Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Here's a pic of the most recent seedlings, the possible runt is on the far left of the photo:


This shows that it is still trying to get rid of the membrane. I think it will make it just fine!


And I put some super thrive in the soak water and am going to try those seeds that didn't pop again, just to see what happens. ;-)
Canna I have gone brain dead again.... What are the little round balls you put on top of your soil to help keep the leaves out of the soil and help with watering called???? I am ordering some stuff and wanted to add that to my order to get up to the amount I need for free shipping plus I like the idea of them and am out of marbles.....:hmmmm::hmmmm:
Canna I have gone brain dead again.... What are the little round balls you put on top of your soil to help keep the leaves out of the soil and help with watering called???? I am ordering some stuff and wanted to add that to my order to get up to the amount I need for free shipping plus I like the idea of them and am out of marbles.....:hmmmm::hmmmm:

Hi Dennise, mine are called "Hydrocorn". I have another bag that just says "PLant it" clay pebbles. If you use them, be sure to soak and rinse them really well. There's a ton of dust on them that I wouldn't care to see distributed in the soil.
Canna I have gone brain dead again.... What are the little round balls you put on top of your soil to help keep the leaves out of the soil and help with watering called???? I am ordering some stuff and wanted to add that to my order to get up to the amount I need for free shipping plus I like the idea of them and am out of marbles.....:hmmmm::hmmmm:

The generic name for the stuff is hydroton.
Okay, proof is in the testing on Super Thrive and popping seeds.
I put about a cap full of Super Thrive in 1" of water and dropped in the 4 seeds that refused to pop over the past week or more. (I even tried the paper towel method after the water didn't work)
I left them on a seedling mat in the dark overnight and this morning ALL 4 Popped!!
From now on super thrive is going into my seed germ water!

Also, the little seedling having the trouble grew overnight and caught up with her siblings. It's amazing how fast these seedlings stretch!
I'll have some pics in a bit.
I wasn't prepared for another 4 seeds to plant....I'm out of soil. LOL
Okay, proof is in the testing on Super Thrive and popping seeds.
I put about a cap full of Super Thrive in 1" of water and dropped in the 4 seeds that refused to pop over the past week or more. (I even tried the paper towel method after the water didn't work)
I left them on a seedling mat in the dark overnight and this morning ALL 4 Popped!!
From now on super thrive is going into my seed germ water!

Also, the little seedling having the trouble grew overnight and caught up with her siblings. It's amazing how fast these seedlings stretch!
I'll have some pics in a bit.
I wasn't prepared for another 4 seeds to plant....I'm out of soil. LOL

Yay! Refrigerate your bottle, and be careful not to overuse, or overdose. Too much is known to cause plant deformity, and slow growth. I'd use the bottle, and put it directly back in the fridge. Letting it warm, and cool might also be bad. :thumb:
great news on the seeds canna,
ive had issues planting seeds within days of taking them from the mother plant, out of say 50 seeds only 5 or 6 sprouted after 2 weeks of paper towel method, but then 3 months later i used the same paper towel method and all seeds sprouted so i did find they need time to do what ever before planting.

naturally the seeds fall out the plant in autumn then remain dormant until spring, if they didnt do this the plants would grow and die with the cold winter days and nights,
Very cool info on Superthrive popping the non-poppers.

Grats on all the babies, Canna :)

Very nice Canna...congratulations

Yay! Refrigerate your bottle, and be careful not to overuse, or overdose. Too much is known to cause plant deformity, and slow growth. I'd use the bottle, and put it directly back in the fridge. Letting it warm, and cool might also be bad. :thumb:

great news on the seeds canna,
ive had issues planting seeds within days of taking them from the mother plant, out of say 50 seeds only 5 or 6 sprouted after 2 weeks of paper towel method, but then 3 months later i used the same paper towel method and all seeds sprouted so i did find they need time to do what ever before planting.

naturally the seeds fall out the plant in autumn then remain dormant until spring, if they didnt do this the plants would grow and die with the cold winter days and nights,

That's good news about the super thrive....I was gifted about 100 bag seed recently, will pick thru soon and try this method

Hi Canna, I guess I'm gonna have to get some Superthrive........;)

Interesting results with the Superthrive.

I've always been a bit afraid of that stuff after it caused one of my plants to herm ( many years ago ).

For all of you interested in the super thrive results, I will keep a post update on how the seedlings do. I did discover that you need to get the seeds out of the water as soon as they pop. I left mine in the water thinking they will be okay until I get up in the morning, and when I checked them the seeds had popped completely open. The tap roots didn't get much longer, but the plant inside the seed shell had almost doubled in size. I planted them immediately, all of them into one solo cup. LOL
I am still out of soil, so I hope I can pick some up today.
I'll just have to take a transplant chance when they are up and healthy enough. ;-)
If you use the paper towel method, I don't know why you couldn't soak the paper towel in a light solution of the Super Thrive and water.
Same principle...different vessel.
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