Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

I actually use 2 cups too but my lower cup is clear and the roots don't come out like yours they swirl around on the bottom of the cup with the plant, I like Mc's bottom feed idea but are you soaking it till it reaches the top or just wetting the bottom? would make sense the plant is growing faster if its actually reaching down for the water so im curious as to how much you let it get wet before you pull it out as far as feeding from the bottom goes Mc
Happy Skunkday CannaFan

As simple as it sounds chron, like everything else I have to pay attention......this is just my experience...but if the pots or cups or whatever get too dry, the water won't wick up correctly. Your attentive skills have not failed you, so, if the container feels too dry, which is more of an intuitive skill to asses, I use my turkey baster to water from the top a little....once the capillary action is jump started, the whole pot will absorb the water. You can leave them in for as long as you like...within reason, or until the top of the soil gets the water. I'm getting good results this way, but I put 5 in grobags yesterday and they will be top watered for obvious reasons.
Happy Munchday CannaFan :thumb:
my extra cup is just a drip tray for me :rofl: the water comes out the bottom I know its well watered and I can wait till its light but once the dripping stops I usually take off the lower cup and dump it in one of the 3 gallon pots
I owe you an apology for posting my issue in your log. I am new and still learning the rules and wanted to say :sorry:
That is not a problem whatsoever LadyVadalon! I encourage people to post questions, whether it's on my grow or their own. I wish we would have received some other answers for you though. :dreamy:
I see you are up and running so hopefully you've received some help on what you needed. I'll check your links a bit later and see how things are going for you. :thumb:
Yeap Lady Vadalon, asking questions is how we get answers.
subbed. plants are looking good. how bad of a hermie was that master kush? just a few nanners late in flower? early nanners? full blown balls and pistils?
subbed. plants are looking good. how bad of a hermie was that master kush? just a few nanners late in flower? early nanners? full blown balls and pistils?

:welcome: b.real

The MK that I used for this pollination grow had started growing balls a few days after going to 12/12. It had been female, there were definite pistils before that happened. I let the plant mature and collected the pollen.
I don't think that qualifies for all of the seeds I made to be feminised...right?

I have another project coming up very soon, I will be using colloidal silver for making feminised seeds from an auto and another strain. Just waiting for seeds to pop and my colloidal silver to arrive. I'm following Toker69's method.
Okay, gang....I will be uploading some video tomorrow on the seedlings now under CFL's. The difference in activity and growth compared to that cheap 14W LED panel is amazing. So, I'm going to put the idea of using the LED's as a main grow light to rest and use them as side lighting in flower. Member Gardenfaerie suggested that, and I think it will work out great. At least my money won't be down the drain.
:welcome: b.real

The MK that I used for this pollination grow had started growing balls a few days after going to 12/12. It had been female, there were definite pistils before that happened. I let the plant mature and collected the pollen.
I don't think that qualifies for all of the seeds I made to be feminised...right?

I have another project coming up very soon, I will be using colloidal silver for making feminised seeds from an auto and another strain. Just waiting for seeds to pop and my colloidal silver to arrive. I'm following Toker69's method.

Some say not to use hermie pollen because it passes on naturally dominant hermie traits. I'm not sure if that's true, but I thought I'd mention it. I was wondering what is the ppm of the colloidal silver you ordered? I ordered 240 ppm, and mixed it down to 60 ppm with distilled water. Many people recommend to use at least 30 ppm. Just wondering. :)
I wouldn't breed with that pollen if I were you. crossing it with a stable female may decrease the likelihood of hermies, but I think there will still be a lot of hermies from that pollen.
Some say not to use hermie pollen because it passes on naturally dominant hermie traits. I'm not sure if that's true, but I thought I'd mention it. I was wondering what is the ppm of the colloidal silver you ordered? I ordered 240 ppm, and mixed it down to 60 ppm with distilled water. Many people recommend to use at least 30 ppm. Just wondering. :)

Yep, I've read that too about the hermie traits....but I'm going to press on with the experiment. I don't think this plant had hermie in it's to speak...I think it was stressed into hermie. That's why I'm going to go ahead with it. It's worth the test to me, I love doing this kind of experimenting. The seeds were freebies. ;-) There was a White Widow in my other grow that hermied twice on me, so I got rid of that and the clones I had cut from it.
I ordered the exact same Colloidal silver that you had, 240 ppm and planned on mixing it the same. Yours worked very well with your pink salad thread, I figure why change it? :thumb:
I wouldn't breed with that pollen if I were you. crossing it with a stable female may decrease the likelihood of hermies, but I think there will still be a lot of hermies from that pollen.
Hmmmmm.....Well, plan B would be finding a male in the seedlings and letting that mature and using pollen from it. Just like my luck I would have all females...because I want the male. I have 8 of them growing right now....I think. LOL The seedlings seeds are from cross pollinating Master Kush and White Widow, a definite male and female plant.
Breeding is a long term thing. The next generation is only slightly more inclined to carry on a trait as dominant. Continue to breed for it in subsequent generations, and you could end up seeing it in all you plants. What you don't want is a room full of plants grown from seed. That one in ten might hermie, and seed the whole room.
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