Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Your grows are almost like sports Princess DIY; You might have a better time at the game but you can get a better view watching it at home.
With the quality of your pics the same rule applies.
Here's an update on the seeds. I had dropped 4 more in water the other day, and 3 have popped for me. I planted them into solo cups and am waiting on the 4th one to pop:

On the original 4 that never popped, my theory now is that I took them straight from the refrigerator and dropped them into lukewarm water. I believe I shocked them. The ones I just planted were allowed to sit to room temp for a full day before dropping them in the water.
That seems to be the only explanation for the failure to pop on the other seeds.
So....waiting on 3 babies to be born and one more to germ. :circle-of-love:
Thanks Reg! I just love seeing how close I can get on this subject. I have a USB microscope camera coming in the mail. Can't wait!! Be expecting up close and personal. LOL :circle-of-love:

I am pleased with my cheap USB m-scope, I took off the lens-gaurd, this allows you to get subject MUCH closer to the lens for better close-ups, I even elevate the subject, so it goes even closer to the lens, hope this will make sense when you get your new scope!:peace:
I am pleased with my cheap USB m-scope, I took off the lens-gaurd, this allows you to get subject MUCH closer to the lens for better close-ups, I even elevate the subject, so it goes even closer to the lens, hope this will make sense when you get your new scope!:peace:
Makes perfect sense, I had already "scoped" out that plastic housing on the end and decided it would be coming off. LOL
The only thing you need to watch for is if you get really in tight with a bunch of trichomes they can touch on the lens glass and it's a sticky pain in the arse to clean it off. LOL
LOL! on mine I can only keep focus w/ subject 3/4" away from actual lens, I have one that cost under 30 buks (US dollars)
Makes perfect sense, I had already "scoped" out that plastic housing on the end and decided it would be coming off. LOL
The only thing you need to watch for is if you get really in tight with a bunch of trichomes they can touch on the lens glass and it's a sticky pain in the arse to clean it off. LOL
Gratz on the nom for motm again Canna :thumb:
the only thing about taking the plastic thing off is I don't think the light will be as focused to one spot
its like the thing help keep the light within a certain area
Gratz on the nom for motm again Canna :thumb:
the only thing about taking the plastic thing off is I don't think the light will be as focused to one spot
its like the thing help keep the light within a certain area
Thanks Cronic and same congrats to you again!
I should be getting that micro thingy in the mail today. Can't wait to break tear it apart....well..can't wait to look it over and test it at least! LOL
Oooh, I am so excited. I got my USB microscope in the mail today and this thing is going to be SAH-WEET picture taking opportunities!
Look out over the weekend gang, I'll be playing with it. LOL

Oh the plastic housing on it, as earlier discussed here, is meant to be removed before taking pictures with it. So I can get really close to the subject!
I put it near my hand on a dry spot and now I understand what they mean when they say minor itching can be caused by dead skin cells irritating your skin because they cut into you. They look like little razor bladed edges.
I'm getting some hand cream out! :laughtwo:
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