Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I've crunched a crap ton of numbers, and as far as I can tell, there are a few simple rules of thumb. With these LM561C diodes, you should be able to count on 1200+ umols at 24 inches at 40 watts per square foot. The same applies to good COBs.


I like the watts/sq.ft. I'm right at 39w/sf ... I could add some more but I dont think I need to.

Hopefully next year we will be talking 20w/sf with the same umols, and I'm not at 1200 but I'm close to that, at 12". My plants are able to grow to within say 6" of the COBs. They will grow right into them actually if I let them so the heat isn't there but its on the passive heat sinks but not much heat really which is amazing... unless 95F ambient.

I think COBs get hotter as the ambient temp increases, and it gets exponential depending on how they are wired (series or parallel + constant current drivers... lots of options and benefits).

4D said:
Aggressive girl there B.Brown!!

Ive got a Beethoven Bomb TR. Can I use this with the plants?? Can I use this in Flower, if so heavy in flower?

Ive thought use it during the summer shut down after I bleach wash.

I've had mites.. I probably have them now... little fuckers. Don't waste your time with bleaching everything... way too much work. FANS - they HATE wind. I have fans in the grow room pointed at the top soil line. They have trouble getting to the leaves with a little breeze.

That and start spraying your plants with silica.. Horsetail fern tea and/or Ful-Power and/or Pro-tekt... all of these <--- can be foiler sprayed and watered in (same time or not). Makes the plants taste like shit to the pests due to ramping up their immune system.

Mites are always going to be a thing... don't need to spray nasty chemicals on the plants to keep them away. Best approach is to help the plants fend them off (and fans). Remember when gnats were a thing, fans and gone.

Weak plants attract pests, so don't be a nurse-maid. Shitty growing plant... cull... sniff sniff puff puff, movin on. Not as easy as it sounds... effective.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Yikes all this bug talk,,, knock on wood,, for the moment anyways... Just doing a drive by..

BTW BL I think I got your share of females with that Wildberry.. I ended up throwing both in flower. Least I'm almost sure it's 2 female?

GL and Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Some good tips there bobrown thank you.. i have little mites in one of my cups and im going organic this time so i needed some tips that wont fry my plants or the soil. They arent doing any damage yet so maybe its better to just leave them alone??

Im not sure what the mites are either. I just know its hard as hell to catch a glimpse of them cause once you touch the cup they go hiding in the soil. Little bastards
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Thanks B.Brown. Probably at most just wipe the floor out next July shut down and thats just being honest. I do want to take the 600w HPS apart and windex them, dident do it this year. Ive read and use a fan cause it works for bugs. I spray every weekend. This one is ISO then Clove. I defoiled and traind some yesterday and scoped and dident see any Russets. Not a one. Dead or alive. The ISO and hot pepper is great too. Horsetail fern tea, Im googling it. Sounds like a great drench.
Toasted, rid them! Aza drench, maybe some D.Earth on the soil and plant base?? I havent had a soil pest yet. Root Aphids?? My ISO wash works. Tried and tested. Maybe not for a soil pest but for the foilage its great. 2-3 oz ISO to 1/2 gal mister. Congrats on the contest win!!
Wow my cold water hash I made last year is good!!
Have a great weekend 420.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Check this out, dude around the corner from me said he had 30 plants in his backyard. One a 12 footer and got 4lbs supposedly. Said people were in the backyard and he went out with a gun. Code inforcement!! Took him to jail, took ALL his guns and left him ALL his weed!! I heard it 3rd person but its true. Interesting.
Happy Harvest, Happy Holidays and Great Weekend 420!!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Some good tips there bobrown thank you.. i have little mites in one of my cups and im going organic this time so i needed some tips that wont fry my plants or the soil. They arent doing any damage yet so maybe its better to just leave them alone??

Im not sure what the mites are either. I just know its hard as hell to catch a glimpse of them cause once you touch the cup they go hiding in the soil. Little bastards

Mites left to own devices will devastate a crop.... I get on them first siting. No messing around. Spinosad is organic and it works and won't hurt a plant.

Monterrey Garden Spray = spinosad. 2tbs to a gallon of water is enough.... have to spray every 3 days for 2 weeks to break the cycle. You will only see mites that hurt plants on the leaves underside small like a pin head small, they leave white spots on the leaves and thats the first sign. Once they get established its a much bigger problem and you will see webs with more mites and eggs on the underside of leaves.

There are soil mites.. they well, live in the soil, and are not harmful to plants. They help break down soil.

There are root aphids... you won't see them unless plant is dying and you transplant and then you will see them. Add neem cake/karanga cake to soil mix to get rid of soil pests and use silica water in and foiler... can foiler any silica with the Spinosad at same time.

Grow healthy plants, lots of issues become non-issues with healthy plants. They fight off disease and pests pretty well without us... when healthy.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Health is the key to potency as well, so that's great advice. Fans too. I point mine at the fabric rootball and just above, to keep the rootball aerated, and to keep RH from gathering at the bottom near wet soil. Even with 80%RH or more, no mold or PM with good fans. No bugs either, and I don't run any IPM. No sprays, treatments, amendments, traps lol.... just happy (healthy) trees. :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Cannarado Puckin' Genius

The main player in this strain is the Lemon G. Clone only out of Ohio that's only recently showing up. A few LG strains out now. This one is like going to a sativa convention.....many represented & seemed to blend well. Lemon G is G13, Columbian Gold, & some say G13 Haze. Paired with Bohdi's Genius Thai Extreme, which is Lemon Thai x Apollo 11. Apollo 11 is Genius x Cinderella 99. Digging a little deeper.....Princess, P94, & P88 also in lineage. Only Cafe Girl is missing of the Big 3. Effect is heavily sativa....the G13 stays in the background but balances all the sativa nicely. Yet an early finisher at 61 days. Not the astringent citrus like Tangie....more like lemon drop candy. Some funky gym locker, cheese, & tropical fruit too.


Hope to be back updating more regularly. This round's trimming is killing me. Thanks to all for all the interesting posts. :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
Brightlight's Outdoor & LED Gardens

Like you say it's been tough since you did so many strains this round....all of of them look amazing though, so in the end when all's said and done, looks like you have some serious kick ass selection to sit back and enjoy, never mind being a kid in a candy store.... I wanna be me at BLs garden of glorious flavor lol ...
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Cannarado Puckin' Genius

The main player in this strain is the Lemon G. Clone only out of Ohio that's only recently showing up. A few LG strains out now. This one is like going to a sativa convention.....many represented & seemed to blend well. Lemon G is G13, Columbian Gold, & some say G13 Haze. Paired with Bohdi's Genius Thai Extreme, which is Lemon Thai x Apollo 11. Apollo 11 is Genius x Cinderella 99. Digging a little deeper.....Princess, P94, & P88 also in lineage. Only Cafe Girl is missing of the Big 3. Effect is heavily sativa....the G13 stays in the background but balances all the sativa nicely. Yet an early finisher at 61 days. Not the astringent citrus like Tangie....more like lemon drop candy. Some funky gym locker, cheese, & tropical fruit too.


Hope to be back updating more regularly. This round's trimming is killing me. Thanks to all for all the interesting posts. :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
Awesome to see some more strains from Cannarado. My Gumdrop Kush is from them.

That Puckin Genius sounds really good. And looks even better. Lol good job man. .
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

NEVER IGNORE A MITE................ PERIOD................... Hey all.... BL I had need of new bloodlines to start... Miss J and Me both took the Puckin One.... Reg seed? I got one from a friend to try with that Wildberry's. But didn't say if it was a girl or not.... Don't matter,,, it's on a towel warming up for well you know............. Drive by Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

What a website and what a journal. All the great info. is incredible. I refer to you people as my grow buddies. I tell my trim buddy..."Well my grow buddies say this"
Heres my 3rd tent run. Flipped 10/27. I ISO washed after this pic and 4 hrs later with lights out those fingers were reaching!!! I thought of your plants NCW! I defoiled a day before ISO wash/pic and not one Russet, dead or alive. ISO yesterday and a clove spray today. Im getting all my ratios down. My hot pepper works great too.
Happy Sunday and Happy Holidays and Happy Harvest.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

What a website and what a journal. All the great info. is incredible. I refer to you people as my grow buddies. I tell my trim buddy..."Well my grow buddies say this"
Heres my 3rd tent run. Flipped 10/27. I ISO washed after this pic and 4 hrs later with lights out those fingers were reaching!!! I thought of your plants NCW! I defoiled a day before ISO wash/pic and not one Russet, dead or alive. ISO yesterday and a clove spray today. Im getting all my ratios down. My hot pepper works great too.
Happy Sunday and Happy Holidays and Happy Harvest.

dope setup you got. Good job! Plants look beautiful
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

dope setup you got. Good job! Plants look beautiful

Thanks! Todays 3-4 days later and theyre looking even better. I evend the canopy a lil. No bugs. 6 different strains. Im not sure how much I like these air pots. You cant really water the edge like a plastic one. I hacked down my laundry veg grow, Monster Crop? Theyre way to big.
The Clove spray, I need to use luke warm water next time I use an oil. Smelled good. I think it got thick at the end. Essential oils are hard on a plant so be careful. I was out of FF Open sesame so I had to buy another which means Im sticking with FF for awhile longer. You can see the difference it does to help the preflower after just 3 days. Nothing needs to be done today in the tent so no need to go in.
The 3 Bubbas I have flowering in the yard couldent smell better. Plant/bud structure. Strength. Russet free! A killer strain. Gettn cold, 40 deg for a low. Maybe bring them in at night for a month.
The transformation after flip is quite incredible!! Cool Stuff!
Great day 420.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Yea watering them air pots is a pain. You have to water in small increments and use a drip tray or all the water just runs off around the edges and the center stays dry. With the drip pans they can whick back up the water or food. I've never used a air pot,, smart pots yes.

I use to use that trio of FF fertilizers. The beastie bloom and the others. They are good products,, just alittle costy. And I've never used FF's other products just those. But lately, I've been getting the Dry Kool Bloom from GH... Abit cheaper and still packs a punch with a
NPK of 2-45-28. And then I am using GH products also. But they are about the same. Alittle goes along ways. I use it when I do what I call 'juice' them, which is like 3-4 times a crop.

Drive-by... Waiting to see my sprout pop their heads out of the soil. Does that Plucking Genius come feminized? But time you blast acouple flower pictures in a update. GL and Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Thanks NCW. Im not sure if theyre air pots or smart pots but theyre cloth/fabric. They do leak from the sides but your right you have to do it correctly. The pans I have for my plastic pots wont fit the air pots. I just try to be careful, I do 12oz a time let it soak in and try to give 4-5 cups worth. I dont notice that they dry out any faster than plastic however like Ive read.
Bugs, BL your right. My 3 Bubbas flowering in the yard have Russets. I scoped and its not too many but theyre there. Slow moving cause the temp but there. So plants I thought were IMMUNE arent. Just maybe lesser desired but will still get them. I ISO sprayed them and they slept inside last night. They (Russets) loved the TGA Pergutory.
Ive been making/using my homemade ISO wash for a month now and the plants love it! They really dig it.

I became a Grand Pa!! First time! A big life stepping stone! :)
Great Day 420
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Thanks NCW. Im not sure if theyre air pots or smart pots but theyre cloth/fabric. They do leak from the sides but your right you have to do it correctly. The pans I have for my plastic pots wont fit the air pots. I just try to be careful, I do 12oz a time let it soak in and try to give 4-5 cups worth. I dont notice that they dry out any faster than plastic however like Ive read.
Bugs, BL your right. My 3 Bubbas flowering in the yard have Russets. I scoped and its not too many but theyre there. Slow moving cause the temp but there. So plants I thought were IMMUNE arent. Just maybe lesser desired but will still get them. I ISO sprayed them and they slept inside last night. They (Russets) loved the TGA Pergutory.
Ive been making/using my homemade ISO wash for a month now and the plants love it! They really dig it.

I became a Grand Pa!! First time! A big life stepping stone! :)
Great Day 420

Congrats on becoming a Grand Pa brother!!! I have twin grand daughters that are closing in on 2 years old. Welcome to the old man club!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Health is the key to potency as well, so that's great advice. Fans too. I point mine at the fabric rootball and just above, to keep the rootball aerated, and to keep RH from gathering at the bottom near wet soil. Even with 80%RH or more, no mold or PM with good fans. No bugs either, and I don't run any IPM. No sprays, treatments, amendments, traps lol.... just happy (healthy) trees. :Namaste:

Hey there CS... I think you're on to something with the fans pointed at the soil instead of the plants.

I've implemented that recently (Summer time) and haven't needed any IPM (I'm lazy) ever since. More fans is good advice for sure. :thumb:

I have I think 3 fans pointed at the soil lines of my plants in FLOWER, also have fans moving air around the plants canopy as well. So lots of air movement but not strong flow just movement. Seems to work really really well. I know I'm on borrowed time with mites... but so far so good. I probably won't see them again until next spring when the temps go up some. They do HATE wind tho...

BL that PG looks amazing. Lots of trichomes....tasty.

Trimming meh, yeah hate when that happens, but in a good way. I've found my happy space with trimming. Took me a while tho. I used to really dread having to sit down for 4 hrs and trim but my last several sessions have been a lot better.

I think it helps when we get plants that are easy to trim, not a lot of sugar leaf tips to cut. Then I get a plant with a crap ton of sugars that all need trimmed and they are sticky... I think it helps to let the plants dry out a little more but then I worry about over drying.

Hey Dutchess, what flood tray is that you have in your tent? What brand and size? I've been trying to find one that fits that tent size you have with not much luck??
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