Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

For me I think it's easiest in flowering but im always nervous through seedling stage and after uppotting. how much to give them makes me nervous lol
Indeed ! Seedlings are kind of a pain. I use a shot glass full of water for about 1 week. Then I go to a 4 oz. fruit cup size watering. once it has 2-3 good nodes I start feeding more.
Indeed ! Seedlings are kind of a pain. I use a shot glass full of water for about 1 week. Then I go to a 4 oz. fruit cup size watering. once it has 2-3 good nodes I start feeding more.
Ye timing is everything when they're so delicate god it's nerve-wracking 😄
Ye timing is everything when they're so delicate god it's nerve-wracking 😄
Exactly why I use a smaller cup. The hard part for me is the first watering after the up-pot. I tend to overwater at that point trying to get the soil moist, but not wet. Sometimes, I'll water the soil in the pot I'm up-potting to a day before I up-pot to avoid overwatering.
Exactly why I use a smaller cup. The hard part for me is the first watering after the up-pot. I tend to overwater at that point trying to get the soil moist, but not wet. Sometimes, I'll water the soil in the pot I'm up-potting to a day before I up-pot to avoid overwatering.
Sounds like a good idea might try that next time. What has the runtz punch been like to grow so far? Asking just because it may be my next run when im back up and running again as ive just received @Herbies Seeds winning packs 😏
Exactly why I use a smaller cup. The hard part for me is the first watering after the up-pot. I tend to overwater at that point trying to get the soil moist, but not wet. Sometimes, I'll water the soil in the pot I'm up-potting to a day before I up-pot to avoid overwatering.
Thanks for your tips Buds. CL :thanks: :Namaste:
Sounds like a good idea might try that next time. What has the runtz punch been like to grow so far? Asking just because it may be my next run when im back up and running again as ive just received @Herbies Seeds winning packs 😏
The "Runtz Punch" is growing pretty good. It seems to really love 70% RH & Temps around 86F. With that RH & Temp the growth seems to speed up. I've almost got her spread out enough now & am going to let her start growing upward.
First time growing it so no idea what the buzz is like.
Not much to report on really. I'm still vegging her for another 2 weeks, maybe longer. Depends on how tall it gets in the next 2 weeks. I'm at 6 weeks & 2 days of Veg so far. Not sure if I can grow a 2 lb. plant, but the challenge of it is kind of fun. I did up the nutes to 5 gr. per gal.
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This is the other "Runtz Punch" in the 3 gal. bag. She doesn't look too bad herself. This one is already growing upwards. Going to get my other tent ready today so when I run out of room I can move a few plants to it.
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Here are my 2 "Cherry on Top" girls. They are growing a little slow. Probably, due to overwatering when I up-potted.
I think the growth will pick up once the soil dries up some. Then again, it could be because I sprayed Neem on them right after I removed the bottom nodes & topped. Not sure if Neem could effect growth if it gets on freshly cut areas of a plant.
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Last but not least is the "Platinum Gorilla" clone a friend gave me. It's not looking too bad considering it was almost completely yellow when I got it. Starting to green up some & I see a little new growth. To be honest, I'm not real concerned with this one. It does, what it does.
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The "Runtz Punch" is growing pretty good. It seems to really love 70% RH & Temps around 86F. With that RH & Temp the growth seems to speed up. I've almost got her spread out enough now & am going to let her start growing upward.
First time growing it so no idea what the buzz is like.
Seems high for how old they are on the RH but if it's the sweet spot hay ho. Great work buddy
Seems high for how old they are on the RH but if it's the sweet spot hay ho. Great work buddy
As long as I'm vegging, I don't worry much about RH unless it starts getting over 70%. 50% - 70% is what all my books & mags say is best for Veg. They also say 77F is the sweet spot.... but I believe they're talking HPS & not LED. All my plants do better with temps in the mid 80's when using LED's. 77 & I get slower growth & smaller plants.
As long as I'm vegging, I don't worry much about RH unless it starts getting over 70%. 50% - 70% is what all my books & mags say is best for Veg. They also say 77F is the sweet spot.... but I believe they're talking HPS & not LED. All my plants do better with temps in the mid 80's when using LED's. 77 & I get slower growth & smaller plants.
Is that just something to do with the diodes possibly then? Ye over 70 would be just for seedlings ide say. We gota keep them happy definitely 😏
I'm thinking the Neem on fresh cut spots has caused one of my Cherry on Top plants to stunt. Her branches aren't growing out like the other one. Just some bushy nubs where the branches should be growing. I know not to do that again.... lol.
Lights out right now or I'd take some pics.
Indeed ! Seedlings are kind of a pain. I use a shot glass full of water for about 1 week. Then I go to a 4 oz. fruit cup size watering. once it has 2-3 good nodes I start feeding more.
I love seedlings. I know you move at a faster pace than this old fart but I think it was you that directed me to @Emilya Green 's tutorial about how to properly water a potted plant. I love nurturing my seedlings & my spray bottle is my best ally. I love sprouting seeds & coaxing them into building roots. I'll miss that therapy once I'm providing a SIP start to finish...
I'm thinking the Neem on fresh cut spots has caused one of my Cherry on Top plants to stunt. Her branches aren't growing out like the other one. Just some bushy nubs where the branches should be growing. I know not to do that again.... lol.
Lights out right now or I'd take some pics.
I had a plant scorched from a thyme based oil I sprayed for mites. It was the biggest of 5 and now is the smallest. None of the others suffered at all and it did eventually recover but was just behind the rest of the pack.
I had a plant scorched from a thyme based oil I sprayed for mites. It was the biggest of 5 and now is the smallest. None of the others suffered at all and it did eventually recover but was just behind the rest of the pack.
Not sure what kind of bugs you guys are dealing with. Fungus gnats, aphids & whiteflies are prevalent here. I'm using SNS 203 in a garden sprayer a couple or three times weekly 1/2 hour before lights out & it definitely helps. My grow space is surrounded on two sides by wooded areas, so I have to deal with it. We have black ants here & they covet aphids for their honeydew (a tasty snack for the ants) so I have to be vigilant about those little bastards too - they actually protect aphids from predators, making it a symbiotic relationship. Black ants bad. Black ant poison good...
Not sure what kind of bugs you guys are dealing with. Fungus gnats, aphids & whiteflies are prevalent here. I'm using SNS 203 in a garden sprayer a couple or three times weekly 1/2 hour before lights out & it definitely helps. My grow space is surrounded on two sides by wooded areas, so I have to deal with it. We have black ants here & they covet aphids for their honeydew (a tasty snack for the ants) so I have to be vigilant about those little bastards too - they actually protect aphids from predators, making it a symbiotic relationship. Black ants bad. Black ant poison good...
Mad how nature works lol
Time to update what's going on with my "RUNTZ PUNCH" in my DIY 12 Gal. SIP grown under the Fabulous @ViparSpectra KS5000 Super Bright LED Grow Light.
Today, I removed the 3 sticks I was using for LST & all my tie downs. Trimmed the lil' lady up some & redid the LST.
The res was completely empty to my surprise. I just filled it Thursday night & it holds at least 2 - 2.5 gallons. It was Bone Dry. You could hear the float hit the bottom loud & clear. I'll be connecting the External Reservoir when I flip to 12/12 because she is probably going to drink one helluva lot !
I'm currently feeding her at 5 gr. per gal. That's just strong enough to cause the very slightest of Tip Burn. Yes, I do this on purpose as it tells me she is taking up the maximum amount of nutes she can handle.
Anyways, I'm pretty comfortable with her size as far as diameter goes. Didn't get the perfect shape I was hoping for, but still not too bad. One bottom branch just didn't want to grow & the side with the fill tube is growing slower than the other 3 sides. Never the less, I still think this girl could end up my biggest yielder to date. She looks to me to have the potential.
Now let's see how long it takes to grow about another 10" - 12" in height. Then I'll flip her to 12/12. I'm trying to plan the flip so she'll be 3.5 - 4' tall when harvested.
Everything has gone quite well this grow with @InTheShed nute calculations. I sure hope things continue this good during Flower. "Fingers Crossed".... lol.
OK, OK, I'll quit rambling & post the damned pics already.
Here's a group shot of my other 4 gals.

And this lil' lady is the other "RUNTZ PUNCH" grown in a 3 gal. Fabric Pot. She's starting to look pretty good to me.
Yeah, She's drooping slightly. She was thirsty. All better now.

This here is.... Let's call it "CHERRY ON TOP #1". This is one of the plants that got Neemed right after a Trim. She seems to be recovering pretty well.... compared to the other one.

OK, so here is "CHERRY ON TOP #2" Yeah, she's #2 alright. Looks more like a head of lettuce than weed.... lol.
Oh well, I guess I learned not to put neem on a fresh cut plant.

And let's not forget that "PLATINUM GORRILLA" clone my friend gave me. She's no longer looking yellow & sickly.

And this concludes today's newscast. See ya soon !
Time to update what's going on with my "RUNTZ PUNCH" in my DIY 12 Gal.
She looks beautiful!
OK, so here is "CHERRY ON TOP #2" Yeah, she's #2 alright. Looks more like a head of lettuce than weed.... lol.
Oh well, I guess I learned not to put neem on a fresh cut plant.
Wow, I didn't realise Neem can do that, wow!
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