Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

Do you have any links about shredding and weed? Lmao I would be interested in reading about it. CL🍀
Here ya go:

Here's what most folks tell you:
"Believe it or not, studies indicate that plants also seem have a specific taste in music! Some genres of music promote growth, whereas others can be damaging. Roses in particular seem to love violin music. For most plants playing classical or jazz music caused growth to increase..."

Of course, we want to increase THC in flower, so the rest of that sentence applies to us:
"...while harsher metal music induced stress."

If I played music for my girls, it'd be Vivaldi for my well behaved Indica dominant ladies & Guns & Roses for my Sativa dominant party girls! Classic rock for hybrids...
Erp... apologies for the out-of-time reply above. Great to see you got the perlite happening, not great to see the overfeed. Here's the thing.... SIPs are even more efficient at fertilizer use than DWC, as w/ dwc you dump out the uneaten every week, with SIPs it remains in the matrix and gets used. My elemental breakdown (usable ppms only) is 150ppm N, 32ppm P, 120ppm K, 150ppm Calcium, 50ppm Magnesium, plus micros, in veg. That's a pretty low feed, it reads 1000ppm on my 50 scale bluelab pen.

There is always the possibility of nute retention causing toxicity when feeding in this passive manner and the risk rises with feed ppm level. When I think of SIPs I personally think that the comparison we should be making is not with DWT but with high-frequency feeding in coco or peat. HF feeding usually has small pots - 3-5 gal and feed is dripped through 5-8 times a day or more. This constant newly arriving feed is exactly the scenario we set up when we use a SIP with heavy aeration (perlite). With perlite, the capillary action speeds up tremendously, constantly delivering new nutes to the plant. Provided this flow continues we've created a constant-feed scenario and I think its to HF feeding we should look when having issues.

As for the reservoir, I have some issues with how you've built but in order to illustrate my point I'm having to search around for some pics or it wont make sense. Also, my keyboard - of all things - gave up the ghost and I wasn't able to reply for a few days until my new one arrived. I just cant do 420 with my phone either, in my present condition (broken ribs and a scratched cornea) but I apologize nonetheless for the delay. Please be careful with those percs mate. I've been in recovery myself for over two decades now but I still have to respect the fact that it will take next to nothing for me to fall off that cliff again.

I really recommend the MC over the GH Maxi products. I use both extensively and always prefer the MC (mine is the two part). MC uses amino acids to chelate the micros and this is much better than the EDTA and other synthetic chelates GH uses. GH Maxi is also much less pH stable than MC in my experience. Lastly, the results of an overfeed with Maxibloom have been more damaging than when I've overfed MC. I can also feed a higher ppm with MC than I can the Maxibloom which causes burns and issues at much lower ppm. MC also has some Silica and magnesium already in it. I raise the Mag with 1 gram/gallon epsom.

With my 2 part MC, to make 20 litres (5 gallons) I mix 12 grams part B (calcium nitrate), then 5 grams Epsom salts, two crushed 300mg Aspirin, then 20 grams part A - the 5-12-26 fert. I also add some liquid seaweed, humic acids, and a cap-full of my lovely liquidirt in the mix. These biologicals are added very sparingly as I don't want them to go off in the rez. I have airpumps/airstones in my reservoirs again for latest grow (GG#4), on pulse timer 3 minutes every 30 minutes.

I do a litre (quart) of mixed bennies and mycs once per week that I add from the top. To make I put a mason jar /litre of distilled water on my lab stirrer/warmer plate for 48hrs with added microbes (NPK brand phosphate solubilizing microbes, a scoop of septic tank treatment bacteria, worm castings, liquidirt, humates, Humboldt's Secret Golden Tree and either some brown sugar or molasses, sometimes bean or rice flour too). In my 7-gallon planters this amount does not leach anything to the reservoir, it soaks up all of it which is what you want. Also, I delay these bennies until the plant is mature and the roots well developed so I don't mess up the moisture gradient which is especially important during the developmental period so as to be sure hydrotropism takes place.

Lastly, it sounds like you just mixed your mycorrhizae with the soil, when in fact the best practice is to generously put it in the transplant hole and onto the wetted rootball during transplant. It needs to contact the roots to begin colonizing and there need to be enough spores directly touching for it to build out effectively.
So one thing I'm concerned about Buds with your external rez system is the height of your fill tube. As I understand equalizing gravity systems the plumbing needs to be as low as possible. Check it out, "Real Growers"the makers of Recharge and GrowDots are offering an external Rez SIP system and it illustrates well what I mean about the plumbing.

Here ya go:

Here's what most folks tell you:
"Believe it or not, studies indicate that plants also seem have a specific taste in music! Some genres of music promote growth, whereas others can be damaging. Roses in particular seem to love violin music. For most plants playing classical or jazz music caused growth to increase..."

Of course, we want to increase THC in flower, so the rest of that sentence applies to us:
"...while harsher metal music induced stress."

I read something like that before but I’m still wondering what kind of metal is best? Death,Thrash,etc. CL🍀
Of course, we want to increase THC in flower, so the rest of that sentence applies to us:
"...while harsher metal music induced stress."
Good to know... I'll bear this in mind!
Oh I know better. Ex-Junkie so I wont take them for more than 3 days in a row. Don't ever want to end up back where I was 25 years ago. Haven't done anything but smoke weed ever since.
I drink a shot of Jameson every New Years + a shot + a Guinness every St.Patrick’sDay + that’s it. Well I wake n bake everyday but that’s different.lol CL🍀
Hell res-dog that was a nice bit of info... as you know I do only out door, out of all the interesting info,, one thing got me intrigued,, You mentioned septic treatment bacteria,,? I will do my own research. But do you think it would be of use in an outdoor s/s grow,
Erp... apologies for the out-of-time reply above. Great to see you got the perlite happening, not great to see the overfeed. Here's the thing.... SIPs are even more efficient at fertilizer use than DWC, as w/ dwc you dump out the uneaten every week, with SIPs it remains in the matrix and gets used. My elemental breakdown (usable ppms only) is 150ppm N, 32ppm P, 120ppm K, 150ppm Calcium, 50ppm Magnesium, plus micros, in veg. That's a pretty low feed, it reads 1000ppm on my 50 scale bluelab pen.

There is always the possibility of nute retention causing toxicity when feeding in this passive manner and the risk rises with feed ppm level. When I think of SIPs I personally think that the comparison we should be making is not with DWT but with high-frequency feeding in coco or peat. HF feeding usually has small pots - 3-5 gal and feed is dripped through 5-8 times a day or more. This constant newly arriving feed is exactly the scenario we set up when we use a SIP with heavy aeration (perlite). With perlite, the capillary action speeds up tremendously, constantly delivering new nutes to the plant. Provided this flow continues we've created a constant-feed scenario and I think its to HF feeding we should look when having issues.

As for the reservoir, I have some issues with how you've built but in order to illustrate my point I'm having to search around for some pics or it wont make sense. Also, my keyboard - of all things - gave up the ghost and I wasn't able to reply for a few days until my new one arrived. I just cant do 420 with my phone either, in my present condition (broken ribs and a scratched cornea) but I apologize nonetheless for the delay. Please be careful with those percs mate. I've been in recovery myself for over two decades now but I still have to respect the fact that it will take next to nothing for me to fall off that cliff again.

I really recommend the MC over the GH Maxi products. I use both extensively and always prefer the MC (mine is the two part). MC uses amino acids to chelate the micros and this is much better than the EDTA and other synthetic chelates GH uses. GH Maxi is also much less pH stable than MC in my experience. Lastly, the results of an overfeed with Maxibloom have been more damaging than when I've overfed MC. I can also feed a higher ppm with MC than I can the Maxibloom which causes burns and issues at much lower ppm. MC also has some Silica and magnesium already in it. I raise the Mag with 1 gram/gallon epsom.

With my 2 part MC, to make 20 litres (5 gallons) I mix 12 grams part B (calcium nitrate), then 5 grams Epsom salts, two crushed 300mg Aspirin, then 20 grams part A - the 5-12-26 fert. I also add some liquid seaweed, humic acids, and a cap-full of my lovely liquidirt in the mix. These biologicals are added very sparingly as I don't want them to go off in the rez. I have airpumps/airstones in my reservoirs again for latest grow (GG#4), on pulse timer 3 minutes every 30 minutes.

I do a litre (quart) of mixed bennies and mycs once per week that I add from the top. To make I put a mason jar /litre of distilled water on my lab stirrer/warmer plate for 48hrs with added microbes (NPK brand phosphate solubilizing microbes, a scoop of septic tank treatment bacteria, worm castings, liquidirt, humates, Humboldt's Secret Golden Tree and either some brown sugar or molasses, sometimes bean or rice flour too). In my 7-gallon planters this amount does not leach anything to the reservoir, it soaks up all of it which is what you want. Also, I delay these bennies until the plant is mature and the roots well developed so I don't mess up the moisture gradient which is especially important during the developmental period so as to be sure hydrotropism takes place.

Lastly, it sounds like you just mixed your mycorrhizae with the soil, when in fact the best practice is to generously put it in the transplant hole and onto the wetted rootball during transplant. It needs to contact the roots to begin colonizing and there need to be enough spores directly touching for it to build out effectively.
That’s cool that you’re using aspirin, I’ve read a lot of positive things about it and use it myself. CL🍀
Buds... you need to have 33-40% perlite (by volume) mixed in your medium. The thing about oxygenation issues is that they are hit and miss and won't show up consistently like a nute issue. Considering it can lead to root rot and a total loss of the plant it does not make sense to take the chance. I'm confident you will have a much better experience with perlite mixed in. I realize this makes organic gardening more difficult when you lose 40% volume of nutrient rich soil but there's no choice in the matter with SIPs. Gotta have the aeration. I wouldn't stress the reservoir until you get that perlite in there and see where you stand. Realize also that your DIY is going to have a different take up rate that the grobuckets and we don't know how wet that planter will actually get so it could be better. I've learned how to build (comparatively) dry SIPs and it's all in the wicking foot.
I guess I forgot to mention the added perlite. I took your advice from our previous conversation & added 40%. For every 5 cups of soil, I added 2 cups of perlite.
So one thing I'm concerned about Buds with your external rez system is the height of your fill tube. As I understand equalizing gravity systems the plumbing needs to be as low as possible. Check it out, "Real Growers"the makers of Recharge and GrowDots are offering an external Rez SIP system and it illustrates well what I mean about the plumbing.

I'm not reading you. I've looked at the link but still don't see what you mean. I haven't even drilled the hole for the fitting in my external res as of yet. Just been filling the Internal res through the fill tube & Top watered twice now.
Not sure what the height of the fill tube has to do with anything. Even so, it's drilled full of 3/8" holes from the top of the internal res to the floor of the SIP. Water can't go any higher then the holes since my drain tube is slightly lower then the highest hole in the fill tube. If anything, I think it could add some air to the res.
That being said, I may be confused on what you're talking about.
Sorry to hear about your back troubles Buds, glad you are feeling a bit better.

Your ladies seem to be coming on as well, hope you can get to the bottom of this yellowing problem once and for all!
This morning I Topped the 2 Runtz Punch Plants. I also up-potted the one in the 1 gal. plastic pot to a 3 gal. grow bag.
Decided to pop a couple more "Cherry On Top" seeds too. It's my favorite strain & I'm getting low on it. These 2 will also go in 3 gal. in a couple of weeks. I'm just vegging the 3 in fabric pots in this tent till things start getting a little crowded. I'll probably move them to the 4x4 at that time & start flower on those 3. Not looking for a big yield on them so I'll keep them in the 3 gallon bags.
Anyways, here's a few pics.
I read something like that before but I’m still wondering what kind of metal is best? Death,Thrash,etc. CL🍀
I have just been chatting to a mate of mine on facebook. I knew his dad very well. His dad used to build custom guitars. He and his sons are metal musos. I'd love to show you Duran's exquisite guitar that Kerry made for him. How can I do that? I can't put in Buds' weedy journal. Oh I know... isn't there a public page where anyone can post anything? It's beautiful.
I have just been chatting to a mate of mine on facebook. I knew his dad very well. His dad used to build custom guitars. He and his sons are metal musos. I'd love to show you Duran's exquisite guitar that Kerry made for him. How can I do that? I can't put in Buds' weedy journal. Oh I know... isn't there a public page where anyone can post anything? It's beautiful.
If it’s purple you can always use @Bill284 s thread.lol CL🍀
I have just been chatting to a mate of mine on facebook. I knew his dad very well. His dad used to build custom guitars. He and his sons are metal musos. I'd love to show you Duran's exquisite guitar that Kerry made for him. How can I do that? I can't put in Buds' weedy journal. Oh I know... isn't there a public page where anyone can post anything? It's beautiful.
Put a link to it please when you post it.
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