Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

Well now I know the difference between a regular Gorilla Grow Tent & the Lite Line. I bought the 4x4 Lite Line yesterday & it sure feels much thinner then the reg. GGT & barely weighs anything at all. I'll probably set it up in a week or so to see how it is once assembled. Figured I needed a 4x4 for this new Viparspectra KS5000. The 4x8 tent is overkill for it & I have my other lights for the 4x8 anyway.

Well guys, all that talk about guitars got me a little interested in playing again. So....., I went & bought an Epiphone Les Paul Studio last night. Got a pretty good deal on it. It's in great condition & only paid $150 for it. Just hope I have the time to play it now.
Great now what are you going to be plugging it in to? Marshall JCM series is my go to for everything. But I do like the sound of Orange as well. :theband::theband::headbanger::yahoo::thumb:CL🍀
Does a Mg. def. start at the top of the plant ? This morning I'm seeing quite a few leaves with a bunch of Reddish dots all over them. Do you think it's possible that the "P" I added has caused an Mg. lockout ? Or maybe I just need to up the Cal-Mag ? This darn Auto has been a PITA ! No more Auto's for me. In fact I'll probably give this plant to my buddy this weekend as I'm tired of dealing with it & just want to get back to my photo plants. I'll still get 1/2 the yield when it's done so no big deal.
I'm hoping to get one of my girls in the 12 gal. SIP this weekend.
No, Mg usually starts at the bottom and moves up to the middle. Your's sounds like calcium, since it is non mobile in the plant and always shows in the upper third.
Does a Mg. def. start at the top of the plant ? This morning I'm seeing quite a few leaves with a bunch of Reddish dots all over them. Do you think it's possible that the "P" I added has caused an Mg. lockout ? Or maybe I just need to up the Cal-Mag ? This darn Auto has been a PITA ! No more Auto's for me. In fact I'll probably give this plant to my buddy this weekend as I'm tired of dealing with it & just want to get back to my photo plants. I'll still get 1/2 the yield when it's done so no big deal.
I'm hoping to get one of my girls in the 12 gal. SIP this weekend.
Welcome to the never again auto club Buds, all’s ya need to join is realize that auto’s are too many headaches. lol CL🍀
Ok, so my buddy picked up the GG Auto last night. Glad I don't have to deal with it anymore. I just don't like Auto's.
Not my cup of tea. On the plus side, I now have room to set up my SIP this weekend & get this grow going strong.
After all, this journal is about the Viparspectra KS5000 & seeing what it can do for the Herbie's Seeds Runtz Punch Strain.
Looking forward to getting this party started.
So, here's where my lil' ladies are at today.

They are now starting their 7 finger leaves (4th node) so I want to get one in a SIP this weekend. The other one I'll just grow in a 3 gal. Geo Pot for some quicker weed; since I'm planning to veg the SIP one much longer. Once I get to node 6 or 7 I'll Top her & clone the Tops. She should also be ready for LST by then.
I think these ladies are starting to take off now. They're right at 2 weeks old & have grown quite a bit in the past week.

I'll be testing my SIP after work today & if all goes well I'll prep it for the up-pot tomorrow. I'll try to get some pics of my test effort.... lol. More to come as I get things done over the weekend. See you soon !

Which plant would you choose for the 12 gal. SIP ?
I’d go with the one to the right. Smaller one, if you can get it to out grow the bigger one,,, might be a good gauge as to how well it works??? Or it could have just been the stronger plant to begin with... 60/40
The biggest one took 5 days to sprout & the small one 3 days.
Great now what are you going to be plugging it in to? Marshall JCM series is my go to for everything. But I do like the sound of Orange as well. :theband::theband::headbanger::yahoo::thumb:CL🍀
Talking to a guy now about buying his "CRATE" Blue Voo Doo 1/2 stack. BV120 4x12 Celestions. I use to have this amps 15-20 years ago. It's a double bad ass tube amp. He wants $600. I'm trying to get him down to $500.
I figure if I'm going to do this.... I may as well do it right.... lol.
Wait you gave this away?
Yes I did. It's just a plant, so no big deal. I've known this guy at least 20 years & he'll finish it up & split it with me. We always go in 1/2 on seeds, some equipment & stuff like that. 90% of his equipment came from me when ever I upgraded. Only thing is, he turns all his weed into Vape Juice & Edibles. I am pretty much just a smoker.
Stopped at the Hydro Store on the way home to get another bag of soil. Not sure how much the 12 gal. SIP will take. I'm thinking it may be the whole bag. I have a 1/2 bag already just in case. So I'm ready to up-pot tomorrow as long as all goes well on the test run.
Anyone ever buy a bottle of pH down & it take 5 times as much as usual to lower your pH ? The Water pH is still the same so it has to be a bad bottle. I bought a new bottle today so we'll soon find out.
They also had a 4x4 SCROG Net with the 3" squares so I picked that up for flower.
While I was at the Hydro Store today, I picked up my free copy of Maximum Yield. Seems kind of strange that this edition is talking about the yellow leaf issues I've been having. Now I have to wonder if this yellowing is being caused by "Oxytropism". Oxytropism, is when your grow medium stays too wet & causes oxygen deprived areas, which roots avoid. I'm thinking this relates to the reason you shouldn't Top Water in SIP's. I'm also thinking that by me keeping my res full all the time, that it's causing this Oxytropism in my plants. So, now I have to ask myself if an external res to keep my internal res full is such a good idea. My soil may not be drying out enough between res refills & therefore not getting enough oxygen to the roots. According to what I've read this can cause the yellow leaves & looks like a deficiency. I may wait till Sunday to up-pot so I can do some internet reading on this matter to better understand it. But, I've tried several things for def. & none have worked....... Soooo ? Maybe this has something to do with it.

What's really funny is the very next article is "The Importance of Phosphorous for fruiting plants". I mean, are they like spoon feeding me the answers to my issues ? It's just weird to me since all this relates to my current issues.
OK, back to reading !
@Emilya Green , I see you read the above post. What's your thoughts on this ?
standby... I'm still giving it a good think. I'm not sure yet what I think of sub irrigation. The roots are clearly adapting to bottom watering, but can that cause deficiencies or oxygen depletion? If the water is mixing with oxygen as part of the wicking process, is it actually able to be deficient in random areas of the soil? The results seem to say otherwise... something really kicks these plants into high gear. Identify what that is (I think it is the oxygen) and we will have the answers you are seeking. I am always highly skeptical when the guy in the store just happens to have exactly the product that I need. Buyer beware.
standby... I'm still giving it a good think. I'm not sure yet what I think of sub irrigation. The roots are clearly adapting to bottom watering, but can that cause deficiencies or oxygen depletion? If the water is mixing with oxygen as part of the wicking process, is it actually able to be deficient in random areas of the soil? The results seem to say otherwise... something really kicks these plants into high gear. Identify what that is (I think it is the oxygen) and we will have the answers you are seeking. I am always highly skeptical when the guy in the store just happens to have exactly the product that I need. Buyer beware.
The guy at the store doesn't know anything about the problem so he didn't sell me anything but soil, a net & pH down.
I found all this in the free copy of maximum yield the store gives away. I'm wondering if my filling the res twice per day is keeping the soil a little too wet & causing this more or less. I don't add anything for aeration either so maybe I should add some perlite ?
Let's first consider the most simple and logical explanation:

Your plants are so freaking big that they need more nutrient than you are giving them! Are we sure you have a problem beyond that? I would try upping the feed a good percentage and look for change. If that doesn't make it 420% better, then start throwing darts.
Very highly doubt that's the case. Not unless I'm suppose to go past the maximum feed chart from Maxi Gro / Bloom.
If they were just hungry all the leaves should be a lighter green. Not healthy looking green leaves that all of a sudden get some that look bad & the rest still look healthy & green. So yes, I'm sure there's a problem beyond underfeeding.
After 6 years I know how to follow a feed schedule. I just don't know how to solve issues when the nutes are lacking in something.
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