Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

And a Woot Woot! here,... and a Woot Woot! a Woot!, there a Woot!...everywhere a Woot Woot!!

Widow Master 4, the largest in training is a GIRL!!! :cheer:



My home grown beans are a success!
Good 1 fan of cannabis :thumb: they do say females are multitaskers,so let hope da females get a few jobs done without the help of "lazy" males.grt pics,fantastic plants.hats off:bravo:
Can someone please help me.I just uploaded loads of new pics,STILL WONT ALLOW ME 2 post pics on my it won't allow me 2 contact 420 by email.I'm honestly thinking of leaving this site.this has 2 be the worse site 4 trying 2 do basic things,no links please,I'm doing everything properly.HELP HELP HELP.
Dont leave man especially after I took the time to message you pretty extensively and became friends. Every site is bound to have issues at some point as long as it isnt a regular occurrence(which this is the first time since ive been here) things should work out in the end. The problem they have experienced is explosive site growth and their server cant handle it in my opinion. All of those pictures it stores seemingly forever is not a good idea or else they will have to keep buying more and more servers to handle that. Just give it some time. Hopefully they set the architecture to delete the photos once they have been on the server for say 3-6 months time.
Done that so many times I've lost I've typed loads of the same email 2 get 420 2 post my new pics and it won't even send the email.this is just a waste of time.I'm prepared 2 do this journal as best I can and because of a faulty website that doesn't even do basic things,I mean why even bother.if its not sorted soon I'm off
Done that so many times I've lost I've typed loads of the same email 2 get 420 2 post my new pics and it won't even send the email.this is just a waste of time.I'm prepared 2 do this journal as best I can and because of a faulty website that doesn't even do basic things,I mean why even bother.if its not sorted soon I'm off

Take a hit and try it again :thumb:

Dont forget all the videos since the sites creation that they want hosted on here is a terrible idea. That is tons of bandwidth and memory that it just cant support. They are worried about viruses though and so they choose to operate how they want. Every content site like this fails for pretty much the same reasons. It is frustrating although im not willing to jump ship over it just yet.
OK smokerjoe.I'm just depressed.I have all this stuff written down 2 update my thread 2day and took loads of pics and u can't even do basic so takes hours an hours an u never get anywhere.I'll just write all the stuff in my thread soon and people can just go 2 gallery.Friday was a ball breaker cause of issue,now I can't even contact the bloody magazine 2 get help.its just beyond a joke
OK smokerjoe.I'm just depressed.I have all this stuff written down 2 update my thread 2day and took loads of pics and u can't even do basic so takes hours an hours an u never get anywhere.I'll just write all the stuff in my thread soon and people can just go 2 gallery.Friday was a ball breaker cause of issue,now I can't even contact the bloody magazine 2 get help.its just beyond a joke

I hear you....the same thing has me a couple times before too...they usually fix it pretty quick

I'll message someone that may be able to help you out...gimme a sec
Thanks jay,and thanks smoker Joe.I messaged some1 that helped on Friday so hopefully it gets sorted.don't mean 2 moan,but boy its annoying as hell after 3 hours ur still trying 2 do the same thing.
Done that so many times I've lost I've typed loads of the same email 2 get 420 2 post my new pics and it won't even send the email.this is just a waste of time.I'm prepared 2 do this journal as best I can and because of a faulty website that doesn't even do basic things,I mean why even bother.if its not sorted soon I'm off

Hey snakelad, what kind of error message are you getting when you try to contact a moderator/420? Every website has trouble now and then, I have found here that they are pretty quick to move on something not working correctly. They just need to know about it.
Also, there were problems clicking on the "my photos" tab on the message box. You need to use the little camera icon above the message box 3rd icon from the end until the tab problem is fixed. There is a thread to post site problems, they can't fix what they don't know about. So, I know you said no links: but here's where to post the trouble so they can take a look:

"My Photos" tab not working? Try the camera icon instead.
Thanks canna,I always click the camera icon,then I click the photo I want 2 post,then I click close this window which brings me back 2 my message,but no photo is in it,and the screen stops working every single time,as in anything I press on screen,nothing happens,like a screen'll allow me 2 scroll up an down the screen,but you can't open anything.then I have 2 quit,and restart again the whole thread from start again from Google.regarding email,I sent 1 last Fri an it sent no prob,but 2 day it keeps saying once I submit that because I'm already logged in,I need 2 press the back button,and reload the page again and try.but no matter how many times I try,same thing just won't send the email.its OK.I've given up on new pics in gallery so that will just have 2 do
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