Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

I've always done the 24hr soak in water/superthrive or water/peroxide solution with great results. Only had luck once with paper towels(was under waterbed mattress). Whatever works for you.

Ya know, I couldn't place what the super thrive smelled like...but reading back on your post it hit me that it smells just like peroxide.
So.....on the next seeds I'm going to try just a little peroxide in the water and see what happens. ;-) Gotta test these things out. LOL
These seedlings stretched so much that I had to add some soil to the cups. Up to the brims. They were over 4" high and I wanted to give them some support. Anyway, here they are saying hello (yeah I taught them to talk already)

WOW. You need to smoke some more.....:rofl:

I have to come to terms of acceptance with the general use of the word "guys" in relation to a group of mixed gender. It used to make me mad as hell when a waitress would come up to myself and a male friend and she would say "Hi guys, can I get you some coffee?". I had been known to say, "How about the gals too?". LOL
So, yeah...I've gotten used to the other now too.
I better quit rambling....the Choco cookie brownies are talking. :cool:

My apologies if I offended anyone. to you cannafan most of all even thou you made it clear you are cool with my blatant ignorance to your gender. I tend to not assue and try for the gender neutral until I found out so I can make the right Label I guess. I hate labels though which is why I usually just keep it simple and light. all that being said. My Lady you have a wonder looking journal and I have enjoyed reading the updates :thanks: for understanding :Namaste:
These seedlings stretched so much that I had to add some soil to the cups. Up to the brims. They were over 4" high and I wanted to give them some support. Anyway, here they are saying hello (yeah I taught them to talk already)


How long do you keep your light on them? as in 18 or 24?
They are stretching because they want more light. That be my guess.
You are probably quite right puckerhuddle. They are under a desktop flourescent fixture right now. I am going to be moving them to the vegging room probably this evening where they will get some CFL lighting....or maybe under the cheapy LED's. I haven't made up my mind on that yet. I had the light that they are currently under within an inch of them yesterday. :)

My apologies if I offended anyone. to you cannafan most of all even thou you made it clear you are cool with my blatant ignorance to your gender. I tend to not assue and try for the gender neutral until I found out so I can make the right Label I guess. I hate labels though which is why I usually just keep it simple and light. all that being said. My Lady you have a wonder looking journal and I have enjoyed reading the updates :thanks: for understanding :Namaste:

Did not offend anyone KF! :) I appreciate your thoughts on my journal!

How long do you keep your light on them? as in 18 or 24?
I had asked someone about how long on that and I was told 24 hours to start, so
at the moment they are under 24 hours of the desktop fluorescent tube lighting. I will be moving them to the vegging area probably this evening and they will go under 18/6 schedule.:)
It is a wonder to see new life from seeds that you produced is it not? I remember very well my first seeds. Some indica in 1980.
You are so right Pucker huddle! It amazes me every time I see the bag full, and the first one to break ground sent me into some over indulgence of home grown meds as a reward.
I have a special project going on the next few days....if it works out I'm going to be extremely excited, I will try to stay away from the stash this time. :rofl:
I always sprout seed and raise seedlings under 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness.
I'm with KingJohn on the 18-6 cycle. I feel the 24 hour cycle is why they are stretching. They aren't not looking for more light as much as the little ones don't get any sleep causing them to use the energy inefficiently. If you had a light right on top of them they shouldn't need to search for more light. In theory they would just grow slower with the little amount of light if at all.
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