Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

Thanks Otter ! Sure hope things continue to go well this round. Last few plants I've grown have giving me some issues. Not sure why when I'm doing things the same way as always.
I believe it's often just the luck of the draw Buds.

I've yet to figure out why plants that do really well do really well or why those that don't do so well don't do so well! :Rasta:
I believe it's often just the luck of the draw Buds.

I've yet to figure out why plants that do really well do really well or why those that don't do so well don't do so well! :Rasta:
Probably has something to do with the climate it originated from is my guess. Haven't really tried matching a certain climate to the seed. Not sure I could even accomplish that feat.
I believe it's often just the luck of the draw Buds.

I've yet to figure out why plants that do really well do really well or why those that don't do so well don't do so well! :Rasta:

I've found two strains that just don't seem to perform for me like all the others regardless of what I try. Purple Kush Auto by Buddha and the current Blackberry MoonRocks from Expert. At this point I'm just gonna stay the course with the MoonRocks and get what I get.
I've found two strains that just don't seem to perform for me like all the others regardless of what I try. Purple Kush Auto by Buddha and the current Blackberry MoonRocks from Expert. At this point I'm just gonna stay the course with the MoonRocks and get what I get.
And I'd be willing to bet that someone, somewhere is killing it with those same seeds. Go figure! :Rasta:
ya GDB.. These were some Bubbha last year,, nice looking beautiful plants for outdoor, I really wasn’t completely happy with the flavour of the end product, I mean it gets you stoned Just doesn’t have that delivery on taste, have a few seeds left and will try and change up the feed this year.. going with some Agent Orange this season..?

And I'd be willing to be that someone, somewhere is killing it with those same seeds. Go figure! :Rasta:

I'll accept only finding 2 difficult ones out of the numerous strains I've tried over the last 8 years. Still pretty good odds. That and I seem to have better than average luck with autos, and they give others fits.
Probably has something to do with the climate it originated from is my guess. Haven't really tried matching a certain climate to the seed. Not sure I could even accomplish that feat.
My understanding is genetics. Seed DNA will vary within the same strain/pheno type. OTOH clones you get an exact replica of the DNA. So, plants from seed I would expect some variation in performance given same environment and regimens. Clones I would expect very similar behavior. But, I'm still a noob and YMMV :Namaste:
ya GDB.. These were some Bubbha last year,, nice looking beautiful plants for outdoor, I really wasn’t completely happy with the flavour of the end product, I mean it gets you stoned Just doesn’t have that delivery on taste, have a few seeds left and will try and change up the feed this year.. going with some Agent Orange this season..?

Wow, the light reflection at the very bottom of the pic makes it look like a snake crawling in the branches.
Nice colas !
I know when I vote in the contest like plant of the month I look for the biggest plant with the biggest colas & the frostier the better. Nug of the month has to be a clear shot of the Nug with frost. Not those over magnified pics showing a glob of white & you can't even tell it's a bud. What is it ? A contest of who can make the biggest blob.... lol ? But those are the pics that somehow win. Got me ! The colorful plants is what I look for in Photo of the month. But all in all, I look for the plant or bud I'd choose to smoke over all the rest.
I wish they'd make these contests anonymous though. You only get to see the plant or buds & not the growers name until the contest is over. Might slow down some people from voting for someone just cause they're your friend.
Don't know why I mentioned this really. Guess it just crossed my mind.... lol.
Are you all Super Bowl ready ? No big plans here. Just going to BBQ some burgers since it's suppose to be in the 70's today. I'm only a couple of miles from the stadium so been staying clear of the traffic in that area. So who is your pick ?
I'm taking KC by 10. Last I heard Eagles were favored by 1.5 points. I just don't think their defense can stop Mahomes.
Are you all Super Bowl ready ? No big plans here. Just going to BBQ some burgers since it's suppose to be in the 70's today. I'm only a couple of miles from the stadium so been staying clear of the traffic in that area. So who is your pick ?
I'm taking KC by 10. Last I heard Eagles were favored by 1.5 points. I just don't think their defense can stop Mahomes.
I have a big roast going in the crock pot in the morning and it will be ready by game time. We will be eating well and I believe that the team with the best Kelsey is going to win, and that will be the KC Chiefs. I think in the end the Chiefs will win by sacks and the two extra touchdowns that Travis will win for the team. 24/38 Chiefs!
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