Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Congrat's again Canna.MOTM..:bravo:I am loving the video's and learning a so much from them.Keep up the good work.I am also curious to about you eyeball seed'

Thank you Jimmy, I am so happy on the MOTM!! And I want to thank everyone here that voted for me and supported me in the last 3 months of voting too! It's been a long wait. LOL

Yeah, Jimmy...those seeds are just rather eerie looking to me. Kind of like a horror movie prop. LOL
Let's see... Canna started growing and posting seven months ago and now she's won a well deserved MOTM. If she keeps building her game for another eleven months.... MOTY? Wouldn't shock me in the least. Congrats Canna!
Congratulations canna, for your hard work and contributions!:cheer:
Thanks so much Mcloadie, good to see you back. :thumb:

Let's see... Canna started growing and posting seven months ago and now she's won a well deserved MOTM. If she keeps building her game for another eleven months.... MOTY? Wouldn't shock me in the least. Congrats Canna!
Thank you PeeJay, I hadn't realized the time frame you posted on my starting. Has it really been 7 months??? Where does the time go? LOL
Let's see... Canna started growing and posting seven months ago and now she's won a well deserved MOTM. If she keeps building her game for another eleven months.... MOTY? Wouldn't shock me in the least. Congrats Canna!

I was going to say exactly the same thing regarding MOTY. If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will win for sure. Your creativity, friendliness, and attention to detail are second to none. Much love Canna :)
Rain, you Canna and myself are forum contemporaries. Each of us started journals as new growers around the same time. Her journals are a clearinghouse of useful information. She is helpful to other new growers, never confrontational of contradictory, blogs key subjects, and provides all of us a place to gather in a unfailingly helpful environment brimming with enthusiasm and a taste for experimentation and adventure. :adore:
Rain, you Canna and myself are forum contemporaries. Each of us started journals as new growers around the same time. Her journals are a clearinghouse of useful information. She is helpful to other new growers, never confrontational or contradictory, blogs key subjects, and provides all of us a place to gather in a unfailingly helpful environment brimming with enthusiasm and a taste for experimentation and adventure. :adore:

Very well said! You and I think the same way PJ; you are like an older, wiser, smarter, more talented version of me ;)
Okay, I have determined that plants sleep like people do when it's dark. LOL
I just reviewed the video from today on the seedling, and I see that when the lights came on the leaves were pointing downward, as soon as the light was on for a little while you can clearly see those leaves perk up and point up to the light. It was purty kewl.
I'll be uploading that probably tomorrow, I have something else in the video that is going to take a little while yet to complete, at least another full day I'm thinking.'s a secret. :shhh:

yep that is amazing to see when they are big and its 15 big ladies waking up every day
Okay, here's an update on the seedlings. Interesting stuff going on, not quite sure I understand it.
Here are the first 3


Master Widow 4 which was one of the twins. The other twin bit the bullet from falling over. This plant is thriving and working on 3rd node. Yet it is a later sprout than the next two.


Widow Master 2 which was also later than the next picture. Growth is much slower than the above.


Widow Master 1...the very first. Growth is as slow as Widow Master 2.


I'm going to back through the journal on these seedlings and see what may have been different about the lighting to cause the differences in growth.

Last one, here is the most recent seedling Widow Master 5:

Damn, I have just now discovered the preview post button under the advanced tab when posting. This has been so frustrating when I get pictures mixed up to not be able to see which one is where once I make a boo boo on insertions. If anyone else needs this info here ya go:
When posting, click on the "Go Advanced" tab below the text box. There you can look below and see the "preview post" tab.
Click on that and yer pics will show. LOL
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