Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Hey gang,
seed count is up to 97. There's one lying in the bottom of the curing jar. I'm hoping there will be 3 more I might have missed and make it an even 100. Just because. LOL
I have one popped seed planted in a cup, now we wait for it to reach for light.
I did put 3 more seeds in the water to germ, I decided as long as I'm doing this I might as well have a good chance of getting a female plant or two when they start showing sex. It's not like I don't have enough beans to play with. :)
Hope you are all having a good night!
Update on the seeds, one has popped! :cheer: I expect the other mature one to pop by the end of the day. The green one is still floating in the water. I won't give up on it though. ;-)
I was doing the germination in the paper towel method at the beginning of my growing. I have switched to just putting them in a small glass of water in the dark on top of my freezer where there's a warm spot. Works just fine and less hassle.

This cross has apparently been done before with breeders, however..because I crossed this myself and did my own process I'm going to name it. My strain will be called Widow Master for my own purposes.

I'm so happy for you..:yahoo::yahoo: Oh and how far you have come. To say ah.. I have plenty to play with.. bet that's not what you would have said when this first started. lol :welldone:
Update on the seeds, one has popped! :cheer: I expect the other mature one to pop by the end of the day. The green one is still floating in the water. I won't give up on it though. ;-)
I was doing the germination in the paper towel method at the beginning of my growing. I have switched to just putting them in a small glass of water in the dark on top of my freezer where there's a warm spot. Works just fine and less hassle.

This cross has apparently been done before with breeders, however..because I crossed this myself and did my own process I'm going to name it. My strain will be called Widow Master for my own purposes.

Yeah wow I stopped using the paper towel method also. I set a solo cup covered shotglass on top of my seed storing mini fridge. :)
Re: Dennise - Newest Of Newbies Growing In MG In The Closet With LED Bulbs & CFL's
Dang you guys! I just ordered one from ebay. LOL Ya'll are making me spend money.
Hey Canna.I think you have a beautiful eye for taking pic's.Can't wait to see what you can do with it.:thumb:

Thanks Jimmy! First thing I learned is to stay away from the coffee before taking close ups. LOL I have a couple of table top tripods for my digi camera too, that helps a bunch. Can't wait to get this USB microscope in for trichomes!
Geez, forgot to update here.
I have one popped seed in soil waiting for it to reach for light.
I also did find 4 more seeds in the branch when it was done drying! So the seed count is 101 from the branch.
I still have 5 seeds waiting to pop, I don't think the green one is going to....but had to try.
I might have tried to germ them a bit too early as I didn't let the seeds dry out for a few days first. The water didn't work on them, I left them there more than two now they are in paper towel method on top of a heated seedling mat to see if that works. If that fails, I have the rest of the seeds drying...they should be ready to try. We at least have one to grow. It will be called Widow Master 1
That's it for today. :)
Geez, forgot to update here.
I have one popped seed in soil waiting for it to reach for light.
I also did find 4 more seeds in the branch when it was done drying! So the seed count is 101 from the branch.
I still have 5 seeds waiting to pop, I don't think the green one is going to....but had to try.
I might have tried to germ them a bit too early as I didn't let the seeds dry out for a few days first. The water didn't work on them, I left them there more than two now they are in paper towel method on top of a heated seedling mat to see if that works. If that fails, I have the rest of the seeds drying...they should be ready to try. We at least have one to grow. It will be called Widow Master 1
That's it for today. :)

Did you put the cup in a dark warm spot?
Cannabis does NOT require this "dormancy" period, referred to as "wintering" in horticultural circles. I have used this technique extensively with ornamentals that REQUIRE wintering in order to be viable. Japanese maples, and some bulbs do well with this technique, but it is absolutely unnecessary with cannabis. Just keepin it real.........

Well, that was proven here because one of them did pop. And it was one that had been dried about a week. The very first seed I took from the bud before harvesting it. The other thing I'm thinking is that I took the other 3 seeds directly from the container out of the refrigerator and dropped them in the lukewarm water. That might have shocked the poor kids. LOL We'll see.
I like the scientific classifications for plants, and I believe that our lingo has served to our detriment. Serious botanists and horticulturists are used to the same procedure for naming species and phenotypes, don't get me wrong....many plants have a common name, for example; liriope muscarii variagata, which is latin, and the common name being variegated lily turf. When we look at the scientific names it gives us insight to the origins of the plant. if my spelling is incorrect please forgive me, it's been 30 years since I worked these words.

Prunus persica "rio oso gem" is a peach developed in rio oso California. I know the person who is responsible for this fruit tree. I am not a botanist, that would require four more years of formal study, which I am not prepared to commit to. The cannabis is sort of an odd fellow for me, as horticulture is the study of plants used for beatification and utilitarian purposes, such as; color, interest, privacy, soil retention....ect.. I understand that we are at a level that prohibits us from adding any acceptable scientific evidence, but I still try to address issues I'm familiar with in terms that coincide both with botany and horticulture, by doing this I can get the attention of botanists and scientist and open lines of communication....because they know where my education stopped and that they don't have to train me to understand what they're saying.
I like the scientific classifications for plants, and I believe that our lingo has served to our detriment. Serious botanists and horticulturists are used to the same procedure for naming species and phenotypes, don't get me wrong....many plants have a common name, for example; liriope muscarii variagata, which is latin, and the common name being variegated lily turf. When we look at the scientific names it gives us insight to the origins of the plant. if my spelling is incorrect please forgive me, it's been 30 years since I worked these words.
Not sure what you are referring to here mcloadie...the name I gave to what I'm growing? If so, that is just for my own purposes. It certainly isn't for calling it what it would be on a pheno type origins line of the scientific terms of the growing and breeding (how is that for a confusing sentence? LOL)......I like to keep things simple for referral only on my grow.
Have some coffee. My treat! :nomo:
The first time I was successful making seeds I had over 1,000. I kept doing test geminations trying to see if they were viable. I'd soak ten seeds at a time every few days not to grow out, but just to see if they germ. It was horrible at first. I kept reading about it tho, and found peoples posts who said to refrigerate them before germinating. I tried it, and maybe it was just the total time I waited, but the seeds started cracking at about 100%. I keep my seeds stored in small baggies with a desiccant in a mason jar in a mini fridge now. A small supply in my dresser for planting.
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