Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

Good luck with the trimming. Time for a :bongrip:

Site takes a little time but you no longer use app on mobile. Use whatever mobile browser you got. I prefer the laptop but I'm old. :rofl:

Emojis from old site has to be done by memory but hover over an old one and you'll see the code.
Emojis have been uploaded now...hit emoji icon should be 3 tabs “uncategorized smilies” “animated smilies” and “420 smilies” :ganjamon:
Thanks for the tips & help. Tried the "universal" email add....mixed results. So slowly trying to visit prior subscriptions to post & hopefully restart.

Welcome to kelticBlue. Thanks for visiting. Make yourself at home & join in anytime you wish.

How did you make out trimming?

I just hauled in 6.7zips dry trimmed Dolato which I'm happy about and my Dolato #2 is turning purps after 30 days flower time and getting cheesy.

Buffalato going good a little slower than the Dolato but starting to stack up.

21+ bob. Even w/ 2 runty laggards. No complaints....good haul & across the board quality. Sounds like you have a keeper Dolato going. I got great color but not nearly that early.

All right...a few pics. Gonna go back a few wks. to start of harvest. Will post a few highlights over a couple of updates to catch up.

Tent at 60 days, which was start of harvest. Thought pic interesting as each plant had own distinct color, size, shape, flowers. Easy to see 9 different strains. All cut in 11 day window.

Last look at Platinum Buffalo. Obvious frost & color so fun to grow. Still deciding what I think of the effects. Hoped for & expected more sativa qualities to go along with her hard hitting indica genetics. There's quite a bit of sativa in both parents. Trichomes thick but not as sticky or glue like as some end up so easy to trim. I've found lots of variation in how trichomes dry & cure even before time to trim. Cold winter temps in garage allowed an extended plant hang & real nice slow dry period.

Geez....took me awhile to figure out how to add pictures. Like a stumbling rookie on a site I've been a member of for nearly 4 years. Hope everyone's garden is thriving, & I'll find my way back to your journals soon.
:circle-of-love: :Namaste:
Like WOW Dude... That's sick.........................

Keepem Green
Like WOW Dude... That's sick.........................

Keepem Green
Gorgeous plant BL! You make that strain look amazing. Might be worth the price tag!

Thanks guys. Good to see you & all after the shut down & me having to 're-group' on this new site version.

But want to let you all know.......since Neptune switched over to its "alternate" site permanently & since he's #1 primary IHG distributor there are a boatload of old & long gone IHG strains available again. Don't know how many of each or how long they'll last. But the old ones & very popular newer ones are there. Including the Plat. Buff Jgrowlove. Was real surprised to see several of the really old gems again....1st generation release stuff. :Namaste:
That Platinum Buffalo turned out amazing :Namaste:

I'm salivating over here :drool::drool::drool:

That tent and Plat. Buf look fantastic brother...seriously nice stuff :bravo:

Thanks PW & GOP. Missed you guys a minute ago....getting some extra practice on how to use the new site, lol. IHG sets the stage for color & frost.....sort of built into their genetics. Not always my favorite to use but always fun to grow & see. :Namaste:
Congrats on your harvest... super great pics too. The Platinum Buffalo looks pretty freaking awesome.. get some red trichomes on that one??

Getting pretty good with your camera BL... back lighting with a side flash.

420Mag approved and promoted!
You give me too much photo credit bob....just iPhone 7+ that I use a point & shoot bc I don't know how to use any features except zoom. Lol. Window light from right, tent light from left. No flash. Need to dig in & learn more about it.

Just plain usual trichomes. Only that Star Pupil had colored ones.
Wow beautiful man.. the colors on her are something else. The trichs on the slurricane sound similar.. like soft and velvety to the touch after a month in the jars. Not too sticky until ya broke it up. Didnt really care for the high too much.. was tasty however. Great job on the grow.. is that one in the middle a polyploid? Those buds look crazy as hell lol. :goodjob::drool:
Please pardon the intrusion. :thanks:

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This is quite beautiful BL. I got lost in the distinct differences I see. :adore:
BL you're using an I-phone to take your pics.. You have a great eye for composition and lighting. I thought you had a dslr ...

Oh yeah and I got the last pack of that Platinum Buffalo @ Neptune was SUPER easy to pay with CC too! Place your order and give em a call... problems solved! Thanks for the tip.. :lot-o-toke: not sure I need any more seeds... all my jars are full and my VEG tables overgrown. Not a complaint... I'm feeling very very fortunate. Now I'm starting to figure out why folks search for the holly grail genetic.

I had to stake up a Buffalato in VEG, getting backed up.

What's up for next round?? Don't be shy! :Namaste:
Wow beautiful man.. the colors on her are something else. The trichs on the slurricane sound similar.. like soft and velvety to the touch after a month in the jars. Not too sticky until ya broke it up. Didnt really care for the high too much.. was tasty however. Great job on the grow.. is that one in the middle a polyploid? Those buds look crazy as hell lol. :goodjob::drool:

Good way to describe the trichs. toasted. Tried the Plat. Buff. again yesterday. Potency is surely there, a little time giving more head high than earlier.....but still in that dull, unexciting high category. Good eye...yeah that's the Dementia w/ the polyploidism. Have a few good pics of her to post soon. At bottom right....w/ the puny cookie flowers is Ethos Cookies. That's the one w/ the bud on a leaf. Note weird leaf shape....almost like Ducksfoot.

BL you're using an I-phone to take your pics.. You have a great eye for composition and lighting. I thought you had a dslr ...

Oh yeah and I got the last pack of that Platinum Buffalo @ Neptune was SUPER easy to pay with CC too! Place your order and give em a call... problems solved! Thanks for the tip.. :lot-o-toke: not sure I need any more seeds... all my jars are full and my VEG tables overgrown. Not a complaint... I'm feeling very very fortunate. Now I'm starting to figure out why folks search for the holly grail genetic.

I had to stake up a Buffalato in VEG, getting backed up.
What's up for next round?? Don't be shy! :Namaste:

Little info on White Buffalo....listed at 50-50 S/I. Didn't see that myself. Now you can compare it in 2 strains. Likely few of us need more seeds.....until the next "need this" comes along. We all seem to have a shitload of fun buying them. New batch a wk. in flower.....details & pics soon.

This is quite beautiful BL. I got lost in the distinct differences I see.

A nice change up from the usual green. We're lucky to see all kinds of different stuff only experienced by growing our favorite plant.

I just seen the tude' carries IHG seeds. Keepem Green

Yes....but at even more inflated prices. I'd stick to domestic seed bank like Nepture or OES.

Here's my latest An 18 fingered leaf. When I saw it, I wondered...."what the hell is that?" At 1st thought it was a lateral tip that quit sprouting leaves. Thinking the high intensity lighting may be a factor as these mutations show up in flower.

Now...THAT, I've never seen before. PlatBuff is insane, as good as anything I've seen looks wise. Hope she has some fun in the smoke. No one brings the show like IHG, and the plants are all easy. But yeah, some Paradise, MNS, and a few others for the growers' headstuffs. :)
Hey CS - how did you like your Dolato?? I'm just a few days in jars... I actually really like what I've tried so far but not a lot of flavors..... yet??

Hmmm. Mine had some great flavor, even if it wasn't unique, and had great bag appeal, smell and potency. The high lasted long enough, but it was a little uninspired cerebrally and was stoney but dull. Just grew two of them, so my odds weren't great. Killer plants and people were happy...just not headstash for the grower.
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