy's law thing with me. LOL
I'm sure it's going to all work out. I wouldn't put seeds in the freezer unless you plan to store them for a very long time. You should be fine keeping them in a cool dark place, considering you will be using them fairly soon. You should keep a packet of silica gel in with the seeds, if you don't have that...a few grains of rice in the container will help soak up any moisture that may occurr due to weather/humidity etc.

I am happy that you are learning so much here! I knew absolutely zero about growing before I came here. Awesome place and awesome ppls!
I'll pop over to your journal today and take a look see too. :thumb:

I know, My dad always told me "If you want something done or done right do it yourself."
I had a house full of people along with grandkids over and did not get out to check anything until about 6 P.M :)
I am so glad that my hubby loves me, after last night I would have left myself... LOL... They snapped back and look good this morning.
Mmmm should go out and take a snapshot and post.
Hindsight always gets you in the butt. :)

I did not know anything either. Well, not from the right people anyway. It is funny how people say they are good growers but only share half of the information. Then snicker at you when you only get 1oz 13 gr out of 14 plants. It is like being on one of those really obnoxious grow sites but live. Everyone here knows a lot and if someone don't then someone else does. It is a world wide M.M Self help support group.

Thanks for the rice tip I will put a grain in each little glass bottle. I won't be doing any seeds until June or July not the way things are going right now.
I'm not sure what type of soil OFF is. Does anyone else use this soil, if so...can you let LadyVadalon know if it's too "hot" for seedlings?
My soil is a special blend made and only sold locally, so there's no benefit to explaining what kind it is to others here.

I cannot even find any information about that stuff , I would avoid it till some information surfaces.... Unless LV wants to pioneer and share results with all of us <3
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