Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

I love these TL video's Canna.I am learning a lot from these little clip's.Can't wait for more.Remind's me of my drinking day's,trying to stay up.Well what I can remember from those year's.

:rofl:You just gave me the best laugh Jimmy. Yea, I know exactly what you mean...stand up and suddenly have to ask where the damn floor went. :rofl:
I just love watching how these plants twist and turn to grow upward and the leaves bend and turn to get the best light to all of their surface. It's a learning experience for sure.
HI Jimmy,
I might do that in the future. First thing you must have is a video camera that allows time lapse and that will record until you turn it off. Digital cameras can do time lapse, but most are set to only do a certain time 30 minutes or so.
Now you can spend a TON of money and get one that will do that....but I don't have money. LOL
When this project is over with I will upload a pic of the video camera I used and how I set it etc., along with making the movie using windows movie maker.
I spent a couple hundred dollars on Pinnacle studios software sometime back for making how-to and instructional videos and video editing using live streaming video....all that money and I can't get that program to even open a video file in mpeg-4 format despite downloading updates. Windows movie maker, a FREE program with my windows 8, opens them and edits with zero trouble and easy peasy to use! Go figure. LOL
The TL videos are really Tremendous! Loads of public Reps!:adore::adore: Hats off to you for getting it all sussed out

I think Peejay is being proved right about a fresh start!

I had a medicated moment this morning and imagined that your TL camera could capture an image under Green light and then comparing the Night time growth, speed and type, with the Day time growth and then I thought, Oh, there's a Butterfly!

The TL videos are really Tremendous! Loads of public Reps!:adore::adore: Hats off to you for getting it all sussed out

I think Peejay is being proved right about a fresh start!

I had a medicated moment this morning and imagined that your TL camera could capture an image under Green light and then comparing the Night time growth, speed and type, with the Day time growth and then I thought, Oh, there’s a Butterfly!


:rofl::rofl: :thanks: AJ!
I'm going to condense all of the time lapse videos into one main video when this is all done. That ought to be purty kewl. :)
This afternoon I will see if I can get to "seeing butterflies" stage. LOL
There are photos in my Hydro catalogue taken under a green light, so it might be OK, we can see with a green light so your camera should be able to too? The Girls can’t see green light so it is night time to them! The green light bulbs are the same price as a 20w cfl in the catalogue. A 24hr Time lapse film of the seedlings would be beyond awesome and there’s only one person I know up to such a task!!:adore::adore:

Sorry, no pressure:blushsmile::blushsmile::laughtwo:

How’s the Weather?
There are photos in my Hydro catalogue taken under a green light, so it might be OK, we can see with a green light so your camera should be able to too? The Girls can’t see green light so it is night time to them! The green light bulbs are the same price as a 20w cfl in the catalogue. A 24hr Time lapse film of the seedlings would be beyond awesome and there’s only one person I know up to such a task!!:adore::adore:

Sorry, no pressure:blushsmile::blushsmile::laughtwo:
How’s the Weather?

LOL, nooooo pressure at all. Don't have any green bulbs around here, but I will be looking into that. ;-)
I would love to get a time lapse of the plants in flower. That would be awesome.

Weather sucks, snow is never ending and the roof is worrying me with the weight of it all.
The deer are coming up to my back porch chewing down my honeysuckle that I spent years on, because they can't find anything else to eat right now.The snow is just too deep. I put some alfalfa (hay) out there last night and they literally tore it up. Kept them away from the honeysuckle for at least one night. Hoping to get a pic or two when they come up here for brunch.
Okay, that's the weather report...remember you asked for it. :rofl:
Is it mid-Winter? Halfway there?

Now you have mentioned the time lapse in flower I can’t wait for the release of

‘Stretch’ and ‘The Thickening’

It hasn’t stopped raining here for weeks, flooding not seen before, I am expecting Noah and his Ark in the High St within Days!
We'll be discussing lighting & stretching of seedlings tonight on The Reps Are Right.
There was another cup added in the background. I'm get an answer b4 the show even starts. cool
It's like we switched seats here Princess DIY. You failed to mention you like role playing. LOL
Is it mid-Winter? Halfway there?

Now you have mentioned the time lapse in flower I can’t wait for the release of

‘Stretch’ and ‘The Thickening’

It hasn’t stopped raining here for weeks, flooding not seen before, I am expecting Noah and his Ark in the High St within Days!

We have two more months of real winter here. So we are midway I guess.
I love rain....but I don't think I want that much again. We had flooding here last year during the spring run off that was pretty bad. Get to the higher decks on the Ark, I have a feeling it's a bit stinky on the lower levels. LOL
Oh, oh I know! The "Hi 420 Magazine" Sticky note!
It's like we switched seats here Princess DIY. You failed to mention you like role playing. LOL
I figure if I'm going to make these videos...might as well make them fun. :thumb:

And yes, it's the "Hi 420 magazine" note! Congrats, you win another rep.
Now don't go on the other thread and expose that. :laughtwo:
I'll get your rep to you as soon as the system lets me. Funny, I've spread the love around several times this morning. Ah well...
Give my 2nd rep to Aj as an advance for his participation in the show tonight.
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