Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Finishing in the 50s is always nice and she looks tasty as hell. That's ET's LCog, right? Sweet sweet resin. Keep saying I have to run that, and if circumstances weren't what they are, I'm sure I would have her on deck lol. But dam, she looks nice. :Namaste:

You're's the Emerald Triangle version. The old time original. Maybe that HSO version is the same thing, but IDK? You'd like her......Chem 4 goodness w/ good dose of Thai. Feel good & upbeat but w/ a good Chem & Paki thump. Always time for're working w/ legends. :high-five:

Well, my friend,, I have these 2 Wildberries going,, and neither seems to want to express any preflowers and they are close to as big as I want to work with so I threw the taller into flower. Fast ? How did she do in the stretch department? I topped mine afew times. So she might not go as tall as a untopped one? And hopefully it will be a her. I'm thinking about going to work alittle with the other and make a bush outta her and if it's a she take a cut off her? Hell I never know what I'm going to do,, till it's done....
That Lost Cost is a fine looking white one....

Keepem Green

Not that much stretch NCW. Mine was a short squat bush before & after stretch. No more than about 60% stretch. While familiar w/ the Stardawg & Sensi Star side, she was my 1st exposure to Black Cherry Soda. She's easily in the top 3 of this run, & there was some serious competition. Big yielder w/ gorgeous flowers. Real white until some red snuck up on me starting from the lowers moving upwards. End buds have that rosy/reddish gray look. Heavy pinene all the way. Early test was really potent. I was real impressed w/ the high. The Gorilla Biscuit side used a "Turpentine" cut of the old Sensi Star. Didn't really think much about that beyond a name until I cut & was pulling off the big fans.....unmistakable turpentine smell filled the garage. Not gasoline, not fuel, exactly like opening up a can of turpentine. Nothing to not like about this one....makes me even more curious to try other Annunaki strains. Here's a pic....more later.

Annunaki Wildberry

:circle-of-love: :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I saw dabby duck grow out the hso version and it looks really good but different.. maybe less frosty but tighter denser buds. Is the et version short and squat? Cause his plant was.. id say it was more og sided but arent ogs more stretchy and tall like my two ladies? I decided to get the et version cause you talked about the lemon terps and she looks so damn frosty.. cant wait to see what i get!

I want to do the sunloungers and huckleberry soda f2s i got from him but i need to run some autos so i can build up my stash a little. Then run the reg seeds and ill have backup buds incase i get a bunch of males lol.. so around the spring time i should be starting those!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Pro-Tekt has always been my choice for Si when I add any but sure it isn't organic. For a potassium free version of Si look at OSA/28. For organic Si look at Montana Grow Beneficial Si. In powder form so best for mixing in soil. Pumice can also be added to soil & has a silicate charge. I only use Si if my good pal Ca doesn't build strong enough stems. If using anything w/ chitin like crab meal, the chitin will also make for some tough hard stems.

Aspirin is an old time remedy 4D to ward off soil pathogens. We'd stick a few tablets right into the dirt around the plant.

Like you bob seldom get any Mg defs...maybe a rare Mg hog late in flower now & then. I use mostly coco, & it's full of Mg. Trouble is when any salts build up around the roots' stomata, the plant has a harder time accessing it. This is when I see so many resorting to liquid CaMg. Most CaMg products use nitrate forms of Ca & Mg....not the best in bloom or ever if trying to avoid nitrates. Just not a fan of CaMg at all. Keep a qt. around but it's last ditch resort stuff for me. Other ways to skin the cat imo. :Namaste:

You say that "most" CaMg products use nitrate forms, do you know of any specific off hand that are not from nitrates?
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Man I get all excited talking about teas....

Steer clear of steer manure... <-- see what I did there!? Too hot.. needs to compost, that and the smell/insects... bro have at it if you have a lot of it around. Be mindful of what the farmer feeds the animals, and also hormones and antibiotics ... why I go with green manure teas.

Can also use Malibu's BU Blend compost - it's cow manure composted from a biodynamic farm that is hormone and antibiotics free and they use proper organic feed stock. Certified biodynamic = most strict organic certification.

IF you are dead set on a manure tea, and there are some good ones,. Suggest trying a "green" manure tea. Say dandelions (plants and/or roots). Put a bunch in a bucket with water and let the sit. No need to aerate. In about a week, it will smell like manure. Don't get it on you, the smell doesn't wash off easily... don't ask me how I know! My wife told me. hahahahahha Opsie sniff sniff.... Wifey: "you smell like shit".... ummmmm every fox smells her own hole first - boom!

You can aerate any of the green teas for a few days and use them that way. It's best to jar them & let them soak for several weeks/months. The tea this way wont smell so strong after steeping, but the tea will be stronger than the aerated version. Dilute any of these 1 cup to at least a gallon of water (this is when you spill it so careful here).

There are lots of beneficial plants to make teas with - these are all considered green manure teas:

Clover/ Red Clover
Kelp (needs to come from clean ocean water) or kelp meal.

There are many more. These are considered Hyper Accumulators... I tried to list the common ones I can get locally or I have on hand as amendments for soil building.

I usually just make a EWC/kelp meal tea mainly. If I wanna kick things up I do a malted barley tea ...These 2 are not strong so I don't have to worry about burning my plants. My home made EWC will consist of many of those bio accumulators composted and eaten by the worms that make my EWC. Food for thought. But if you don't have worms or compost, yes can use plants and animal refuse.

Some of these teas can get pretty strong. Specially the animal manure teas. We can easily throw the soil nutrient balance out of wack. In containers its a thing... in outdoor gardens not so much.

So word of caution....

A little goes a long ways in containers due to the small amount of soil. Outdoors the soil is basically unlimited and the nutrients will spread very fast, they are mobile in overabundance. This points to cation exchange and all that good science.

I really appreciate the effort to help. Thanks. Teas, Its just I noticed FF schedule calls for THEIR teas. Reading about people using teas i thought shit add it. But for now it will be just Recharged bubbled twice monthly. Because of the Recharge Ive already got, what should I add to this in regards to a tea?? Bubbling the Recharge is my NEW step.
LED's just looking for options for all these vegging plants I got. I dont have $600. for a 4x4 LED and then would need another to fill the tent. Youve explained/talked to me too many times about LED's BL and Im still not ready. Thanks though. Its an idea to flower out in the tents rooms closet however. The T5's are out.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Check this out.... after 28 yrs, no joke, I ran into the Union Pres. and he asked if I remember when we all went fishing. No. He said you pulled out a joint. I said that aint changed. I said did you hit it. he said no. long story short... this fucking guys claiming hes NEVER smoked before and was looking to try next year after legalization. I figured hes lying. Im explaining pot a lil to him. He's not lying. He bought 10 grams off me and will be trying weed for the first time very soon. He said must be meant to be. I figured yes! A patient! but nope that 10 grams will last him forever. 10 grams of my indoor Sour Diesel for $40. bucks. It might be the last I had too.
Lots to say BL without blowing up your thread too much....
This is D.Hearts Bubba Kush Im flowering in the yard. I think Im in love with this plant/strain. First time ive pinched a fan leaf and the juice was sticky !! Bug resistant and it shows. This strains special.

Heres the tent as of Sunday. I found ONE Russet Monday scoping and I ISO sprayed then a Rosemary spray next day. Last treatment was 10 days ago and 5 too many. Im going to bebop between Rosemary, Hot pepper and clove every 5 days or so until the last 2 months of flower. Throw in an ISO wash too occasionally

Heres the Russet infested Purgotory STILL in the yard. What a dumb ass, trying to save shit and I dont need it and jeopardizing the next. Chop today, wash whats the very best and trash the rest. And at best its only good for hash. She was thirsty and waterd after pic

Heres the Russet free Purple Trainwreck thats getting chopped very soon too

I appreciate the help, effort and knowledge. Great Day 420
B.Brown, bubbling steer manure seems a lil harsh and thanks. i wouldent of jumped right to it.
This is my deal as of today..... FF powder/liq. trio by their schedule. A bait fish at start and flip. recharge twice monthly bubbled. Cal/Mag with waterings. Also a powder called Flower Fuel. We shall see.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Agree Duggan that Budmaster is a respected line & have visited its site. Sorry no offense intended by the "hobby"'s all a hobby to me but I wanted to remove nearly all doubt when it came to my flower light, which is why I chose LED's designed for & used in commercial grow rooms. Many damn good ones to choose from nowadays. Still with LED's it's about the PPFD....a must know for anyone thinking about buying a new light. :Namaste:

Hey there BL.. don't forget about g/watt, I'm all good with the science and measurements of the lamps for sure, but "for me" at the end of the day its what's in the can that counts. <-- see watt I did there!?? hahahahaha

I've been all COB array running each COB @ 100+w per chip. I just got some 1750K COBs.. on the plants mixed with 3K cobs all running 100w per...

Last grow we got .8 grams/watt all passive cooling & not shutting any fans off anytime soon. Gots to keeps them mites in the dirt and not on the plants eh?

All that said.. double ended HID is going to kick any COB to the curb... but what the pros lack in "culture", we hobbyists have in spades.

A herd of us growers here, putting our minds together will trump the pros in quality every time! My opinion sticking to it.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I've seen that ratio used a bit, g/w. Always wondered though because it looks like the results can be largely skewed without grow time taken into account.

If just measuring against each other g/w ratio, how does it account for someone who vegged for 4 weeks vs someone who only vegged for 1 week? Obviously the guy who vegged 4 weeks is going to see a HUGE difference over someone who only vegged 1 week
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hey there BL.. don't forget about g/watt, I'm all good with the science and measurements of the lamps for sure, but "for me" at the end of the day its what's in the can that counts. <-- see watt I did there!?? hahahahaha

I've been all COB array running each COB @ 100+w per chip. I just got some 1750K COBs.. on the plants mixed with 3K cobs all running 100w per...

Last grow we got .8 grams/watt all passive cooling & not shutting any fans off anytime soon. Gots to keeps them mites in the dirt and not on the plants eh?

All that said.. double ended HID is going to kick any COB to the curb... but what the pros lack in "culture", we hobbyists have in spades.

A herd of us growers here, putting our minds together will trump the pros in quality every time! My opinion sticking to it.



I've always wanted to do that!.

What I wanted to say, before I got sidetracked was, the cannabis from those warehouse grows one sees pimped out on YouTube, yeah they produce... What's the word I'm looking for here? Garbage? Yeah, "garbage" will do.
A "professional" room isn't one that answers to investors, period. Once "ROI" officially enters the picture the fat lady has already sung.


Ok, ☕☕
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I've seen that ratio used a bit, g/w. Always wondered though because it looks like the results can be largely skewed without grow time taken into account.

If just measuring against each other g/w ratio, how does it account for someone who vegged for 4 weeks vs someone who only vegged for 1 week? Obviously the guy who vegged 4 weeks is going to see a HUGE difference over someone who only vegged 1 week

Its tough to find a golden rule for comparing yields because everything would have to be the same, including the veg time. Look at the grower on 420, named Mono. He grows out his main grow with the goal of hitting a kilo from a single plant, but he vegs his plant for a really long time and does small filler runs while his monster is in veg. Then you also have to factor in medium into the equation. Only a totally controlled grow would give you a true accurate gauge in light comparison.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

That yield is G/W is extremely strain and grow style specific. But in my eyes,, get close to a gram per and you've done real well.

Hey you did pretty well Dutchess for all the problems you had this year... You just need to be a Boy Scout next and Be Prepared... It's alot easier to keep rid of them pests,, than it is to get rid of them...

Just doing a drive By BL's. That is a pretty plant,, that Wildberry. I'm waiting on sex on mine, but I did let her get alittle bigger than what your doing. If mine comes out semidecent, it should be anice one. Yours has that look of alot of nice chunky buddage...

GL and Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Whatever the result or whatever the reason to care is all pretty you've all noted. Just meant give me a light that's damn sure capable of cranking out enough intensity to produce the highest level dank. Want all doubt out of the light factor. An in your face slam dunk LED.

Many LED's marketed as better/different than HPS for this or that reason. Misleading. As said I still believe 1000w DE is king so drawn to my current flower light in part due to company's stated goal to replicate 1000w HPS via LED. Engineered it accordingly.

Re: Brightlight's Outdoor & LED Gardens

Whatever the result or whatever the reason to care is all pretty you've all noted. Just meant give me a light that's damn sure capable of cranking out enough intensity to produce the highest level dank. Want all doubt out of the light factor. An in your face slam dunk LED.

Many LED's marketed as better/different than HPS for this or that reason. Misleading. As said I still believe 1000w DE is king so drawn to my current flower light in part due to company's stated goal to replicate 1000w HPS via LED. Engineered it accordingly.

Can I ask what LED you are using?

Nvm just read back and saw, Illumitex right. Very nice
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