Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Me personally, I would transplant right away and then supplement with a tad bit of 10-3-1 Dr. Earth bat guano for the nitrogen. Looks like also a possible immobile nutrient deficiency associated with the initial seedling substrate. Just my two cents though... ;)

Thanks Lester! I will try to transplant it tomorrow morning. I will probably just cut the cup so I don't disturb the roots any more than I have to.
It's odd that these seedlings would be showing this, one of them is doing perfectly on growth, color etc. And the soil and watering is the same. :scratchinghead:
For those who are not familiar with Mobile and immobile nutrients, I found a simple explanation online and copied it for you:

Effect of Nutrient Mobility on Deficiency Symptoms
The location on the plant where deficiency symptoms are expressed can help in diagnosing the nutrient disorder.

Plant nutrients can be divided to two groups - mobile nutrients and immobile nutrients. Mobile nutrients can be translocated from older leaves to younger ones, and immobile nutrients cannot.

The mobility of a nutrient in the plant affects the location of the deficiency symptom on the plant.

Deficiency symptoms of mobile nutrients will first develop on the older mature leaves. Basically, nutrients are translocated by the plant to its actively growing parts, which are the younger leaves.

Deficiency symptoms of immobile nutrients will first show up in the newer growth because these nutrients cannot be translocated from the older leaves to the new growth.
Well, I have to thank Lester again. His post is what got me thinking back step by step on these seedlings and I have figured out what the problem is with these three problem children.
When I began my first grow I also had some cuttings of basil and rosemary that I had started in cups. There were 4 cups. I watered the herbs just as I did the seedlings in the first grow. At one point I removed the Basil cuttings from the cups because I had too many cuttings to deal with. I just pulled them out of the soil and chopped up the leaves that night in a recipe. Yeah, these three cups are the soil those cuttings were in. So the soil has been depleted of nutrients. It's not fresh out of the bag soil that is supposed to have up to 3 weeks of nutrients available. The seedling that is doing well has fresh soil. And the new kids have fresh soil too. I have to go from here and figure out how much to give them of what I have available. Grrrrr
I am still stumped on the roots coming out of that cup though. (get the pun...stumped...roots...LOL)
Yeah, that sounds about right :thumb:

Personally, I like to use those bio-degradable jiffy pots because even if the roots come through a little, it can just be directly transplanted into its final pot. However, sometimes I like to put my seeds directly into their final pots to start with. I have some seeds from the Hong Kong OG (which was seeded and pollinated bud like you did), the seeds are actually kind of too small to do a paper towel method, so it actually works best to just put them in the soil flat out for me on those, but with the bigger sativa seeds I have I like to get a nice tap root on 'em because the seed-casings can be hard to penetrate without pure water. I know some people are not fans of the biodegradable jiffy pots, but they work great for me in the regular garden for starting tomatos,peppers,etc as well as medical cannabis :Namaste:

You are welcome, I am glad my post jogged your memory:thumb:
Peace and Cheers :peace::cheer:
Okay, what I did this morning was mix up a solution of super thrive and gave it to the troubled kids. I also transplanted the one with the escaping roots into fresh soil and propped it up with a piece of wire so it doesn't fall over. I know there will be a drooping period from the transplanting, so let's hope it recovers.


The new kids are stretching a bit, 3 of them grew probably a half an inch over night. I hope they don't stretch too much more. I'll have pics of those this evening. I'm running out of time this morning. Have to get to WORK {{BLECH!!}}
Yeah, that sounds about right :thumb:

Personally, I like to use those bio-degradable jiffy pots because even if the roots come through a little, it can just be directly transplanted into its final pot. However, sometimes I like to put my seeds directly into their final pots to start with. I have some seeds from the Hong Kong OG (which was seeded and pollinated bud like you did), the seeds are actually kind of too small to do a paper towel method, so it actually works best to just put them in the soil flat out for me on those, but with the bigger sativa seeds I have I like to get a nice tap root on 'em because the seed-casings can be hard to penetrate without pure water. I know some people are not fans of the biodegradable jiffy pots, but they work great for me in the regular garden for starting tomatos,peppers,etc as well as medical cannabis :Namaste:

You are welcome, I am glad my post jogged your memory:thumb:
Peace and Cheers :peace::cheer:

I like the jiffy pot idea, bio-degradable is what catches my attention. I will look around today for those online and see if anyone local carries them.
Thanks Lester! :high-five:
What I have done now is moved the CFL lights to about 7" away, they were at about 3-4". I'm thinking the lights were too close....any thoughts on that are much appreciated.

Could the tall seedlings be due to moving the light away? I am not sure they are the same seedlings but I would keep the CFLs close?

Could the tall seedlings be due to moving the light away? I am not sure they are the same seedlings but I would keep the CFLs close?

:ciao: AJ,
The tall ones are the ones that stretched really tall in the beginning, before I started to experiment with the lighting. I had the CFL's about 2-3" away when they started experiencing the stopped growth and discoloration, so I moved the lights a little farther away to see if that makes a difference. :geek:
The reason I do not recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 2-3 inches away from the plant is I have noticed slow growth and plant damage. I now recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 5-6 inches from the plants.
The reason I do not recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 2-3 inches away from the plant is I have noticed slow growth and plant damage. I now recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 5-6 inches from the plants.
This is exactly what I'm testing out here. I want to keep the plant stems short from the start, but if it's going to slow the growth down I don't want that either. So, with so many seeds to play around with it's a good time to experiment a bit.
Unfortunately, with these three seedlings the depleted soil came into play. So I'm not positive whether it was the close lighting that stopped the growth or the nutrient issues. We'll see on the next round of them, they have proper soil conditions. :)
Hey Canna best of buds! Awesome info as always :)On CFL's and placing I get the best out of a mix of the two kelvin ratings. This I think stops the stunt or slower growth. If you look at my tutt quick guide there are pics of how I surround my girls totally at about one, two inches away. It gives me amazing results.
The reason a mix of bulbs works is only because I surround em so much. But because some are giving wrong frequency the plant carries on growing at norm rate. Just mad tigh nodes etc :)
Hey Canna best of buds! Awesome info as always :)On CFL's and placing I get the best out of a mix of the two kelvin ratings. This I think stops the stunt or slower growth. If you look at my tutt quick guide there are pics of how I surround my girls totally at about one, two inches away. It gives me amazing results.
The reason a mix of bulbs works is only because I surround em so much. But because some are giving wrong frequency the plant carries on growing at norm rate. Just mad tigh nodes etc :)
:thanks: LA, I will read through that quick guide this evening. And your other quick guides. You've been a busy boy!! :high-five:
The reason I do not recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 2-3 inches away from the plant is I have noticed slow growth and plant damage. I now recommend placing Compact Florescent Lights 5-6 inches from the plants.

What sort of plant damage KJC? I keep the CFL only 2 or 3” away, don’t disagree about speed, never tried them further away, but it does keep them nice and ‘tight’

Okay here's pics from this morning.
The first one is the small scrog area, I have a red arrow where the branch is that was selectively pollinated:

And here is the branch on the plant next to one not pollinated. You can see the flower is starting to die back, hopefully preparing to make seeds!

How did you set up your scrog? I have some old ferret cages that come apart. I didn't even think about it. I was going to spend the money on netting. Right now I am using tomato wraps to train my plants. I am in the process of learning the west coast growing method. My first grow turned out crappy 13 grams out of 5 plants :(. I pulled them to early. I did not know that the pistils were to shrivel up. But the trichomes looked good so it was not a total wast, just not happy with the turnout.
How did you set up your scrog? I have some old ferret cages that come apart. I didn't even think about it. I was going to spend the money on netting. Right now I am using tomato wraps to train my plants. I am in the process of learning the west coast growing method. My first grow turned out crappy 13 grams out of 5 plants :(. I pulled them to early. I did not know that the pistils were to shrivel up. But the trichomes looked good so it was not a total wast, just not happy with the turnout.

:ciao: Lady Vadalon and :welcome:
My scrog screens were from a pet cage that came apart in sections. I placed it on top of 2 litre pepsi bottles filled with water.


You want to be sure you leave plenty of room under the screen for watering. Mine was a bit tight getting in there.

Sorry to hear you weren't happy with your turnout last grow, but also glad to know you got at least something out of it.
Ask any questions you like, there are lots of people who will be ready to help and if we don't the answer we will find someone who does. ;-)
Just wanted to show ya these biodegradable pots that I use, once I see a tiny tap root coming through the bottom I can then directly transplant the entire pot into the ground, or into larger final container; the roots just grow right through it as well it falls apart and degrades after a lot of waterings :thumb:
Just wanted to show ya these biodegradable pots that I use, once I see a tiny tap root coming through the bottom I can then directly transplant the entire pot into the ground, or into larger final container; the roots just grow right through it as well it falls apart and degrades after a lot of waterings :thumb:
Thanks Lester! I did find some today being sold in a local store. I'm hoping to pick some up tomorrow after I get paid. They had a great range of sizes too! I think this is a very usable idea and I"m going to give it a go. I don't see any problem using them in fabric pots for the final transplant, do you? I would rather do this than transferring from the cups and take a chance on dropping them or breaking stems or root damage. I can be clumsy. Grace and I have never met. :biglaugh:
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