Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

OK, guess I've got a new game plan to try. First off, I'm going to the Hydro Store to get some Perlite to insure I get proper aeration. Second, I'll be adding the Dynomyco to the soil this grow. @Emilya Green is about 40 gr. of Dynomyco correct for about 10 gallons worth of soil ? The 3rd thing I'll be doing is using shed's nute calculations for Maxi-Bloom with added N & Si.
Waiting to hear from @ReservoirDog on using an External Res. so haven't made up my mind yet. Have to decide today though because I'm up-potting to the SIP either way. Just makes a difference whether I tube feed or use the External Res. is all.
So I finally got around to up-potting to the 12 gal. SIP. I chose the smaller one because.... well, you'll see in the pics.

As you can see I'm already having leaf issues. I cut the bottom 2 nodes off anyway. This one I'll probably put in a 5 gal. SIP tonight.

The other gal looked better to me so she went in the 12 gal. SIP. It wont take long for the roots to hit this res. The pot is sitting on top the res in the first pic. Barely deep enough. I guess next time I use this SIP I'll start in a solo cup.
Anyway, I centered my 1 gal pot & filled around it with soil so I could leave a hole the perfect size for my up-pot.


Then simply removed the plant from the 1 gal. pot & dropped her in the hole. Put a thin layer of fresh soil on top, patted it down & fed 1 gal. of nutes. I also trimmed the bottom 2 nodes from her.


Sure looks like a lot of perlite.... lol. I guess because I'm not use to adding any. I also mixed in 60 grams of Dynomyco.
Sure hope this helps.

Going to fill the res tonight. I mean the roots are pretty much there already since the pot sat right on top of the res.
Great now what are you going to be plugging it in to? Marshall JCM series is my go to for everything. But I do like the sound of Orange as well. :theband::theband::headbanger::yahoo::thumb:CL🍀
Can't afford the JCM Series. Not at the moment anyway. The guy wouldn't come down on the Blue Voo Doo so I didn't get it. In about an hour I'm getting a Marshall MG100 fdx 1/2 stack. Good enough since I wont be using it for anything but self enjoyment.
Once I get my music room set up I'll have to put my plants in there so I can post some pics.... lol.
Can't afford the JCM Series. Not at the moment anyway. The guy wouldn't come down on the Blue Voo Doo so I didn't get it. In about an hour I'm getting a Marshall MG100 fdx 1/2 stack. Good enough since I wont be using it for anything but self enjoyment.
Once I get my music room set up I'll have to put my plants in there so I can post some pics.... lol.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with Zz or Sweetwater but I bought a lot of stuff from them and it’s nice to make payments. CL🍀
I don’t know if you’re familiar with Zz or Sweetwater but I bought a lot of stuff from them and it’s nice to make payments. CL🍀
I've heard of Sweetwater but not the other one. I'll check them out. But the Marshall I'm looking at is a pretty good deal for $350. I see the head alone going for $300 on ebay.
Ahh, didn't think of that. I'll look for something lightweight plastic like one of those sticks for balloons. Thanks !
Hiya Buds, just getting into the details now and am not all caught up so disregard if I’m being redundant. I’ll read farther before commenting further, but I wanted to discuss this floater assembly briefly.

I’ve been using similar dowels for my own and there are issues. My float isn’t affected, it’s neoprene with closed cells (you know, those aeroponic/bubbler cloner collars 2-3” dia.)

But the wood does soak with ferts. and then, exposed to air, it grows moulds/fungus and who knows what else. Also expands slightly.

I’ll get you a couple pics of the assembly shortly, and I’ll keep reading to find out whether you’ve found a replacement for wood dowels I might use also. I think it’s ok to use in meantime, for me anyway, but I want to change.
Hiya Buds, just getting into the details now and am not all caught up so disregard if I’m being redundant. I’ll read farther before commenting further, but I wanted to discuss this floater assembly briefly.

I’ve been using similar dowels for my own and there are issues. My float isn’t affected, it’s neoprene with closed cells (you know, those aeroponic/bubbler cloner collars 2-3” dia.)

But the wood does soak with ferts. and then, exposed to air, it grows moulds/fungus and who knows what else. Also expands slightly.

I’ll get you a couple pics of the assembly shortly, and I’ll keep reading to find out whether you’ve found a replacement for wood dowels I might use also. I think it’s ok to use in meantime, for me anyway, but I want to change.
Yeah, I've been thinking about buying one of those Valentine balloons with the plastic stick to use in place of the wooden stick.
How about a $3 pencil bobber with a straw on top ( for length)

I've been considering using a large 10m pipette upside down and maybe adding a straw for the length needed.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a few days now. I threw my back out of whack at work so my movements have been limited. Starting to get around better now, although still pretty sore. I should have an update no later than tomorrow morning.
Hope you are soon feel much better!
We'll be here when you get "back." :Rasta:
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