Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

I’d still like to know the specs, I don’t know about anyone else? CL🍀
They have a public holiday today and I think it is almost 10 a.m. Monday now. I'll let you know when he gets back to me for sure. Maybe they are having brunch :passitleft:
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a few days now. I threw my back out of whack at work so my movements have been limited. Starting to get around better now, although still pretty sore. I should have an update no later than tomorrow morning.
@Buds Buddy Take care!
So Far, So Good. Looks like my SIP girl is starting to take off pretty good. I think there's been quite a bit of growth over the past 2 weeks. Apparently, the Viparspectra KS5000 is doing a good job so far. As some of you know, I usually go for lights that have more of a reddish hue to them. But so far, I have to say I'm pretty pleased with the results of the KS5000. I'm curious as to how well it will do in flower. Viparspectra wants me to do a review on this light & I will at some point. But first, I want to see how it does in flower so I can give an accurate review. I'm not one to hype on a light just because it was sponsored to me. I will give an accurate review whether it be good or bad. Nothing bad to say so far though & not expecting anything bad down the line. But you know the old saying.... "Expect the unexpected".... lol.

OK so remember, I chose the smaller of the 2 Runtz Punch girls for my SIP grow ? Well, she's not the smallest anymore.
I'm just feeding her at the 4.5 gr. per gal. level of Maxi Bloom with added Nitrogen & Silica. I filled the Internal Reservoir last weekend & it's still about 1/2 full. I'm slightly concerned about that due to pH changing. I wont completely fill it again until I see she's drinking faster. I think she's right about 4 weeks since the seed popped.
Anyway, here's a few pics of her now.

And here's the other Runtz in a 3 gal. fabric pot. This one was the bigger one. But I didn't choose it because of the yellowed & spotted leaves she had at the time.

The 2 "Cherry On Top" ladies both popped their little heads up yesterday. Pics came out too blurry so I'll get better ones this weekend. They put us on 10 hour days at work for the whole month of Feb. I don't mind the work, but hate the drive home as it puts me in rush hour traffic; so my travel time doubles coming home. I'll try to keep up with this journal the best I can during this time.
See you all later !
That SIP girl is really taking off. Everyday I have to move my LST ties out another .5" - 1.0" . Won't be long till I have to use the sticks to tie the branches out farther as to fill the 4x4 area of the tent. Couple of weeks & I'll have to move the other 3 plants to another tent or it will get too crowded. Looks to me like the KS5000 is a very good light for vegging by the way the plants are growing. Hope it kicks some butt in Flower too.
FYI Buds, I flipped this group 4 days ago under the @ViparSpectra KS5000 and they haven't missed a beat.

In fact, the light started pulling them upward very quickly, running at 75% power. :Rasta:

ANX 2-4-23 F4.jpg
FYI Buds, I flipped this group 4 days ago under the @ViparSpectra KS5000 and they haven't missed a beat.

In fact, the light started pulling them upward very quickly, running at 75% power. :Rasta:

ANX 2-4-23 F4.jpg
Looks like you're going to have a full tent once those girls stretch & start budding. Are you using SIP's ? I can't really see the pots.
Looks like you're going to have a full tent once those girls stretch & start budding. Are you using SIP's ? I can't really see the pots.
No SIPS Buds, soil in 3gal fabric pots. The @ViparSpectra KS5000 is the truth! :Rasta:
A quick update. I have to say things seem to be going better this grow; than they did my last couple of grows. Those yellowing & brown patched leaves were driving me crazy ! But so far @InTheShed 's calculations seem to be working out for the best. The Maxi-Grow must be missing something since I'm only using the Maxi-Bloom this grow. Thanks for the calculations shed.
My SIP girl is definitely drinking from the res. Right now I'm only filling it once per week & letting it get close to empty before refilling. It holds almost 3 gallons of nutes. Seems to be working well so far. Not sure if not keeping the res totally full at all times is playing a part in the healthier looking plants or not. Yes, I could fill the res & test it.... but I don't want to ruin what looks good right now. I'll leave well enough alone this time.
Well, I took these pics late Sunday night & have been meaning to post them. Just been exhausted from working so much that I didn't get to it till now.
So here is my SIP girl.
I'll be adding my sticks to the LST this weekend so I can LST past the ends of the SIP Tub. This was the smaller of the 2 Runtz Punch Plants; but not no more.

And here is the other Runtz Punch in a 3 gal. Fabric Pot. She seems to be doing pretty good too. She doesn't drink all that much yet. I give her about 60 oz. of nutes every 3-4 days at the moment.

And last of all I have my 2 Cherry on Top plants in 1 gal. plastic pots. Just giving them water so far, but will start nutes real soon.
I'm pretty pleased at the way the SIP gal is growing so far. It's not as pretty as @farside05 plant pics above :( ... LOL, but we'll get there. Must be those FN nutes. But my girl is right about 35 days old now too, so his plant gave me something to compare to. Then again, we have different end goals so the training is different.
Yesterday I put my LST sticks in to tie the branches to till I get them stretched out as far as I want. She is growing much faster now, so the roots must be well developed below. The res had to be filled again yesterday. It's only the 2nd time I've filled it since up-potting to the SIP. The first fill lasted about 5-6 days. Today it appears it has drank about 1/3rd of the res since yesterday, so it should need refilled again sooner. I'm keeping her on the 4.5 gram nute equivalent for now. Plan is to up the nutes when I start flower unless the plant tells me different before then.
OK, lets get to the pics.

As you can see, the girl in the 3 gal. fabric pot is nowhere near as big as the SIP gal. Maybe showing the difference will inspire a few more growers to try the SIP's. The 2 plants are only 1 day apart in age & the one in the fabric pot was the bigger one when I up-potted.

Last of all, I have my 2 Cherry on Top girls (I hope / Reg. Seeds). They are doing pretty good so far. I gave them their first dose of nutes yesterday at 2.5 gr. per gal.

I'm pretty pleased at the results of the @ViparSpectra KS5000 so far. I think it's doing a very nice job. Looking forward to flower.... but still have a few weeks to go till the flip.
I've been running my humidifier this grow, which means I have my exhaust fan turned off most of the time. RH has been 55% - 70% . Temps have been a little high since I haven't had the exhaust on. Temps are running 82F - 90F. Doesn't seem to be bothering the plants any from what I can tell. I open my tent some during lights on so it does get some air exchange, although it may not be the greatest. I am running an oscillating fan for some air movement inside the tent.
Well, that's my update for now.
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