Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Gooday canna :)
Looking forward to ur video after work, il probs see it tomoro as it's bed time here lol
Hey Alex! Hope your day is going well....or has gone well in your case of time zone. LOL
I am working on condensing the videos today and uploading. There has not been much changed in the lil' one other than slightly larger leaves. Kind of boring at the moment. LOL But I think this is going to be pretty kewl when I get them all condensed into one during the seedling stage. I might continue on during the transplanting to the smart pot...not sure yet. ;-)
Keep em' green!
Okay, just to show you how those seeds looked before I tossed them....they're pretty sick looking. Kind of disgusting really. LOL


And here's the tippy toppled before tossing that too.

One *pop*..two *pop*....I will have at least two seeds to plant. YEY's the experiment I will do with the two. I will plant both seeds at the same depth, 3/4", then they will go under two different lights. One is a 1600 lumen soft white CFL, and the other is a 1600 Lumen cool white CFL. I placed a piece of hard black plastic between the cups with the light rig above the cups so each one only gets the light it was meant to have:


Let's see how each one reacts to the different light. Why? Cuz, I'm going to grow them anyway..why not use them as test subjects. LOL
Holy crap you are a busy lady these journals can explode if you miss a few days. I wont make that mistake again. look good sorry to hear the little one died :goodjob:
Well here's the time lapse of the last two days on the seedling. I think it's kinda boring at this stage, but the important thing to me is that it did not grow taller. It is now concentrating on the leaves. No more stretch. YEY
Future time lapse will be the two cups in the back that you will see at the end of this using two seeds planted the same depth but with two different bulb types just to see how they react when they sprout.
I do need to learn to stop moving things around....I apologize for that. I'm brand new at the time lapse game, hopefully will get better. LOL is what it is.

Tuesday and Wednesday ready - YouTube
The seeds are doing good, just waiting for the tap roots to get a big longer before planting them.
I'm also searching around for something to give me better quality on these time lapse videos, not so danged pixelated. My digital camera can do much better quality but it will only record video at 30 minute segments. I read up on this today and found that is fairly standard because of the processors overheating at longer intervals. So that's out. I do...however, have another option for recording that I will be trying tonight by streaming straight to the laptop from a better camera designed specifically for videos.
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