Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

So far I like my DIY SIP better than the store bought ones. My soil up top only got watered once when I first transplanted. It's stayed slightly moist ever since & has never totally dried out. So a shorter, wider SIP seems to keep the soil moister up top than a deeper SIP.
Time to update what's going on with my "RUNTZ PUNCH" in my DIY 12 Gal. SIP grown under the Fabulous @ViparSpectra KS5000 Super Bright LED Grow Light.
Today, I removed the 3 sticks I was using for LST & all my tie downs. Trimmed the lil' lady up some & redid the LST.
The res was completely empty to my surprise. I just filled it Thursday night & it holds at least 2 - 2.5 gallons. It was Bone Dry. You could hear the float hit the bottom loud & clear. I'll be connecting the External Reservoir when I flip to 12/12 because she is probably going to drink one helluva lot !
I'm currently feeding her at 5 gr. per gal. That's just strong enough to cause the very slightest of Tip Burn. Yes, I do this on purpose as it tells me she is taking up the maximum amount of nutes she can handle.
Anyways, I'm pretty comfortable with her size as far as diameter goes. Didn't get the perfect shape I was hoping for, but still not too bad. One bottom branch just didn't want to grow & the side with the fill tube is growing slower than the other 3 sides. Never the less, I still think this girl could end up my biggest yielder to date. She looks to me to have the potential.
Now let's see how long it takes to grow about another 10" - 12" in height. Then I'll flip her to 12/12. I'm trying to plan the flip so she'll be 3.5 - 4' tall when harvested.
Everything has gone quite well this grow with @InTheShed nute calculations. I sure hope things continue this good during Flower. "Fingers Crossed".... lol.
OK, OK, I'll quit rambling & post the damned pics already.
Really nice shape buds 👌 and a lovely shade of green she has too.
Here's a group shot of my other 4 gals.

And this lil' lady is the other "RUNTZ PUNCH" grown in a 3 gal. Fabric Pot. She's starting to look pretty good to me.
Yeah, She's drooping slightly. She was thirsty. All better now.

This here is.... Let's call it "CHERRY ON TOP #1". This is one of the plants that got Neemed right after a Trim. She seems to be recovering pretty well.... compared to the other one.

OK, so here is "CHERRY ON TOP #2" Yeah, she's #2 alright. Looks more like a head of lettuce than weed.... lol.
Oh well, I guess I learned not to put neem on a fresh cut plant.

And let's not forget that "PLATINUM GORRILLA" clone my friend gave me. She's no longer looking yellow & sickly.

And this concludes today's newscast. See ya soon !
Your like the dog whisperer of weed man 😁 all different shapes and sizes
Your like the dog whisperer of weed man 😁 all different shapes and sizes
I'm thinking I'll put those 2 Cherry on Top in a different area to flower them. Kind of leery they might Hermie on me since they are reg seeds & have the neem stressor factor in play. Would really suck to pollinate the 2 Runtz Punches with a Hermie plant.
I wish it would warm up a little at night so I could put them out back. It's been in the upper 30's & 40's at night so too cold still. Still have about 2 weeks of veg though so maybe the cold, rainy nights will stop by then.
That Runtz is museum-worthy Buds! :Rasta:
I'm thinking I'll put those 2 Cherry on Top in a different area to flower them. Kind of leery they might Hermie on me since they are reg seeds & have the neem stressor factor in play. Would really suck to pollinate the 2 Runtz Punches with a Hermie plant.
I wish it would warm up a little at night so I could put them out back. It's been in the upper 30's & 40's at night so too cold still. Still have about 2 weeks of veg though so maybe the cold, rainy nights will stop by then.
Man that would be devastating. thats a good call if the weather warms up definitely. How old are they now?
I only know how old the Runtz are which is 52 days today. I usually, don't pay much attention to their age & just go by size. But since I was shooting for an 8-10 week veg on the Runtz I kept track of those 2 plants. Somewhere between the 8 to 10 week mark they should be tall enough to flip to flower.
Holy Toledo Batman, These plants are guzzling down the suds. That 12 gal. SIP was just filled Sunday. It takes almost 3 gallons to fill it. It's bone dry now. The Runtz in the 3 gal. was fed to a pretty good run off & she's already drooping pretty good. Guess I better feed again.
Oh yeah. Tested it out yesterday while learning Symphony of Destruction & Cowboys from Hell from y-tube videos.
Love that sound.
Not a musician but an audio enthusiast. Tube sound was so loved it was missed in the 60's and reproduced with semiconductors. My early 70's accuphase e-202 is one and you should see all the circuits they had to use to do it. Love the sound of proper old timey recordings played on them!
I'll do an update tomorrow. I have to change Struts & Shocks on the car today (Lucky Me).
Anyway, I have a question.
On my "Runtz Punch" in the 3 gal. fabric pot it keeps drooping. Not like totally limp, just drooping some. The pot can go completely dry & then I feed to run off. She'll raise her leaves some, but still stays kind of droopy. It stays that way & never fully perks up. She drains her pot dry every 2 days. I have no yellowing or puffy leaves at all. so my question is....
Could this plant be on the verge of being root bound & causing the droop ?
I was thinking I might up-pot to a 5 gal. tonight or in the morning . Soil needs to dry a little more as I'll be cutting the 3 gal. bag down the sides to remove it.
I'll do an update tomorrow. I have to change Struts & Shocks on the car today (Lucky Me).
Anyway, I have a question.
On my "Runtz Punch" in the 3 gal. fabric pot it keeps drooping. Not like totally limp, just drooping some. The pot can go completely dry & then I feed to run off. She'll raise her leaves some, but still stays kind of droopy. It stays that way & never fully perks up. She drains her pot dry every 2 days. I have no yellowing or puffy leaves at all. so my question is....
Could this plant be on the verge of being root bound & causing the droop ?
I was thinking I might up-pot to a 5 gal. tonight or in the morning . Soil needs to dry a little more as I'll be cutting the 3 gal. bag down the sides to remove it.
How long has she been in the 3gal Buds?
About 6 weeks, maybe a little more. They are 59 days old today & got up=potted from a 1 gal. at about 2 weeks old.
Then I doubt that it's nearly root-bound, not at only 59 days old. But you never know. Your roots could grow I lot faster than what I'm used to seeing! Or maybe your soil is too compacted? Unless you really just want to up-pot her, you may want to try poking some aeration holes in the soil before you next water (I like to use a metal coat hanger.) and see if that helps.
I thought that cloth pots prevented plants from getting root bound because it constantly prunes the roots, as long as there's airflow around the pot. Have you tried adding a wetting agent when you water to make sure there are no dry spots? When my cloth pots dry out its hard to get them fully saturated again.
Then I doubt that it's nearly root-bound, not at only 59 days old. But you never know. Your roots could grow I lot faster than what I'm used to seeing! Or maybe your soil is too compacted? Unless you really just want to up-pot her, you may want to try poking some aeration holes in the soil before you next water (I like to use a metal coat hanger.) and see if that helps.
I added 40% Perlite to the soil so it shouldn't be too compacted.
I thought that cloth pots prevented plants from getting root bound because it constantly prunes the roots, as long as there's airflow around the pot. Have you tried adding a wetting agent when you water to make sure there are no dry spots? When my cloth pots dry out its hard to get them fully saturated again.
Honestly, I don't even know what a wetting agent is. I guess I haven't added it.... lol.
yucca is typically used as wetting agent.

The easiest way I’ve seen to shuck a grow bad is to set the plant on a round column type object (such as bucket or small trash can) that’s smaller than your grow bag and turn the bag inside out as you slide it downward…. full credit to InTheShed Industries Inc…
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