Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

I actually did keep one male. I collected some pollen from it yesterday. Just in case I want to do some experimenting.
I don't have a tent, snakelad. The plants are in two separate rooms upstairs until I can get warmer weather to move them.
'twas one of the coldest winters we've had in many years in these parts. Had to move them up into the house where the heat is.
Sunny and 54 degrees today, Holy Hannah....a heat wave!!! LOL Loving it.
Good good.yeah it was really nice an sunny here aswel.why did I think u were using a tent?? Silly me.I take it u cross seeds from ur grows?? That's cool.I'll tell ya,u's women on here are master growers.u put us men 2 shame,well over here warms my heart the thought of all these women running about in america growing loads of plants.very impressed,whoever said its a mans world clearly didn't check out 420.:slide:the women on here are just about u teaching my mum how 2 grow:rofl::rofl::rofl:i would pay money 2 hear that chat
Very impressed,whoever said its a mans world clearly didn't check out 420.:slide:the women on here are just about u teaching my mum how 2 grow:rofl::rofl::rofl:i would pay money 2 hear that chat
Not only here on 420. You didn't know it was really a woman's world? James Brown was misled.
Hey snakelad,
this grow is from crossing two strains, White Widow and Master Kush. I am very much enjoying the breeding aspect and plan to keep delving into that.
Sorry, I can't teach your Mom how to grow.....I need to get a LOT of things learned here yet. I want to see more women growers for sure.
This site is teaching me. As I learn, I pass on what I've learned.

Hey Mom had a favorite saying. "Behind every good man...was a woman whispering in his ear what to do". Can't say I agree with that, but I sure laughed every time she said it. And there was no question who "wore the pants" in our household.
Very good bar,women rule the roost,an don't us guys just know it.good stuff canna.I'll send my mum over 4 a crash course on how 2 skunk ur house out,wen ur all sorted:high-five:
Hey Mom had a favorite saying. "Behind every good man...was a woman whispering in his ear what to do". Can't say I agree with that, but I sure laughed every time she said it. And there was no question who "wore the pants" in our household.
Well I seen it first hand. It was just my sister & I. My father worked plus ran the streets so I was basically on my own at home against two women. Pops might have been the man outside but come dinner time until he left the apt. again, be it that night or the next morning heading to work we all knew Mom was the boss. And don't let him roll up after 8:00pm Sunday through Thur. (that's what time dinner was served) All hell would break loose! Now you tell me who's in charge?
How are the begonia clones looking?
Ya know Peejay, I went in to cut and saw that she was actually flowering under that cheap LED panel....I didn't have the nerve. It looked so pretty, that plant was at death's door back in September. I've been giving the begonia and the rosemary the same nutes as the vegging plants. They are loving it as well as the spider plants....which are extremely hard to kill. You almost have to be determined to kill them.
I would love to post a pic, but that would be off topic here.
I'll get up the nerve this week. LOL
Thanks for asking, I had forgotten about that!
Well, gang. It appears I'm going to have to get the exhaust going out the back bathroom window in a hurry now. I put that Fruit Auto in with the flowering girls from my other grow, and when I woke up this morning the house wreaked of skunky/fruitiness. LOL
When the lights go out at night, so do the fans.
At least it is better weather outside. I'm going to have to cut a piece of plywood for the small window in there with a hole to fit the exhaust hose. I had bought a small exhaust fan at my local Habitat for Humanity outlet last year. It's going to come in handy now. Hopefully I can get that done tonight. If relatives come by....well they'll know something more than a skunk in the barn is going on. ROFL
I will be sooooo happy when I can move the grow outside or back to the basement.
Have a great day!

Hello,:dreamy:As I was sitting out in the sun today looking at all the other buildings I was thinking how nice it would be to not have to hide :shhh:. Then the thought hit me:idea: male growers are probably the only people in the world that knows, what a corset might feel like. :high-five:

We, all keep it in the closet, cupboard, basement, tents or another place. I seen your post and I feel for you. Ugh... was thinking about smell control through the summer. I need to figure out how to get my starry starry night tent sealed. It is still on 24/0. I had a dream last night, that I was using cellophane to wrap the outside of my tent. Wouldn't it be nice to just let all the green hang out.
Stay green and live well
Here canna,I've just washed my mouth out with soap,so I'm a good boy now :blunt:see the way ur plants are starting 2 smell,an ur having 2 cut holes in ur bathroom? Why bother,sure its legal there,i take it its still seen as an evil drug by some over there?? Plus if ur neighbours smell it,can u still get busted by the cops?? I dont understand,either its legal,or quessing its a neighbour thing,i suppose some people would still see it as scumbag stuff growing it


I hear what you are saying. Up until about 70 years ago it was legal across the United States. Now, In 2 states it is legal and a few of the other states allow cardholders. Even if the grower has a permit/card that says you/they can grow so many plants in so many different stages. If that grower/cardholder does not keep it in the quiet they are just asking for a break in/ robbed. So, even if it is legal un-honest people will do what they always do; take things that don't belong to them.

People are just now starting to stand up and truly question the ban on cannabis. But, there is still 70 years or about 2.5 closer to 3 generations have been brainwashed about cannabis and not educated.

That is why you never tell anyone you know that you grow. Someone else had posted someplace "I have a friend that has a friend that has a cousin that know someone." They will either get mad at you and in spite turn you in or take your plants. Me, I live in a duplex with lots of people around, I have grandkids, other people and I don't want my house to stink. So, I have invested a lot of money into equipment, huge charcoal filters, vortex fans and noise control. Everyone on the 420 community to me, are loving people and they would never want to hear about you having your house broke into, your stuff taken or worse jail or prison.

The answer to part of your question is yes. People still would take mustard-gas treatments for cancer that is FDA approved because the alternative treatment of a natural plant is not FDA approved.

Things are changing in the United States but very slow. Keep reading and learning. Education gives you the power of Knowledge.
If someone had told me a year ago that I would be growing marijuana some day....I would have stopped them cold in their tracks. LOL
It wasn't that I personally was anti-mj, it was the thought of going to jail. Lady Luck has never been to see me and if someone were going to get caught and get the worst of would be me. :laugh:

Since I have started growing and I can prove the healing effects etc., and pain control cannabis gives, I have turned quite a few people in my circles away from the "bad drug" conspiracy. Even my Mom wants to try to the pain cream. LOL
It's a battle, and one that will be fought for a long time...we keep winning some battles as we go here..but have yet to win the war.

BTW, your comment about washing your mouth out gave me a giggle. My mother used to make us literally eat a half bar of soap whenever we said a cuss word. Trust me, we learned to stop doing that. When you breath soapy bubbles, it kind of takes all the fun out of it. :rofl::rofl:

Me too!!:high-five:
The soap thing brought back memories of lava soap yack!!!!! I think I was 5 the first time I said Fudge( Christmas Story) 54 ford slammed me and the milkshake into the windshield.
Want to read something for a giggle?
This is what happens when you are a multi-tasker and have waaaaayyy too much going on at once.
I spent a ton of time yesterday morning early cutting a piece of plywood, measuring a hole for the exhaust fan and cutting the hole. I took it into the back bathroom where the flowering girls are and made one final fit check to be sure there were no areas that small critters could get in. Now keep in mind, this bathroom has not been in use for well over 4 years, (that was my ex's domain). The main b-room is elsewhere. As I took the plywood out to go install the fan I flipped the bathroom light switch off and realized.....there was a switch for a fan there. The bathroom has an exhaust fan and I had completely let that slip my mind!!
All that work.....and all I really needed to do was flip a switch.
Thanks lady v 4 explaining all that.I have watched cannabis docu's on nat geo about medical weed ect I'm up 2 date regarding wots going on over there.I truly hope the government there just except that its here 2 stay:thanks: and that people like u an canna can have proper pain relief,increased appetite,and most importantly a very good night sleep:circle-of-love:
That was very funny canna,I had a friend years ago trying 2 fit a washing machine,an he insisted he had 2 install a switch,even as he was explaining all that 2 me,I was standing in the kitchen looking at the switch he plainly couldn't see,he had wires coming out a some other socket.let's just say he was extremely embarrassed.very funny at the time,an we never let him 4get it:Namaste:
measure twice cut once
oh wait theres a fan already in there :rofl:
but doesn't that fan go on with the bathroom light? unscrew the bulbs and just use the fan heh but im sure you already thought of that
maybe you can even crawl into the ceiling and add a filter to the fan just a thought I never installed one of those bathroom fans so I don't
know how its set up above the ceiling
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