Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

Thanks bro... trying to find that fine line... I don't like feeling dull. Don't like feeling like running around the block either (most of the time) walking good tho. I guess why I like freshies a lot of the time, doesn't have a chance to get dull!

Happy people is good for sure. Good to hear you had nice flavor and smell, prolly need to open the jars again after a week in and take a peek... I've moved on to PMB - lots of flavor and smell but not as strong..

I want that strong flavorful, mouth coating with an clear headed high even a little psychedelic and wouldn't mind a nice body buzz to go with .... and nice controlled steady as she goes landing.

I got spoiled with Chemdawg.... gonna have to pop a few. My Dolato #3 is almost all purps now but no smell.... looks great tho, very pretty pant.
Yeah, smoke her early good idea. She was good smoke, just nothing that screamed; keep me. Everyone was impressed by the glazed purple and oragne buds though, and good smell. Hard to go back to anything after chem, she's my late shift nurse every night. I can maybe throw some haze in there if I'm going to be doing stuff, but otherwise, it's Chem, she hits right all the time. About that time now. :bongrip:
Yeah, smoke her early good idea. She was good smoke, just nothing that screamed; keep me. Everyone was impressed by the glazed purple and oragne buds though, and good smell. Hard to go back to anything after chem, she's my late shift nurse every night. I can maybe throw some haze in there if I'm going to be doing stuff, but otherwise, it's Chem, she hits right all the time. About that time now. :bongrip:

This is the only thing that consoles me as I watch other growers with these amazing plants with the latest colorful sticky genetics. At least, I find myself hoping so - kind of a schadenfreude thing, y'know? Heheh. "Yeah but how's the high?" I love hearing "meh".

In Jamaica, I had an opportunity to sample (to excess) 25+ top shelf strains from skilled growers, and very few stood out. A couple were more potent and a couple had a really fine flavor, but I suppose 90% had a typical high. Neiko had a Bubba Hash that was very interesting. He has his flowers tested so he knows the THC/CBD of the strain, and he says that almost everyone who's tasted it think it's punchier than it measures. It's in the low teens but people rate it high teens. Those are the strains I gravitate to - the ones that are distinctive. (Although I do love me the lime ones - terps make a real difference)

I'm entranced by the look of the newest strains, but not so sure I trust the character of the high.
Good strain discussion. You guys give some insightful thoughts on what we look for. Sativas are what I mostly grew up with & I still love its uplifting, mentally freeing, positive well being qualities. But nowadays I like hybrids best combining sativa's high with indica's relaxing, calming, pain dissolving punch. Sadly a lot of high sativa strains these days are just not strong enough for me. I always grow & keep around a few 80% or higher sativas, but generally prefer good sativa content together w/ some good indica. Indicas get a bad rap imo. Always hearing "couch lock"......if that's what you want, indicas will provide, but that imo is really not the essence of indica. If grown & picked properly, indicas can be equally uplifting w/ excellent cerebral highs. Always loved indica. Probably even more now as an old f**k.

A "dull" high lacks the mental element I look for. Heck this is what I've liked about weed since my 1st puff. The mood elevation & mental make over. I love the serious brute force power of modern strains but lean towards those having cerebral, mentally lifting qualities. IHG say their goals are terps, flavor, bag appeal. Potency or character of high is not mentioned. I've found they're all plenty strong.... but only a few have the high I look for. So I grow them to quell my curiosity on strains I read & hear about, to look at them, to expand strain experience. Really gorgeous plants to grow & see.

There's a strong Chem brotherhood in our small gang here. The Chem I love most (so far) is still Cali Connection Chem 91 Sk Va. Listed at 60/40 S/I. Exactly the high I tried to describe above. Same deal with Paradise Sensi Star.....listed at 100% indica but some think maybe a little sativa in there too. Got lucky....latest versions of these are such standouts for my preferences that had me chuckling thinking why even bother with these others if not for the curiosity & fun?

@Graytail....funny you mention Bubba. Mentioned before how I haven't grown any Bubba for 3+ years & my plans to get it going again. Grew a CSI Black Bubba this time. He's had his Bubba for 12+ yrs. & the guy he got it from had it longer than that before then. A pretty green plant. A little black on sugars. Good trichomes w/ a little purple. A seriously sticky bitch to trim. But no way did it compare to the trichome & colors in the IHG Platinum Buffalo. Yet I'd pick the Bubba over the Plat. Buff every single time. Just a better high. A classic strain.

Only took a couple of Black Bubba pics. No reason to take more. A jaded

Now time for some Aliendog.....

I love strain talk!!! Know I got a looong way to go compared to some of you in strain recognition, where I grew up, for 20+ years it was ‘mystery’ weed, never knew what you were getting ever

I know one thing for sure though.....when I smell/taste Romulan I’m like a little school girl lol...sad I missed out on the Mowie Haole(M. Wowie X Romulan)....will be keeping my eyes open for sure! That Rom with a good Sativa cross is mouth watering :drool:
You guys know whats up. :nomo:

My day typically goes off sativa heavy and ends up indica ... S/I Breakfast 80/20, Lunch 65/35, Dinner 60/40, Second Dinner 40/60. Whatever gets low gets grown at this point, although my genetics windfall has sort of restructured that a bit.

There were a couple of years that I would grow anything that was Sat dom, and almost nothing that was Indica dom, but I'm coming back around to it as well. I'm more adept discerning with sativa effects, than indica, but I'm getting better with it after so many strains. What I seek in a hybrid is that the indica gives the stone, but also has an uplifting positive energy to it, and good cerebral stimulation. Love the Hindu kush in MasterKush, and it's probably in the Chem too. NL5 I have to learn more about, but some crosses I like have it too. Because they are UP, non-fatiguing indicas, at least initially, and they line up real well with the effects of a good sativa, in true hybrid style. The poly-on-poly thing, is plant roulette where the effect is concerned, and where the wheel has 10000 numbers on it. Great plants, but the smoke is where we really sit and judge, right?

I'm with you GT. I have an obscene looking Slurry in the tent to take pictures of, but what I do smoke when she's finished lol. The cart is pulling the horse it seems. Hobbyists will drive the seed market. Many of them have little experience and discernment, so they pick what looks good, and how could you blame them. The profit growers don't grow any IHG gear I would wager. So while I do love growing them, it's a one or two-off type of thing, for fun and learning, not so much for the smoke. I very much get that schadenfreude, along with a healthy dose of ... glad I don't have to smoke that, told you so, get off my lawn. :slide::rofl:
I love strain talk!!! Know I got a looong way to go compared to some of you in strain recognition, where I grew up, for 20+ years it was ‘mystery’ weed, never knew what you were getting ever

I know one thing for sure though.....when I smell/taste Romulan I’m like a little school girl lol...sad I missed out on the Mowie Haole(M. Wowie X Romulan)....will be keeping my eyes open for sure! That Rom with a good Sativa cross is mouth watering :drool:

I am loving this strain talk as well. When I was considering this adventure on growing, before I joined this site, I would read so many of the journals by BL, Bob, Penny, and several others on here and I would think "What the freaking hell are they talking about with tastes and smells and different effects?" Now understand.....I hadn't smoked for 20+ years and the stuff I smoked back then was just mexican dirt weed so the only smell I knew was that and the highs all the vets were describing were nothing like what I experienced in my limited dealings. Seemed like a lot of hokey pokey talk to me at the time.

Now fast forward about a year of smoking almost daily for my back, trying probably 15 or so strains of Sativas, Hybrids, and Sativas, I can relate to what I read all you guys talking about. I can pick up different tastes and smells (believe me...I laughed when I read that there was a strain that smelled like blueberries....none of the shit I smoked as a kid ever smelled nice like that) and am amazed at the different terpene profiles. I am getting sensitive enough to the highs I can start relating to all the descriptions being described above.

Many times I don't think some of the growers on here, give a great description of their smoke reports (at least many of the grow journals I follow), but I love reading the descriptions you guys are giving! Can we get more of this!
I’m still learning sooo much myself about terps as well, makes it so much easier knowing the strains as they grow and knowing what to look for, basically teaching yourself vs just getting some bag weed and getting a sniff here and there, never knowing what it was or even how well it was grown

I love reading about and trying to find strains, especially ones from the 90’s I may have smoked in my childhood, love learning the different stories about some of them :ganjamon:
Tastes and smells don’t stand out very well for me for the most part but I can tell a huge difference in effects. I seem to be very sensitive in that department especially with the Sativa dom strains.
Well regarding Sativa doms... that DT I've been running is pretty strong Sativa high and its got lemon terps in spades.

I keep trying to smoke it in the evening happy hour time and I wake up at 3am heart rate arund 90bpm and I'm in pretty good shape (swim 2K to 2.5K every other day). My normal resting HB is around 60bpm. I need to stop doing that! hahahahaha.

My latest surprise good flavor with potent Sativa/Indica effects was Ghost Train Haze... I ran that cause free seeds and was pleasantly surprised. Now when I put my hand in the nug tray and pick a bud up, I can taste which plant it came from. I get a little smile with the GTH and some laughing too. Smooth citrusy taste with a little gas flavor and a pretty good Sativa buzz. Not as overwhelming as the DT can be if over indulged.

We hobby growers are spoiled. Anyone go into a dispensary or cannabis store and pick up anything that's as tastey good as you've grown yourself?
Loud Seeds Dementia
Bred for '12 Amsterdam HTCC. 80/20 S/I. Norcal Blue Dream F1 x Soma Amnesia. Sensational terpenes......fresh grapefruit that lasted throughout flower. So strong & defined.....will be remembered. Good sativa energy but smooth & calm. Quite euphoric......a very likable high.

Vigorous grower.....thankful for the 3 node whorled phyllotaxy that helped keep her in control. For an 80% sativa the trichome level was a hellava surprise. Chalk up another one for Loud Seeds.....2 for 2 damn nice strains & plants. Surprised to see 5 pack regs at SHN for 45. That's like a cup of coffee price nowadays.

Love it over here. Always got a great garden going.. Fast? Like me pluck ur brain genius, and tell me how long she flowered for you? She's closing in on 2 months. and looks REAL close.

Keepem Green
If they look good that's great news for an online journal or your local dispensary, but if they smoke well that's good news for the grower :cool:

I always thought that bag appeal was secondary at best and there are so many breeders who just want their strain to be pretty and have huge buds. And they always end up being pretty average smoke.

But newcomers get really fooled by the looks to the point they start losing focus... growers too actually.

And when you produce another polyhybrid by breeding two polyhybrids together the progeny is very often lackluster. Not a rule, but a pretty common thing.

The funniest thing is that classics that are still around were often a product of accidental pollination or created on a whim. And frequently we're not even sure who made them and how.

Also cannabis has more than 300 terpenes, but maybe 10 dominate all over. What happened to the other ones? Market dictated what got bred, grown and sold.

It's pretty dismal really that the only thing that matters nowadays is how much THC a bud have although very often exaggerated if flowering time is short and if it yields like a monster. For the quality high we lose in the process it's just not worth it IMO.

And I second Bubba Hash. A great strain!
Love it over here. Always got a great garden going.. Fast? Like me pluck ur brain genius, and tell me how long she flowered for you? She's closing in on 2 months. and looks REAL close.
Keepem Green

Thx. Always like hanging out with ya NCW. P. Genius cut at 61 days. Buds plenty done looking, 80-85% cloudy. Think I'd like 56-58 days even better.

If they look good that's great news for an online journal or your local dispensary, but if they smoke well that's good news for the grower :cool:

I always thought that bag appeal was secondary at best and there are so many breeders who just want their strain to be pretty and have huge buds. And they always end up being pretty average smoke.

But newcomers get really fooled by the looks to the point they start losing focus... growers too actually.

And when you produce another polyhybrid by breeding two polyhybrids together the progeny is very often lackluster. Not a rule, but a pretty common thing.

The funniest thing is that classics that are still around were often a product of accidental pollination or created on a whim. And frequently we're not even sure who made them and how.

Also cannabis has more than 300 terpenes, but maybe 10 dominate all over. What happened to the other ones? Market dictated what got bred, grown and sold.

It's pretty dismal really that the only thing that matters nowadays is how much THC a bud have although very often exaggerated if flowering time is short and if it yields like a monster. For the quality high we lose in the process it's just not worth it IMO.

And I second Bubba Hash. A great strain!

Good points there con. Lucky to grow & enjoy my baseline core favs....Sensi Star, 91, SSSDH, Dedoverde..... The rest is gravy. Plant & flower beauty, color, frost, terpenes as big a deal to me nowadays as herbal & medicinal side. Gardening in & of itself. Lots of top quality genetics to grow.....ridiculous. Loads of fun. Always on to the next one looking for that something special....even one for the favorites list? Hell I figure I can't find 'em if I don't grow them.

Forgot to add last time. Any Blue Dream fans would like Dementia. Know there are a lot of them. Maybe tilts more to the original as I remember it via the added haze. Have seen references to both a sativa BL & an indica BD. WTF is indica BD? That's funny bc when early BD came around, it was pretty zippy & even a little electric. Doubt anyone would describe the early BD as indica... lol.


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