Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I've crunched a crap ton of numbers, and as far as I can tell, there are a few simple rules of thumb. With these LM561C diodes, you should be able to count on 1200+ umols at 24 inches at 40 watts per square foot. The same applies to good COBs.

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

These discussions have popped up on other threads lately, and the details end up junking up those journals, so I'm going to revive Fanleaf's old thread and keep the tech talk going on over there.

Fanleaf's Huge 42 COB Array Build Plus Other Builds

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Morning Bl, 420. I found ONE Russet in the tent last week alive. Im treating and have found ONE dead since. I know one too many. I think Im going to keep introducing them? I try to be clean and cautious. Ive got 8 different strains going in the tent. They look beautiful today. My treatments are working. I scope all thats removed.
My laundry room veg grow has 7 plants jammed together because of room. I noticed some slightly messed up leafs on the top of ONE. Its a Pergutory. Scoped it and coverd with Russets. Fuck. Pulled it, bagged it and tossed it. None of the other six have ANY Russets. Again, they are jammed together.
Im thinking since some tent strains might be Russet friendly I should quit treating the tent and as strains get infested pull them and add the ones from the laundry. I have a feeling if I dont do this I might lose half the tent to Russets. Fight them like I did the yard grow and get shit.
So quit treating and pull and add different plants if infest develops? Or treat and fight em till harvest and hope for the best?
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Yellow Jackets for pests was recommended by a friend. He said introduce them a few years and they will live there. I searched and Googled and asked the grow shop. I couldent find nothing. I did find Aphid predatory wasps. Im sure these are what he was referring too. Anybody know about Aphid predatory wasps for Russets for outdoors or maybe for indoors too??
The secret to these Russets is grow the strains they least like. Crazy as shit to see the Pergutory all fucked up and not any Russets on the others. Also this tells me if I just find a few Russets in the tent that means that plants out.
Great Day 420
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Morning Bl, 420. I found ONE Russet in the tent last week alive. Im treating and have found ONE dead since. I know one too many. I think Im going to keep introducing them? I try to be clean and cautious. Ive got 8 different strains going in the tent. They look beautiful today. My treatments are working. I scope all thats removed.
My laundry room veg grow has 7 plants jammed together because of room. I noticed some slightly messed up leafs on the top of ONE. Its a Pergutory. Scoped it and coverd with Russets. Fuck. Pulled it, bagged it and tossed it. None of the other six have ANY Russets. Again, they are jammed together.
Im thinking since some tent strains might be Russet friendly I should quit treating the tent and as strains get infested pull them and add the ones from the laundry. I have a feeling if I dont do this I might lose half the tent to Russets. Fight them like I did the yard grow and get shit.
So quit treating and pull and add different plants if infest develops? Or treat and fight em till harvest and hope for the best?

I don't know about russets, I have only dealt with spider mites and that was a big enough pain in the ass that I am not introducing any new plants, even from seeds, until I have harvested everything and I can spray EVERYTHING in ALL the grow areas with bleach....several times over several days. That way I can ensure they arent passing from plant to plant without the infestation ever going away. These last 4 months were enough that I know I don't want to be dealing with mites again.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Yes, I mean the Fluence new love. LOL

If you're looking at Spydr.....recommend that you take a look at the one I have too. Similar & both in the same level/class of LED.

I've crunched a crap ton of numbers, and as far as I can tell, there are a few simple rules of thumb. With these LM561C diodes, you should be able to count on 1200+ umols at 24 inches at 40 watts per square foot. The same applies to good COBs.


I looked up the LM561C diodes. 0.3w each. Think my Mega uses Samsung too but IDK which diodes. Recall being told that mine are 1w diodes running at lower power. Seems to be the leading technology nowadays.....lots of lower watt diodes running at lower power levels.

Yes ok, sorry again BL. Back to your beautiful plants.

No sweat I always away anytime. I enjoy light discussions.

Morning Bl, 420. I found ONE Russet in the tent last week alive. Im treating and have found ONE dead since. I know one too many. I think Im going to keep introducing them? I try to be clean and cautious. Ive got 8 different strains going in the tent. They look beautiful today. My treatments are working. I scope all thats removed.
My laundry room veg grow has 7 plants jammed together because of room. I noticed some slightly messed up leafs on the top of ONE. Its a Pergutory. Scoped it and coverd with Russets. Fuck. Pulled it, bagged it and tossed it. None of the other six have ANY Russets. Again, they are jammed together.
Im thinking since some tent strains might be Russet friendly I should quit treating the tent and as strains get infested pull them and add the ones from the laundry. I have a feeling if I dont do this I might lose half the tent to Russets. Fight them like I did the yard grow and get shit.
So quit treating and pull and add different plants if infest develops? Or treat and fight em till harvest and hope for the best?

Yellow Jackets for pests was recommended by a friend. He said introduce them a few years and they will live there. I searched and Googled and asked the grow shop. I couldent find nothing. I did find Aphid predatory wasps. Im sure these are what he was referring too. Anybody know about Aphid predatory wasps for Russets for outdoors or maybe for indoors too??
The secret to these Russets is grow the strains they least like. Crazy as shit to see the Pergutory all fucked up and not any Russets on the others. Also this tells me if I just find a few Russets in the tent that means that plants out.
Great Day 420

Outside is one thing...far less control. But inside.....hell no, you don't want them setting up camp in your tent. Do anything & everything to purge that tent. Would say no on the yellow jackets.....they are a serious & dangerous pest too. Mean suckers.

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hey everyone, question about EM products.....I've heard great things from a number of people here about EM-1, however I seem to be having a problem getting it up product I came across that is available up here is SCD Probio Balance Plus....wondering if anyone has any experience with this and how it compares to EM-1 .
Re: Brightlight's Outdoor & LED Gardens

Quantum boards for a 4x2 could easily be done for under $500 ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Best efficiency you could find and, and ... white!

Just one more question, seems like the QB 320 would be the perfect one for my 4 by 2.


Says it can flower 2 by 4 up to 2.5 by 5.. what do you think guys? Under 500 too .
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I've seen that ratio used a bit, g/w. Always wondered though because it looks like the results can be largely skewed without grow time taken into account.

If just measuring against each other g/w ratio, how does it account for someone who vegged for 4 weeks vs someone who only vegged for 1 week? Obviously the guy who vegged 4 weeks is going to see a HUGE difference over someone who only vegged 1 week

At the end of the day, gm/watt still in play... so you only VEG'd a plant a week and I did 6 weeks. Same thing happens with a different lamp. I mean hey, IF I was using HID and only VEG'd a week, still the same thing to me.

It's not about the method of growing, its about the output from the method. That can be weighed on a scale and the watts measured... The only difference with different methods is the weight. gm/watt ... same thing for everyone. Different road to get there is all.

Time to get there is a thing.... I guess I could mainline a plant and grow it in a scrog for 9 months and kill it.

I get what you're saying tho.. but we can use that argument across the board for everything... I guess why BL likes to use PPFD as a way to measure the light intensity as it relates to plants growth.

Here's my deal... I just put in 2 1750K COBs in the grow room along side 3K COBs, they don't measure the same PPFD as my 3K COBs but I've seen the results from an all 1750K COB grow and I think the grower got 1 gm/watt and it was a pretty big room.

My thought is that we are really just getting going with LED tech for growing (finally). Several things that are driving the advances:
as always.... and that's pretty much why I like to use the gm/watt measurement... that can easily be converted to the almighty $$.

I run 1250 watts of COB in my grow room, 1250 grams dry @ 1g/w = 44ish zips.... that's pretty easy to figure out. A lot of weed too for a small room. I did just pull 11 zips off 1 plant this last round tho. That would put me on par with 1g/w. a thing. I wish I had it.

I went from 3-4 zips per plant (older versions of LEDs) to 7-10 zips per plant last round, changing to COBs and lowered my electric bill AND heat output.

I'm a hobby grower and growing perpetual so nothing finishes at the same time or rarely and next round wont be the same. I wish I got 1g/w... and then trim, careful what I wish for.

BL congrats on your harvests ... pulling those plants in that short span of time is a lot of work. Your strain selection is stellar, as is your grow results.

I wish I had smell-a-internet so I could get a nice big huff of that terpine lady! .... I'm getting dizzy thinking about it.

How was the trim session? A great plant with lots of terpines and trimming, I always get blasted to outer space then nappy time.

Pic of my 3K and the 1750K COB lamp - the 1750K are the COBs with the slight red/orange glow... they don't have the Umols the 3K do. The 1750s are the redish ones in the middle of each row. Plant I think is done stretch. Last round they grew right past the lamps that were all 3K..... ???? hmmmm These are clones.. as were the last round.


Skunk Werks said:
What I wanted to say, before I got sidetracked was, the cannabis from those warehouse grows one sees pimped out on YouTube, yeah they produce... What's the word I'm looking for here? Garbage? Yeah, "garbage" will do.
A "professional" room isn't one that answers to investors, period. Once "ROI" officially enters the picture the fat lady has already sung.

ROI ... is a thing. Only thing investors are looking at and its all B/S. All that is, trying to get the hobbyist growers out of the market. We are the first line and BigAg with Government want us out of the way so the masses can puff Cannaboro, its already a thing.

And agreed 100%... and..... wait for it:

Skunks... don't get me started bro. I'm full of all sorts of sheets! I'll catch up to BL's journal .. I was busy for the last 2 days trimming... 1 plant.

Trimmer and hired:

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I don't know about russets, I have only dealt with spider mites and that was a big enough pain in the ass that I am not introducing any new plants, even from seeds, until I have harvested everything and I can spray EVERYTHING in ALL the grow areas with bleach....several times over several days. That way I can ensure they arent passing from plant to plant without the infestation ever going away. These last 4 months were enough that I know I don't want to be dealing with mites again.
I had Spider mites once and two treatments in one week got them (At least thats how I remember it). The difference between the two are the same as chicken pox and cancer. Russets are a game changer. Thanks Van I plan to do that bleach clean this next summer when I shut down. This run and the spring run will dictate lots. My last tent sprays were ISO then Hot Pepper the next day. It works good. This weekend will be an ISO then Clove followed by an ISO and Rosemary the following weekend. Seems I can keep them at bay in the tent with this method. Heavy in flower I can still use the ISO and Hot Pepper if need be. My sprays really are effective. I got the ratio down. The plants love it.
The biggest wrench I see with the Wasps is theyre $$ and theyre not for Russets theyre for Aphids. Dude at the grow shop said yes, might work however but then theres no spraying of anything. They might sting too maybe??
The way the tent looked yesterday is all will be well with treatments. I flipped the 29th and there startn to stretch. What fun 420, thank you!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Aggressive girl there B.Brown!!

Ive got a Beethoven Bomb TR. Can I use this with the plants?? Can I use this in Flower, if so heavy in flower?

Ive thought use it during the summer shut down after I bleach wash.
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