Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

I made some cookie and brownie cupcakes from a box recipe yesterday with pics...I will share it a little later on your edible thread.

They won't compare to your skills in looks but just one each put the mrs and I into Canna Coma Heaven
I made some cookie and brownie cupcakes from a box recipe yesterday with pics...I will share it a little later on your edible thread.

They won't compare to your skills in looks but just one each put the mrs and I into Canna Coma Heaven

I made cannabrownies last night too Heady for the guys my fella works with. Got to love having a boss like that.....:circle-of-love:
Those sound fantastic you two! I am really going to attempt peanut butter cups (reeses style), but I am having an awful time figuring out what I did with my candy molds. I might have to resort to cupcake papers. They will be really big PB cups that way though. LOL
I will post a pic on the edibles thread when I'm finished for sure. :)
I am really going to attempt peanut butter cups (reeses style), but I am having an awful time figuring out what I did with my candy molds. I might have to resort to cupcake papers. They will be really big PB cups that way though. LOL
I will post a pic on the edibles thread when I'm finished for sure. :)
Uh Oh Princess DIY, I'm on my way! Those have been one of my weaknesses for about 30yrs.
After having germination issue with peat moss pucks and soil I switched to Rapid Rooters and have had much higher germination rates. Rapid Rooters seem to provide the seed with the perfect amount of air and moisture. I soak my seeds in pH adjusted water for 30-36 hours or until i see tap roots. I cut the Rapid Rooter mat into individual squares then I soak the Rapid Rooter squares in pH adjusted water for 15 minutes before use. then I the seeds into the Rapid Rooter square then place them underneath a light with 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. I do not use a humidity dome. I hand water with a syringe each day to keep the Rapid Rooter square moist. when I see roots emerge from the Rapid Rooter square I transplant to 5" pots in a mixture of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and mycorrhizae. Rapid Rooter general hydroponics rapid rooter mat rapid rooter mat
After having germination issue with peat moss pucks and soil I switched to Rapid Rooters and have had much higher germination rates. Rapid Rooters seem to provide the seed with the perfect amount of air and moisture. I soak my seeds in pH adjusted water for 30-36 hours or until i see tap roots. I cut the Rapid Rooter mat into individual squares then I soak the Rapid Rooter squares in pH adjusted water for 15 minutes before use. then I the seeds into the Rapid Rooter square then place them underneath a light with 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. I do not use a humidity dome. I hand water with a syringe each day to keep the Rapid Rooter square moist. when I see roots emerge from the Rapid Rooter square I transplant to 5" pots in a mixture of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and mycorrhizae. Rapid Rooter general hydroponics rapid rooter mat rapid rooter mat
:thanks: KJC
I remember discussing the rapid rooters before, and I keep forgetting about those when I go to the hydro store. I'm going to have to put a message on my cell phone reminder app.
I did have one more pop this morning, but three others never did. So, I'm going to try rapid rooters when I can pick them up and in the meantime I will try some super thrive just to see if it works to just get them to pop.
Thanks for the light schedule info too!
Have a great Sunday!
Good Morning everyone. :nomo: :reading420magazine:

Well the second seedling had major issues trying to get rid of the shell. It stayed exactly the same for almost two days, and was not looking healthy. I finally did surgery last night and removed the shell. This morning it is finally trying to release it's membrane and appears to be getting some color.
It could very well be a runt, the twins have overgrown it by over an inch and they were two to three days later sprouting.
I'll get some pics later with an update.
And one more seed has popped, so I'll be planting that this morning.

And that Ree-ses Canna cup kicked my butt yesterday! WOW :laughtwo:
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