Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

I will check out your journal PeeJay. That will be very interesting to watch.
I can't bet on the seedling....I'm biased. LOL

You sure you don't want to bet me? You can smother it with a pillow and make a quick $20 :goof:

Today is even worse than Wednesday was with the nasty snow/drifting. The state police are telling people to stay off the roads again. Here I am at work....I refuse to spend the night in this building!

No BS.I turned my exhaust fan off last night so it would stay warm in flower as I am running cool tube's and this morning I had frost on the top of my 6inch duct were it goes outside.I know now I need insulated duct or I can not turn of my exhaust during cold weather or it sweat's and freeze's.
Good point AJ, just one more reason for the spiral CFL's. :thumb:

I had an accident in the grow this morning with the seedlings. :sorry: I lifted one of the solo cups during the moving and it accidentally hit the lip of the one next to it. Knocked over the poor thing and it completely fell out of the cup. I did my best to put it back in there and keep it straight up, but I think that delicate root may have been damaged. It's starting to droop badly. I have a wire rigged up to keep it upright and will hope for the best. I did a little fine mist onto the leaves too, hoping it helps.
I'll get a pic tomorrow morning. I'm so mad at myself and the clumsiness that I can't go back in there right now.
We have all been there before. sorry to hear
We have all been there before. sorry to hear
Thanks Kushington. :thumb:

No BS.I turned my exhaust fan off last night so it would stay warm in flower as I am running cool tube's and this morning I had frost on the top of my 6inch duct were it goes outside.I know now I need insulated duct or I can not turn of my exhaust during cold weather or it sweat's and freeze's.
Yeah, sounds like you will need to invest in some insulation for sure. If I'm using that basement for grow next year, there's going to be some decent heat down there arranged well in advance! One of the worst winters we've had since I came back to Michigan. And this crap is why I left Michigan in the first danged place! Grrrrr

Okay, on a brighter note....another sibling is born! Meet Widow Master 5...a fine youngun' I must say. ;-)


This is not one of the seeds that were germed with superthrive. This was in the glass in plain ph'd water before I hit it with superthrive.(hereon referred to as ST)
The seeds that popped in the ST, are in soil but they have not shown themselves yet.
Now, I am trying the CFL light on the seedling per the discussions regarding CFL lights here and on Peejay's thread. The new seedling has gone under a 23w CFL bulb and it's about 2 inches away from it. We'll see if I can limit that stretch that the first round of them got under the desk fluorescent lamp. This is a 2700K bulb. I assume that will be cooler? Or am I misunderstanding that. I use mixed spectrum in my veg area, but have never used just one bulb on a plant before.

Ermmm not sure on heat but the lower the spectrum 2000-3500 are red type spectrum ideal for flower
5000-6500k are white light blue spectrum ideally suited to vegg.
Now that said ur seedling just wants light at the moment and ur 2700k bulb will be doing her hust fine for now :)

Edit: sorry for the spectrum lesson lol re read and u were purely asking about heat diff from ur desktop light to this one.... Sorry I do get carried away trying to help even wen it's not needed lol
Ermmm not sure on heat but the lower the spectrum 2000-3500 are red type spectrum ideal for flower
5000-6500k are white light blue spectrum ideally suited to vegg.
Now that said ur seedling just wants light at the moment and ur 2700k bulb will be doing her hust fine for now :)

Edit: sorry for the spectrum lesson lol re read and u were purely asking about heat diff from ur desktop light to this one.... Sorry I do get carried away trying to help even wen it's not needed lol
Actually Alex, I needed the lesson. I haven't had to pay attention to that stuff for awhile because everything has been running and set the way it is.
I just want to be sure the bulb isn't too hot. I went in and put my hand under there, seems to be fine. Thanks!
And I'm heading downstairs to get one of my 6500K bulbs right now. LOL
Ermmm not sure on heat but the lower the spectrum 2000-3500 are red type spectrum ideal for flower
5000-6500k are white light blue spectrum ideally suited to vegg.
Now that said ur seedling just wants light at the moment and ur 2700k bulb will be doing her hust fine for now :)

Edit: sorry for the spectrum lesson lol re read and u were purely asking about heat diff from ur desktop light to this one.... Sorry I do get carried away trying to help even wen it's not needed lol

While you are right that red spectrum light is for flowering, Alex, I must point out that it is going to cause the seedling to stretch like crazy. As an example, people use MH for veg because it is blue light. Under HPS in veg plants stretch significantly more. You end up with bigger space between nodes and a more spindly taller plant.


The CFL's I use are 5000k.
I am there every Sunday guys! I was even a stand in judge last time. Thank goodness there weren't any really tough decisions. LOL It is fun and informative and Reg has an open discussion when it's done. Ask questions....get answers. And he also does a great "this weeks 420 members pictures" post at the end.
So yeah, I encourage everyone to join in!
Guys, you have to stop giving me all the credit. It's a joint venture. It wouldn't be possible without our hostess Dresney.

When it pulls through and time to re-pot make sure you bury as much stem as possible, it will root from there!:thumb:

I am making a sacrifice to the Canna Gods as I type!!
This is part of the convo we had on PJ's thread about close CFL lighting on on seedlings. I found the part about stem burying to be quit an eye opener.
Quote Originally Posted by PeeJay View Post
Adding soil around a long stem is common. People do it all the time. The plant survives. It doesn't do anything to make it grow faster though. It just stabilizes the stem and growing canopy so it doesn't flop over. When you do that it changes the dynamics of the root system. The roots are deeper. With time new roots will grow out of the buried stem. In the mean time you've upset things and caused some stress. If you transplant AND bury the stem at the same time then you are adding two stress factors. It's best to never have to add soil around the stem to keep the plant erect.
Well said PeeJay...although this method is very common...I am highly against it...there are better methods to support a stretching seedling and moving the light closer corrects the problem in short time

As an arborist I am called to diagnose plant and tree problems on a regular basis...the number 1 problem with plants in a new landscape is them being buried too deep. When the plant is buried too deep it is deprived of oxygen. The stress often leads to many disorders (insect infestation is very common, as well as girdling roots and stunted growth). Although the the plants we grow are able to handle the stress of planting too deep better than woody plants why would we put this unnecessary stress on our plants when there are other solutions and our main goal is to maximize the potential of a few plants. Just my humble opinion.

Seedlings look great PeeJay :thumb:
While you are right that red spectrum light is for flowering, Alex, I must point out that it is going to cause the seedling to stretch like crazy. As an example, people use MH for veg because it is blue light. Under HPS in veg plants stretch significantly more. You end up with bigger space between nodes and a more spindly taller plant.


The CFL's I use are 5000k.

Couldn't agree more. Stretch will come with a 2700k through veg I was just saying if that was all that was available it wouldn't do any harm. As in it would grow lol at seedling stage were its at it just needs light. In a couple more weeks it will greatly benifit from 5-6400k vegging light :)
I actually did a time lapse of the seedling under the close CFL light last night, but the quality of the video on the minuscule 5 megapixels didn't allow a very clear shot. I knew what I was looking at, but others would say wth? LOL
I switched a couple things around today to see if the shot will get clearer. We'll see what happens.
It did grow about 1/2" overnight.

And an update on the seeds soaked in the Super Thrive. Because I saw no visible signs of those popping the surface of the soil, I went seed digging this morning. FOR SHAME on me!
Anyway, I found all 4 of them...and all 4 of them had not grown at all. They are exactly the same as when I planted them. No growth.
So, I'm not sure if the ST was too strong...or if the seeds themselves were just plain not mature enough to sprout. I do know that leaving them in the ST solution overnight caused them to literally split the shell. I'm going to upload a picture of them in a bit. Camera battery is dead.
G' Morning everyone!:nomo:
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