Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Dont leave man especially after I took the time to message you pretty extensively and became friends. Every site is bound to have issues at some point as long as it isnt a regular occurrence(which this is the first time since ive been here) things should work out in the end. The problem they have experienced is explosive site growth and their server cant handle it in my opinion. All of those pictures it stores seemingly forever is not a good idea or else they will have to keep buying more and more servers to handle that. Just give it some time. Hopefully they set the architecture to delete the photos once they have been on the server for say 3-6 months time.

I certainly hope they never have an auto delete on the photos. I've read many a journal dated back into the early 2000's that still have pictures and that's what we look for. Write all you want, but pictures are what tells the story. Visual aids. Without those pictures the completed journals would be useless in my opinion.
Im referring to inactive threads or forums. To keep the type of infrastructure you are wanting they are gonna have to start charging to be here. Unless they have multiple terrabyte servers. Something has to give. I understand your points and anything that is made to be a sticky thread or blog entries will be kept but to have millions of pictures takes servers and those cost money to operate. I know ive maintained a few of them it sucks it costs so much for one user to maintain so maybe we will see posting limits for free accounts or advertisment the way youtube went a few years ago but something has to change or this problem will be a reoccurring event
Alrighty, I finally had some of that thing called time of my own this evening. LOL
Let's see how much I've learned...I'm going to call the sexing early on the rest of these plants based on very tiny signs I picked out with the jewelers loupe.

Widow Masters 4, 6, 8, and 9 are confirmed female. Definitely pistils.
Widow Masters 5, 7, 1, and 2 are showing very small signs of male traits. Itsy bitsy lil' sacs starting from what I can see with the loupe. Not a pistil to be found on any node or growth.
So, I'm even up with female vs. Male. :cheer:
The only thing that disappoints me is the one with the best fluxing going on (WM2) is showing male traits in my preliminary diagnosis. Damn!

Royal haze and Fruit Auto are not showing signs yet, although these are feminized seeds...there is still no guarantee. So those are still in the questionable category. They were also germed much later than the rest of the plants.

Of course the White Widow clone is female, and the plant I have revegging from a White Widow female is showing pistils all over too. YEY!
When I say early male signs, this is what I'm referring to. Although, what I am seeing is much smaller than this's what it is. This plant did turn out male:


Excellent detailed update Canna

It's a shame about WM2...just look at as a great practice plant :)...good news about the other girls! ...great growing Canna :bravo:

Thanks Jay, you always make me feel better. :circle-of-love:

At least now I will know how to begin the fluxing, and get the plants started low to the "floor". LOL I will keep this fluxing one for pollen though. I really like how healthy it is. Looks like a good strong plant, hope it keeps that up.
You have me on knuckle head look out now Princess DIY. I'm about to put on my Suavay Ricos to check my Sleestack X skunk.
The canna show is alive and well. great growing your doing.
Hi Shottafire! Great to see you around. I really need to check your thread soon too. Hope things are going well for you with the Brix. Thanks for popping in and I'll see ya soon. :)

You have me on knuckle head look out now Princess DIY. I'm about to put on my Suavay Ricos to check my Sleestack X skunk.

LOL, I can visualize that. And it's funny. I think the cat thought I was nuts, and I came out of the room smelling like a skunk. Didn't see her again for quite some time. :rofl:
Keep in mind, these are preliminary thoughts. The for sure won't be for a couple days yet. But I placed a bet with kitty that there will be males in the house. And I will have pics when they are big enough to shoot. :smokin:
:circle-of-love: Hi Canna :ciao: :nicethread:

Congratulations, commiserations and Thanks for the lovely photos :dreamy:


Im referring to inactive threads or forums. To keep the type of infrastructure you are wanting they are gonna have to start charging to be here. Unless they have multiple terrabyte servers. Something has to give. I understand your points and anything that is made to be a sticky thread or blog entries will be kept but to have millions of pictures takes servers and those cost money to operate. I know ive maintained a few of them it sucks it costs so much for one user to maintain so maybe we will see posting limits for free accounts or advertisment the way youtube went a few years ago but something has to change or this problem will be a reoccurring event

Hi Joe :ciao: Ever wondered why we always say "Please support our sponsors"? :scratchinghead:
Maybe they are why the site is free / exists in it's present form :high-five:

You are right, it's not cheap to keep all the photos and the site free of viruses, etc. :trance:

But it is worth it :thumb:

:circle-of-love: Hi Canna :ciao: :nicethread:

Congratulations, commiserations and Thanks for the lovely photos :dreamy:


Hi Rico! No I Never had to wonder I already knew. Thats the main reason you have sponsors is for the mutual financial support. I'm talking with a company now to see thier interest in being a sponsor before I submit it and all of that. It relates to users privacy on this site and on the internet in general. I am big on privacy and it would be a huge sponsor so we will see what happens.

Hi Joe :ciao: Ever wondered why we always say "Please support our sponsors"? :scratchinghead:
Maybe they are why the site is free / exists in it's present form :high-five:

You are right, it's not cheap to keep all the photos and the site free of viruses, etc. :trance:

But it is worth it
Cheers canna,wot about a wee competition,biggest buds win,if I have 2 run out and start taking pics of the biggest Christmas trees growing in the wild,"an here's my small auto" :biglaugh::biglaugh:
:circle-of-love: Hi Canna :ciao: :nicethread:

Congratulations, commiserations and Thanks for the lovely photos :dreamy:


Hi Rico! No I Never had to wonder I already knew. Thats the main reason you have sponsors is for the mutual financial support. I'm talking with a company now to see thier interest in being a sponsor before I submit it and all of that. It relates to users privacy on this site and on the internet in general. I am big on privacy and it would be a huge sponsor so we will see what happens.

Hi Joe :ciao: Ever wondered why we always say "Please support our sponsors"? :scratchinghead:
Maybe they are why the site is free / exists in it's present form :high-five:

You are right, it's not cheap to keep all the photos and the site free of viruses, etc. :trance:

But it is worth it

Hey SmokerJoe,
that's awesome on you to work on a potential sponsor! Good luck!

And Rico, regarding sponsors...check your PM. I sent an idea to you this morning for 420 magazine to consider. Win-Win for members as well as Sponsors. :high-five:
Hey its not the size of the dog in the fight. Its the size of the fight in the dog that matters.
I have no doubt canna ud win hands down.I havnt grown a plant in my life,but if these girls let me down,its a swift divorce,an it won't be a 50\50 split,it'll be my toe up their backsides and good Vienna :slide:
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