Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Ah... No. Your theory is just that. put those seedlings under no light and see how much they stretch.
Not sure what you mean with this comment. I put them under no light 6 hours a day. The theory was in very short. but what I meant was if you have a light that produces growth and it remains over the top of the plant. The plant shouldn't look of more light it should just grow until it grows outside the light zone. When the lights are off the babies should sleep not stretch searching for light. the only times I have experienced a plant stretching is when it A. was on a 24-0 light cycle and B. When the top of the plant grew outside of the light source or too close (which may have been the case here) and it continued to grow and stretch searching for light. Canna is right though either way it doesn't matter cause they r being moved was just sharing my experiences with canna in hopes to give a different perspective of it.:peace: and :Namaste:
Not sure what you mean with this comment. I put them under no light 6 hours a day. The theory was in very short. but what I meant was if you have a light that produces growth and it remains over the top of the plant. The plant shouldn't look of more light it should just grow until it grows outside the light zone. When the lights are off the babies should sleep not stretch searching for light. the only times I have experienced a plant stretching is when it A. was on a 24-0 light cycle and B. When the top of the plant grew outside of the light source or too close (which may have been the case here) and it continued to grow and stretch searching for light. Canna is right though either way it doesn't matter cause they r being moved was just sharing my experiences with canna in hopes to give a different perspective of it.:peace: and :Namaste:
I start at 18/6 also KF but I was under the assumption that during lights out our plants use the energy stored from lights on and the leafs are searching for more energy from light as it depletes what's been stored. Thus the plant grows in darkness. I know in my personal experience I recognize my plants growth in the morning at lights on not in the evening when I get home from work.
All caught up now after the inevitable delay after enjoying one of you Peanut Butter Cups that Reg missed! Tremendous that your next adventure is under way with home produced beans!!:thumb: Very cool!:smokin:

Ajagunle! or AJ (for short typing LOL) Great to see you around again! Thanks on the beans. This is too much fun. LOL
And if you had one of those Peanut Butter're in for a very good night. They were huge...and potent!:cool:
I'll pop over to your thread in a bit and see what you've been up to. ;-)
Regarding seedling stretch - I don't know about 18/6 or 24/0, but the amount of stretch is influenced by the height of the light source over the seedling. One of the advantages of CFL or T5 lights for seedlings is you can literally put them an inch or two above the seedling without burning it. Lightaddict advocates this method. So do I.

For example, I have an OG Kush seedling that has been up for about three or four days. It's surrounded by three CFL's. From the top of the soil to the bottom of the cotyledons is less than half an inch. If the lights were a foot above they would look more like what Canna has going. I know from an experience that seedlings in the green house stretch like crazy too. If you want a nice squat plant surrounding it with cfl's early is a great way to go.
I made a couple of pictures.



The lights are closer than that first picture makes them look. Anyway, with Canna's wealth of seeds she can toss one in a cup of dirt and try it whenever she wants and just discard the unwanted child after she sees what it does. Beats the heck out of experimenting with a ten dollar bean! ;)
I made a couple of pictures.
The lights are closer than that first picture makes them look. Anyway, with Canna's wealth of seeds she can toss one in a cup of dirt and try it whenever she wants and just discard the unwanted child after she sees what it does. Beats the heck out of experimenting with a ten dollar bean! ;)
Excellent PeeJay! I have 4 germed beans (testing the super thrive on some that wouldn't pop) that I wasn't sure what to do with. I had to throw them all in the same solo cup cuz I was out of soil. These would be a great way to try out the different lighting and see if I get shorter seedlings.
I think the fluorescent tube in the desk lamp is too hot. It throws off more heat than a spiral CFL bulb for some reason. I won't be utilizing that in my grows anymore.
Thanks for the info and the pics!
Yeah... So I've never seen any good reason why 24/0 is good. I don't think it hurts anything, really. If there is no concrete reason for going 24/0 for growth reasons (show me the money!) then you are just wasting electricity. My friend Riker doesn't care. He's determined to burn up as much fuel as he can. "If I don't burn it, the Chinese will burn my share!" he says.
I start at 18/6 also KF but I was under the assumption that during lights out our plants use the energy stored from lights on and the leafs are searching for more energy from light as it depletes what's been stored. Thus the plant grows in darkness. I know in my personal experience I recognize my plants growth in the morning at lights on not in the evening when I get home from work.

and you are correct that the growth happens at night (lights off) but growth and stretching are two different things in plants. Like a Human body consumes the calories we use when we sleep the plants use the energy they gained when they sleep. I suppose sleep isn't the right term because they are active, but i called it sleep cause its a period of rest for the plant to convert the energy it has gained during lights on. But if you don't allow them to sleep like the human body it will use energy but you become less efficient at the tasks you try to accomplish. I sure we all had days at work in our younger days that we partied to hard and mailed it in the next day Or pulled an all nighter in college and wasn't worth the 50 cent coffee we drank all day. Again all this is just how I grow. And its my theory I put together over the years of why I choose not to run 24-0 light cycle. That and aside from 60 degrees north latitude the sun never shines on plants longer than 18 hours a day there is a natural dark cycle for the plant in all its indigenous areas so why try and recreate or argue with natures natural way of things.
and you are correct that the growth happens at night (lights off) but growth and stretching are two different things in plants. Like a Human body consumes the calories we use when we sleep the plants use the energy they gained when they sleep. I suppose sleep isn't the right term because they are active, but i called it sleep cause its a period of rest for the plant to convert the energy it has gained during lights on. But if you don't allow them to sleep like the human body it will use energy but you become less efficient at the tasks you try to accomplish. I sure we all had days at work in our younger days that we partied to hard and mailed it in the next day Or pulled an all nighter in college and wasn't worth the 50 cent coffee we drank all day. Again all this is just how I grow. And its my theory I put together over the years of why I choose not to run 24-0 light cycle. That and aside from 60 degrees north latitude the sun never shines on plants longer than 18 hours a day there is a natural dark cycle for the plant in all its indigenous areas so why try and recreate or argue with natures natural way of things.

This does make sense to me. These plants are just amazing, I could watch them grow when they are first seedlings. It's that fast, so I believe about the amount of energy they use. Busy lil' things. LOL
Light Addict had suggested 24/0 for the first week of growth, so I guess I was on schedule with that suggestion.
Next seedlings will be going under the CFL's per PeeJays' pics and information, we'll see if I can keep them a bit shorter.
Thinking back on my first seedlings of the first grow, they were under spiral CFL bulbs and did not do that kind of stretch....I will have to look back at my first journal and see what light schedule I had them on.
Thanks very much for your comments Kushington Farms, different opinions and knowledge are a welcomed thing!
I think the fluorescent tube in the desk lamp is too hot. It throws off more heat than a spiral CFL bulb for some reason.

Hi Canna! If it is a regular desk lamp fluorescent tube it might not be giving off any light of the correct wavelength for your plants?

Hi Canna! If it is a regular desk lamp fluorescent tube it might not be giving off any light of the correct wavelength for your plants?

Good point AJ, just one more reason for the spiral CFL's. :thumb:

I had an accident in the grow this morning with the seedlings. :sorry: I lifted one of the solo cups during the moving and it accidentally hit the lip of the one next to it. Knocked over the poor thing and it completely fell out of the cup. I did my best to put it back in there and keep it straight up, but I think that delicate root may have been damaged. It's starting to droop badly. I have a wire rigged up to keep it upright and will hope for the best. I did a little fine mist onto the leaves too, hoping it helps.
I'll get a pic tomorrow morning. I'm so mad at myself and the clumsiness that I can't go back in there right now.
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