Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

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By Heady:
I'm hoping we rope them into a SEAHAWK victory!!!
Thanks for the graztkes' everyone!

Update on the planted seeds. Interestingly, I have two cups at each light, and the seeds on the soft white CFL light side are starting to pop the soil. Nothing on the cool white bulb side, even though they are planted the same depth. I should have a nice time lapse tomorrow night on it.
Maybe they like the warmth on the top of the soil from the light? Hmmmmm.........

Here's the current set up:


Here's the first neck stretch:

So many aspects to this whole adventure isn't there? I too get bored in between going on yet another ridiculously high learning curve in my life. My moment of exciting madness was when I FIMed baby Tabitha earlier today, ha ha. I'm looking forward to watching this experiment unfold. Pass the popcorn somebody :)
Update for this morning. I have 3 sprouts. The two under the warm CFL are all the way up. The farthest from the warm side has opened the leaves and starting on the true leaves already! The stem is less than a half inch.
I would guess the light to be 2" farther away from this one than the one right under it.


This is the sprout directly under the bulb, a couple inches from the light. Although planted the same depth as the other, it came up with the shell still on.


Here is on the Cool bulb side directly under the light bulb about 2", it is coming up without the shell and is opening before it is upright, so I think this will be a short stem too:

I'm pretty sure it is a type of red fungus. The fungus is on the soil, not just the perlite, but you only see it on the perlite because it's white. Since the soil is brown you don't notice the fungus there.

When you brown a piece of meat, or cookies, or the crust on baking bread - those are all caramelization reactions. Sugars caramelize around 220 F. Not that hot under your lights!
This is the sprout directly under the bulb, a couple inches from the light. Although planted the same depth as the other, it came up with the shell still on.



Great results keeping them short out of the gates Canna! If that one is still wearing a helmet when you get home, you can try the "couple of close range blasts with a spray bottle" method to loosen it up, if you want.
I'm pretty sure it is a type of red fungus. The fungus is on the soil, not just the perlite, but you only see it on the perlite because it's white. Since the soil is brown you don't notice the fungus there.

When you brown a piece of meat, or cookies, or the crust on baking bread - those are all caramelization reactions. Sugars caramelize around 220 F. Not that hot under your lights!
Yep, I do a lot of cooking and trust me I keep caramelized onions in stock. LOL

I remember you mentioning fungus on your thread now, maybe that's what it is. I know that I see some growers have a green cast to the perlite now and then, I always thought that to be algae from the wet condition.
I wish I had a microscope, I would look at that. LOL
But, I trust your background and will accept it as fungus. :)
Yep, I do a lot of cooking and trust me I keep caramelized onions in stock. LOL

I remember you mentioning fungus on your thread now, maybe that's what it is. I know that I see some growers have a green cast to the perlite now and then, I always thought that to be algae from the wet condition.
I wish I had a microscope, I would look at that. LOL
But, I trust your background and will accept it as fungus. :)

With my seedling soil I always get that red bloom. On the first grow the red bloom persisted throughout the grow and I was using the seedling soil all the way through. In the more highly mineralized soils I'm using for veg and flower now, I get no red bloom. There is something about the soil that the fungus doesn't like so much - probably.
Hey PeeJay,
I have a high iron content in my water too....that could be contributing. Outside when the sprinklers are running, I have brown wide stripes on trees and I can't grow vegetables or flowers where the sprinklers hit them because of the damage to the foliage. It keeps everything from blooming properly. Seriously hard water. I had one set of trees (white birch) that actually got weak in the area of the brown "stripe" and wound up coming down during storms last year. They broke exactly at the brown area.
I would think the soil could have the color to stain it wouldn't it?
I guess it would depend whats in the soil
for us here if you ever think or using the local topsoil your gonna get some red no matter what
lotta red dirt here with lots of iron but that would be like using topsoil from the yard and making a mix out of that why I have done when I was a teen and worked out pretty good since the soil was in a garden and was tilled and mulched yearly but I also added other things in it too
to help drainage and stuff
Happy Tokerday CannaFan :thumb:
Okay, we've got trouble.....right here in Canna city. LOL
My seedlings are suffering some issues, all except one.

I have yellowing of the cotyledon's a bit early and the true leaves are losing green and going light on me. The growth seems to have slowed to a standstill and the stems are exhibiting some purple tint to them.
First up:
Leaves are drooping on the second one too. The soil is not dried out and is not too wet either, as far I can tell.



And finally the last one.

Here's the real problem with it. I pulled the top cup off and discovered the roots coming out the drain holes quite heavily:


What I have done now is moved the CFL lights to about 7" away, they were at about 3-4". I'm thinking the lights were too close....any thoughts on that are much appreciated.
I haven't a clue on the root thing though. Any ideas? And what should I do with the plant now, transplant it or let those roots air prune? :scratchinghead:
Me personally, I would transplant right away and then supplement with a tad bit of 10-3-1 Dr. Earth bat guano for the nitrogen. Looks like also a possible immobile nutrient deficiency associated with the initial seedling substrate. Just my two cents though... ;)
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