Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

And the rest of the kiddies, just cuz I was there with the camera:

Here's Fruit Auto, she is coming around and is going to be healthy. YEY


Here's the seedling group, included the Royal Haze. They got the first shot of 1/4 strength nutes yesterday. Hopefully that helps with the slight yellowing. Transplanting will be this weekend.


And this is the other Widow Master getting just LST:

I heard you can cross cannabis with other things such as roses and other flowers is that true? Does anyone know or have tried this?

I have never heard that, although there has been much discussion about fusing plants. I forget the actual procedural name it was called. Maybe someone on the thread knows. I would love to see a garden flower/cannabis plant, if there is such a thing. LOL
Ya never know really.
Oh, on the flour..there was another suggestion given to me to help distribute the pollen and make it stretch. I believe it was on Toker69's thread. I'll look that up later and post what that was.
I'll be collecting pollen again soon, so I want to be sure I have that down myself. :thumb:

Oops, just read McLoadie's reply on the crossing. Thanks Mac! That answers that. LOL

And the procedural term isn't's Grafting. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have never heard that, although there has been much discussion about fusing plants. I forget the actual procedural name it was called. Maybe someone on the thread knows. I would love to see a garden flower/cannabis plant, if there is such a thing. LOL
Ya never know really.
Oh, on the flour..there was another suggestion given to me to help distribute the pollen and make it stretch. I believe it was on Toker69's thread. I'll look that up later and post what that was.
I'll be collecting pollen again soon, so I want to be sure I have that down myself. :thumb:

Oops, just read McLoadie's reply on the crossing. Thanks Mac! That answers that. LOL

And the procedural term isn't's Grafting. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Yeah I got very little pollen outta my CS sprayed plant, so I tried adding a 1/8 teaspoon of flour. Just dumped it right on top, and stirred with a q-tip, and used that same q-tip to pollinate two plants. I pulled a test bud a few days ago, and found seeds. Still waiting to find out how many. :)
Hey cannafan,had a quick jook through ur thread,lovely plants man,here,see that guy Dr pepper that subbed ur thread.I rem about 2 weeks ago reading through his whole journal,a funny guy,and then at the end of his grow,he just disappeared? Then the thread got closed,do u ever know wot happened 2 that dude,was so disappointing 2 read through it all and no final bud shots,but worse of all,ALL SMOKE REPORT?:thedoubletake:
Hey cannafan,had a quick jook through ur thread,lovely plants man,here,see that guy Dr pepper that subbed ur thread.I rem about 2 weeks ago reading through his whole journal,a funny guy,and then at the end of his grow,he just disappeared? Then the thread got closed,do u ever know wot happened 2 that dude,was so disappointing 2 read through it all and no final bud shots,but worse of all,ALL SMOKE REPORT?:thedoubletake:

Hi Snakelad, and welcome!
Dr. Pepper was a truly funny member. And he was always cooking up something delicious! I don't know what happened to him. There are lots of members who miss him for sure. Sometimes this happens, maybe he will return someday and join us.
Glad to see you are getting out and about on the threads. You will learn much on this site, and I'm sure you will be contributing where you can too.
Cheers tell me something.I'm planning 2 chop 1 plant 1st,then the another a week or 2 later.but I don't have another tent 2 dry the buds of 1st plant.I keep reading that air circulation is so important 4 drying ur buds.I honestly cannot think of a way 2 do this as I was just go a hang them in a spare wardrobe in my bedroom,I could leave the door open open but keep reading DARKNESS is so important during drying,and I'm def not interested in water curing.that just sounds madness 2 me,any ideas chum? I've got a garage out back aswel,could I just hang them out in the garage,even with light shining through a window.the reason I'm asking all this is I rem getting a £50 bag,5 trams awhile ago and it was still really damp,and sticky as fact it was near impossible 2 make a joint that night,so so sticky and wet,I just put it all in a cupboard in my kitchen and went 2 bed,an next morning it was nice and dry and fantastic smoke.any thoughts on this??? By the way,once mine is dry 2 smoke,I'll be smoking.I'm not interested in curing 4 weeks just 4 a better taste,its the stone I'm looking 4,not the first taste.taste means nothing 2 me :tommy:
Cheers tell me something.I'm planning 2 chop 1 plant 1st,then the another a week or 2 later.but I don't have another tent 2 dry the buds of 1st plant.I keep reading that air circulation is so important 4 drying ur buds.I honestly cannot think of a way 2 do this as I was just go a hang them in a spare wardrobe in my bedroom,I could leave the door open open but keep reading DARKNESS is so important during drying,and I'm def not interested in water curing.that just sounds madness 2 me,any ideas chum? I've got a garage out back aswel,could I just hang them out in the garage,even with light shining through a window.the reason I'm asking all this is I rem getting a £50 bag,5 trams awhile ago and it was still really damp,and sticky as fact it was near impossible 2 make a joint that night,so so sticky and wet,I just put it all in a cupboard in my kitchen and went 2 bed,an next morning it was nice and dry and fantastic smoke.any thoughts on this??? By the way,once mine is dry 2 smoke,I'll be smoking.I'm not interested in curing 4 weeks just 4 a better taste,its the stone I'm looking 4,not the first taste.taste means nothing 2 me :tommy:

I dried my buds in a back bathroom that had one small window with a curtain, the room was fairly dark during the daytime. I placed the buds on the racks from a dehydrator and turned them once every two days or so. Had to watch the humidity, but here it was not a problem as I was burning wood for heat and that is dry air. There was a small fan in the room to circulate the air.
Ipersonally haven't read that complete darkness is required, but there will be others to comment on this I'm sure.
I also rigged up some mesh collapsible laundry bags to dry the buds in, you might consider that. You can hang them just about anywhere and they are really inexpensive.

These are really large sizes, I didn't need it for the first harvest I did. The dehydrator trays worked out fine.

Yes buddy.that looks just the ticket,those laundry hangers.OK I'll have 2 order 1 of those,then I'll prob just hang it out in the garage,because there's loads of fresh air floating around out there I'll not need any fans.I'll put a blanket over the the house won't be stinking of strong cannabis.the smell can linger out there :loopy: and the neighbours can have a good strong stiff as they do their dishes :rofl: and if I ever get comments about a strong "weed" smell I'll just say "yah,I think the next door neighbours are growing something,if ya know wot I mean" :laugh:
Yes buddy.that looks just the ticket,those laundry hangers.OK I'll have 2 order 1 of those,then I'll prob just hang it out in the garage,because there's loads of fresh air floating around out there I'll not need any fans.I'll put a blanket over the the house won't be stinking of strong cannabis.the smell can linger out there :loopy: and the neighbours can have a good strong stiff as they do their dishes :rofl: and if I ever get comments about a strong "weed" smell I'll just say "yah,I think the next door neighbours are growing something,if ya know wot I mean" :laugh:

Yep, know what you mean. My house was smelling a bit skunky to a visitor staying for a bit. I had pics on my phone of some actual skunks I took care of in my barn a few weeks before, showed them to him and told him I didn't get all of them yet. That took care of that issue. LOL
OK buddy.just had a jook.yes that's exactally wot I'll order.sure if u keep it clean,that should last a very long time.OK thanks 4 ur help.enjoy ur day and happy toking :passitleft:
I'm OK that visitors.except the landlord once a month 2 collect rent money,she's dead on,but I'm sure she wouldn't be 2 argument is always this.I hate fact I detest it.its caused me more grief in my life 2 last me a lifetime,and I'm only 34.cannabis is fantastic 2 me.the only drawback is wen u have it,life's grt,but once u run out I always feel as if I've lost a limb :slide: every single time it breaks my heart once that last joint is smoked.I love watching TV/films ect wen stoned,I always rem watched a film called saw,stoned,and I swear,that film blew me away stoned,the ending,it was as if I was actually there myself,freaky as hell.u could really feel the nastiness of that ending.if u havnt watched it yet,I strong recommend u do,while stone.such an ending:thumb:
Morning Canna...I love that pic with all the buds :green_heart:...Hope all is good and green.

Do you have any projects planed for the weekend?
G' Morning Jay! First project is rest. LOL
I'm transplanting the seedlings today and a couple of other plants. Rearranging some lighting fixtures and plan on some close up shots for the other thread on the Boo Boo Girls.
Oh, I have some really strong caramels that I have to make for a friend today too. Really strong. LOL
How about you?
G' Morning Jay! First project is rest. LOL
I'm transplanting the seedlings today and a couple of other plants. Rearranging some lighting fixtures and plan on some close up shots for the other thread on the Boo Boo Girls.
Oh, I have some really strong caramels that I have to make for a friend today too. Really strong. LOL
How about you?

That sounds like a perfect plan :) transplanted already? must of got up real early this morning...caramels, I have to try those.

I'll be looking for those close up take excellent photos :thumb:

I have been getting way too much rest this winter (work has been super slow because of bad weather and a poor economy)but I think that's my plan for today too :)

The last batch of smores I made were super strong but it actually worked out great because I try not to eat sweets. I ended up cutting each 3 1/2 x 3 1/2" smore into 3 long thin strips then I wrapped each piece in tinfoil and placed all the pieces in a freezer bag. One piece has been keeping me plenty medicated all day by just taking a bite (1/3) every 5-6 hrs...if needed :). We are just about out of bud...waiting for the next harvest. Eating the edibles has allowed me to save the bud left for the little lady while still receiving my medication.

I just ate my last smore yesterday so my first project will be to put the cannabutter in my fridge to good use this morning :)

I did some transplanting to 5 gal pots yesterday...I can't believe how dense the root balls are in coco...this I my first coco far I like everything about it vs. soil and hydro

Depending on how the trichomes look today I may be harvesting the big Jack tomorrow :)
That sounds like a perfect plan :) transplanted already? must of got up real early this morning...caramels, I have to try those.

I'll be looking for those close up take excellent photos :thumb:

I have been getting way too much rest this winter (work has been super slow because of bad weather and a poor economy)but I think that's my plan for today too :)

The last batch of smores I made were super strong but it actually worked out great because I try not to eat sweets. I ended up cutting each 3 1/2 x 3 1/2" smore into 3 long thin strips then I wrapped each piece in tinfoil and placed all the pieces in a freezer bag. One piece has been keeping me plenty medicated all day by just taking a bite (1/3) every 5-6 hrs...if needed :). We are just about out of bud...waiting for the next harvest. Eating the edibles has allowed me to save the bud left for the little lady while still receiving my medication.

I just ate my last smore yesterday so my first project will be to put the cannabutter in my fridge to good use this morning :)

I did some transplanting to 5 gal pots yesterday...I can't believe how dense the root balls are in coco...this I my first coco far I like everything about it vs. soil and hydro

Depending on how the trichomes look today I may be harvesting the big Jack tomorrow :)

ROFL, I gotta agree with you on the last batch of S'mores. I still have 3 trays in the freezer. One bite and it's La La land. LOL
I gave a few pieces to a friend a couple weeks ago, asked him a few days later how they were. And he cussed me out....while asking me for S'more. :rofl:
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