Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a few days now. I threw my back out of whack at work so my movements have been limited. Starting to get around better now, although still pretty sore. I should have an update no later than tomorrow morning.
I feel for ya brother... Don't push it :Namaste:
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a few days now. I threw my back out of whack at work so my movements have been limited. Starting to get around better now, although still pretty sore. I should have an update no later than tomorrow morning.
I swear by ThermaCare patches. They allow me to move more freely when my back is giving me trouble. Mine is chronic though - comes & goes...
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a few days now. I threw my back out of whack at work so my movements have been limited. Starting to get around better now, although still pretty sore. I should have an update no later than tomorrow morning.
How does it feel today? Do you do physios or chiros? Anti-inflams? How on earth did it happen? Looking forward to your next update Buds. Dying to see how your SIP is handling. Get that back better..... gentle yoga even. Yoga With Adrienne on the Youtube is fantastic really. She gives instructions in detail so you can follow without watching for the most part. She has episodes specifically for back stuff. I have chronic back stuff and if I don't do the yoga I suffer. Get better, mate!
Highya BB,

I do yoga stretches to keep my back in shape, and it works to align my back again. I'm fighting the same thing, now. Probably not as bad as yours, though! Get well soon, lol! Happy Smokin'
Feeling much better today. Still a little sore in the lower area. Doc gave me Percocet for it so maybe that's why it feels better. Can't believe the bottle says take 2 pills 3 times per day. I do that & I wont get out of bed. I'm only taking 1 per day & that's working pretty good.
I did get some pics so I'll update here soon. Got to resize & crop first.
OK, well this is just a mini update for now. On this grow I'm using @InTheShed Nutrient Calculations. I'm not using the Maxi-Gro at all. I'm using Maxi-Bloom, Alchemist Stout Mono-silicic Acid (Si) & Natures Nectar Nitrogen. I also added 60 gr. of Dynomyco to the soil. Hopefully, I wont have the yellow leaf issue this grow. But I already screwed up a little. I was advised to mix my nutes at the 4.5 gr. level & then dilute it some until the plant was big enough to handle the 4.5 gr.
Ooops..., I forgot to dilute it & filled my res with it. I got a little bit of "N" toxicity. It seems to be clearing up now as it's only in the lower 2 sets of leaves. Newer growth looks better.
Here's a few pics of the 2 plants I have going.

The plant in the SIP will get Topped tomorrow. I'm going to leave 6 main branches on this one to help fill out the 4x4 area. The other one in the 1 gal. I'll up-pot tonight & Top at the 4th node.
By next week I should be able to start LST on them.
I've only Top Fed once in the SIP. I might do it again tomorrow. Res is still 1/2 full after 4 days so it's not drinking much yet.
For my musical friends. Well, I think I'm getting carried away ... lol. Today, I bought the Schecter Hell Raiser, an Epiphone Studio & an Epiphone Standard. Got all 3 guitars for a little over $800. I've also bought a Marshall MG100 hdfx 1/2 stack & a Crate GTX212. Ordered the footswitch for the Marshall & some patch cables for foot pedals today also. I'm already in love with the Schecter Hell Raiser. Killer guitar with EMG's & Floyd Rose. I couldn't beat it for the price. $400 with the case. The guitar alone sells for $1100.
Feeling much better today. Still a little sore in the lower area. Doc gave me Percocet for it so maybe that's why it feels better. Can't believe the bottle says take 2 pills 3 times per day. I do that & I wont get out of bed. I'm only taking 1 per day & that's working pretty good.
I did get some pics so I'll update here soon. Got to resize & crop first.
I’m saying this because of past experience, if you can get by with a heating pad yer better off. I was hit on my H-D and started with 5mg Vicodin and then 7.5 to 10 mg loracet to 30mg OxyContin and the world of addiction. Be careful with that crap because it will get you before you know it. CL🍀
For my musical friends. Well, I think I'm getting carried away ... lol. Today, I bought the Schecter Hell Raiser, an Epiphone Studio & an Epiphone Standard. Got all 3 guitars for a little over $800. I've also bought a Marshall MG100 hdfx 1/2 stack & a Crate GTX212. Ordered the footswitch for the Marshall & some patch cables for foot pedals today also. I'm already in love with the Schecter Hell Raiser. Killer guitar with EMG's & Floyd Rose. I couldn't beat it for the price. $400 with the case. The guitar alone sells for $1100.
Great axe for shredding, especially through a Marshall. CL🍀
I’m saying this because of past experience, if you can get by with a heating pad yer better off. I was hit on my H-D and started with 5mg Vicodin and then 7.5 to 10 mg loracet to 30mg OxyContin and the world of addiction. Be careful with that crap because it will get you before you know it. CL🍀
Oh I know better. Ex-Junkie so I wont take them for more than 3 days in a row. Don't ever want to end up back where I was 25 years ago. Haven't done anything but smoke weed ever since.
Freaking Guitar Center keeps sending me emails saying I can get that Reverand for no $ down. CL🍀
Yeah, it almost makes me sound like I know what I'm doing.
As long as you are happy it’s worth every penny but collecting guitars is addictive.lol CL🍀
Freaking Guitar Center keeps sending me emails saying I can get that Reverand for no $ down. CL🍀

As long as you are happy it’s worth every penny but collecting guitars is addictive.lol CL🍀
The guy at Sweetwater keeps emailing & even called me today about financing guitars. I might finance a good Tube Amp.
The guy at Sweetwater keeps emailing & even called me today about financing guitars. I might finance a good Tube Amp.
You can’t go wrong with a Marshall + if you ever decide to sell you’ll get your $ back. CL🍀
Other than the oopsie the plants are looking good! Congrats on all the new gear too...I hear plants dig it when you shred. 🎸
Do you have any links about shredding and weed? Lmao I would be interested in reading about it. CL🍀
The guy at the store doesn't know anything about the problem so he didn't sell me anything but soil, a net & pH down.
I found all this in the free copy of maximum yield the store gives away. I'm wondering if my filling the res twice per day is keeping the soil a little too wet & causing this more or less. I don't add anything for aeration either so maybe I should add some perlite ?
Buds... you need to have 33-40% perlite (by volume) mixed in your medium. The thing about oxygenation issues is that they are hit and miss and won't show up consistently like a nute issue. Considering it can lead to root rot and a total loss of the plant it does not make sense to take the chance. I'm confident you will have a much better experience with perlite mixed in. I realize this makes organic gardening more difficult when you lose 40% volume of nutrient rich soil but there's no choice in the matter with SIPs. Gotta have the aeration. I wouldn't stress the reservoir until you get that perlite in there and see where you stand. Realize also that your DIY is going to have a different take up rate that the grobuckets and we don't know how wet that planter will actually get so it could be better. I've learned how to build (comparatively) dry SIPs and it's all in the wicking foot.
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