Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

Well, I got a little worried when MaHomes went down in the 2nd quarter. Thought it was over for KC when that happened. But luckily, he was back after 1/2 time to finish the game. I'm glad KC won; but I will admit that last holding call on the Eagles was kind of iffy. All in all it was a pretty good game. Obviously the field wasn't so great. But they play football in the rain & snow so really not much to complain about there. Is what it is.
WTG KC !!!
Well, I got a little worried when MaHomes went down in the 2nd quarter. Thought it was over for KC when that happened. But luckily, he was back after 1/2 time to finish the game. I'm glad KC won; but I will admit that last holding call on the Eagles was kind of iffy. All in all it was a pretty good game. Obviously the field wasn't so great. But they play football in the rain & snow so really not much to complain about there. Is what it is.
WTG KC !!!
I would have loved to see the Eagles get the ball back with 1:30 to go. Otherwise, great game.
Took some pics this morning for an update.... so let's get busy. My SIP is doing pretty darn good. I'm a little concerned about lateral growth though. It seems it has slowed down some & all the vertical growth is starting to get tall. Not so sure I'm going to be able to stretch it out horizontally before the upward growth gets too tall. I may have to start flower sooner than I planned. I'll try to give it at least 2 more weeks of Veg if possible. I'm currently topping off the res twice per week, even though it's not totally empty.... just low. My tent is running at about 86F with 70% RH. Plants seem to be loving it. I'm still feeding at 4.5 gr. per gal. but will probably up that soon.
Here's some pics.

In the last pic it appears something is munching on a leaf. I'll be neeming the girls at lights out today.
Here's my "Runtz Punch" in the 3 gal. Fabric Pot. I'm just leaving her in the 3 gal. for the duration. I've LST'd her to the ends of the Pot so she's doing her vertical growth thing now. I'll let her grow up for 2 weeks or so. I want her between 18" - 24" tall before the flip.

And here are my 2 "Cherry On Top" girls. Still in 1 gal. pots but planning to up-pot them to 3 gal. bags by the weekend. Last feed was at 3.5 gr. per gal., but they look a little pale so going to up it to 4.5 next feed.
The one on the left is much smaller & growing some wonky ass looking leaves. Both of them sprouted the same day & have been treated the same. I guess that one is just kind of a mutant. I'll let it grow anyway.
Looking great Buds :thumb:
My tent is running at about 86F with 70% RH. Plants seem to be loving it.
Are you adding CO2 with temps that high?

The one on the left is much smaller & growing some wonky ass looking leaves. Both of them sprouted the same day & have been treated the same. I guess that one is just kind of a mutant. I'll let it grow anyway.
Sometimes those wonky ass mutants turn out OK...


Are you adding CO2 with temps that high?
No Co2. I usually run between 84F - 86F with LED's as that's what it takes to get a Leaf Surface Temp near 77F. I've never checked it with different brands of LED's so there may be a difference. I only did one grow while checking the LST & that was the conclusion I got using that particular light. From what I've tested.... running with a tent temp of 77F had much slower growth. The higher I raised the temps, the faster the plants seemed to grow. At about 90F the plants do not like it. Leaves twist & turn & start cupping with sharp serrated edges. But up to about 88F everything has grown just fine when using LED's.
Sometimes those wonky ass mutants turn out OK...
Her newer leaves are starting to look more normal so she'll probably be OK.

Are the 2 pics the same plant ?
I up-potted my 2 Cherry On Top plants to 3 gal. plastic pots where they will stay until harvest. I cut the bottom 2 nodes off on each one, but only topped one so far. Other one needs another node first. My buddy gave me a small Platinum Gorilla Clone so it got potted in a 1 gal.
I neemed all my plants & now they look sad. Looks like they need water the way they are drooping. I know that's not the case though as they were all watered today. Hopefully, they'll perk back up soon.
Was that spraying with Neem? I just added some Neem as a top dress on mine.
Yes, I sprayed both sides of the leaves till it was dripping a little. Then shook off the excess & let the fans dry the plants before they went back in the tent. The big one was too heavy so it got sprayed in the tent. Top of soil got a light spray also. I think they'll perk back up in a day or two.
So I finally got around to up-potting to the 12 gal. SIP. I chose the smaller one because.... well, you'll see in the pics.

As you can see I'm already having leaf issues. I cut the bottom 2 nodes off anyway. This one I'll probably put in a 5 gal. SIP tonight.

The other gal looked better to me so she went in the 12 gal. SIP. It wont take long for the roots to hit this res. The pot is sitting on top the res in the first pic. Barely deep enough. I guess next time I use this SIP I'll start in a solo cup.
Anyway, I centered my 1 gal pot & filled around it with soil so I could leave a hole the perfect size for my up-pot.


Then simply removed the plant from the 1 gal. pot & dropped her in the hole. Put a thin layer of fresh soil on top, patted it down & fed 1 gal. of nutes. I also trimmed the bottom 2 nodes from her.


Sure looks like a lot of perlite.... lol. I guess because I'm not use to adding any. I also mixed in 60 grams of Dynomyco.
Sure hope this helps.

Going to fill the res tonight. I mean the roots are pretty much there already since the pot sat right on top of the res.
Heyy buds how old were they at this point?
I up-potted my 2 Cherry On Top plants to 3 gal. plastic pots where they will stay until harvest. I cut the bottom 2 nodes off on each one, but only topped one so far. Other one needs another node first. My buddy gave me a small Platinum Gorilla Clone so it got potted in a 1 gal.
I neemed all my plants & now they look sad. Looks like they need water the way they are drooping. I know that's not the case though as they were all watered today. Hopefully, they'll perk back up soon.
I always get confused with a droopin plant its either underwater or overwater lol are there any other signs with drooping?
I always get confused with a droopin plant its either underwater or overwater lol are there any other signs with drooping?
When overwatered, you will see puffiness in the leaves. Kind of reminds me of blisters starting to fester.
When underwatered, the leaves will hang more limp.
I'll be updating later today. You'll see the blistering look in my Cherry on Top leaves. This is how the leaves look before they start drooping when overwatered. A little more water & they would have drooped too. Here's 1 of the pics.
185 (2).JPG

Leaves look kind of blistered & edges getting some brown areas from overwatering.
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