Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Just doing a drive by... I had to go back and look at the WildBerry pic you posted....... Great looking piece of buddage.. I can hope to pull one like that.... looks great Thanks and Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

"Do I like to fuck with my plants all the time... if answer = yes ... Doc Bud's kit will work for you."

Sorry Bobrown , i have to disagree , unless your wording was mixed up. When using Doc Bud's kit , the main beauty of it , is you DON'T have to fuck with your plants all the time...NO WAY. Your wrong sir! This system is so easy it's stupid. Water or Drench and walk away till next drink , period. We mess with our plants to LST , train , Scrog, etc. , this has nothing to do with the soil or medium or growing method. After i water or Drench my plants ...i walk away , with no worries or concerns of PH , run off , deficiencies etc. Remember over 30 yrs. growing ...made a lot of mistakes along the way. It's nice to have a system that delivers , repeated , stellar results every single time without all the fuss i had to endure , all those years. People wearing white lab coats figured this method out , Doc has just refined it for our plant and for container growing. The science is proven and MOST of the guess work has been removed! Ask the 'kit' growers how they like using Doc's. gear.....ask them if they are learning anything about soil and plants....the answer will be yes.
Have a great Thanksgiving Sunday BL, Bobrown , GOP, and friends.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

When you get time there BL I have acouple questions for ya about this Wildberry???? The ones I got started are really bushy with a nice stance so far. Did you topp yours into a bush or let it do the single main cola.. I've already did mine but some plants don't do as well being topped. It's cool your about done with yours so I'm going to use your grow as a lesson. I'm probably going to take a cut before I flip mine over to flower... But I've got alot of time before so we'll see how you do.......... Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

When you get time there BL I have acouple questions for ya about this Wildberry???? The ones I got started are really bushy with a nice stance so far. Did you topp yours into a bush or let it do the single main cola.. I've already did mine but some plants don't do as well being topped. It's cool your about done with yours so I'm going to use your grow as a lesson. I'm probably going to take a cut before I flip mine over to flower... But I've got alot of time before so we'll see how you do.......... Keepem Green

I seldom top....only when a real tall one shows up & I know I have to try to keep her height down. I like to keep the main cola. I do fim all plants as needed to try & keep canopy level & promote lateral branching growth. Usually multiple fims per plant. Fims can bush out plants for me without topping most of the time. This WB plant had a few fims & is an indica bush but with great lateral branching. Tell you NCW you're going to like the Wildberry buds. Now on lowers getting red magenta hues all through the bud. Combined w/ the whiteness of the bud is great contrast & very pretty. Big fat ones too. Will take more pics this wk. as she's getting close. :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I topped the shit outta her........... I mean she behaved so well,,, I had to topp again,,, and again... Might make smaller buddage,, we'll have to see,,, as long as I get a her................ Keepem Green my Friend
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Fox Farm. It works great for my level. The buds are dense and potent.
Nothing was salvageable from the Ultra. I cured the top buds and theyre toast too. I got a Pergutory gonna get trashed too. Thinking of saving the top buds but they wont make it. The Russets suck the life/trics from the plant good. Battling these Russets have me way less lazy with my plants. My Scotts OG will make it but MY bred Indica Cross looks best. Neither have Russets.

All the new ones going look wonderful so far. I Dearthed the tent 3 weeks ago. ISO washed them Saturday and Rosemary spray this Wednesday. With another before flip. Thats the regiment. I scope all. I agree to keep it simple with dirt and nutes so you can concentrate on other stuff as you learn. Pretty cool when I notice my own progression from last year to now.
Conradino, I found a place here that sells many different peppermints and Im planting all kinds in the yard grow next year. Maybe some Chrysanthemums too. 90% of the next yard grow will be what I bred. 3-4 big plants of the Indica Cross and then a few others to see what they are. The ones vegging in the laundry room look as good or better than whats in the tent. Im thinking of start training on 4 Bubba Kushs for my next tent run to be flipped the soonest Jan 1. Not sure. im thinking of flowering 4 big ones in the tent next time. Either way theyre veg time starts Thanksgiving but maybe lets see with these plants already 1.5' tall now. I got next years spring yard grow going now. Might pull more clones a month before or put these big ones out come Feburary, maybe both. Probably both. What fucking fun huh!
Heres my tent Saturday. There close to 1.5' today. Great Day BL, 420

Ive got two 600wHPs's right above the T5's. Too hot for the HPS's to run 18hrs but not 10hrs. Very soon the T5's get puled as the weather gets cooler. T5's get pulled this week and flip will be Nov 1 at latest. I want them 2-2.5' at flip. I ISO washed them after this pic and they loved it
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Try to look for rosemary seeds or cuttings too. It's in every Italian garden, cause we season a lot of food with it, but it's also a good insect repellent.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Looking good in that tent 4D.....but all that open real estate? Jam some more plants in there. :laughtwo:

I love Rosemary con. Wish I knew more on how to use in cooking.

Look nice & healthy GoP. Nice skinny leaves.

Damn Skunk.....f**king beautiful. That looks young still & so caked already. :thumb:

Last family pic. 56 days. Chop started that day.


:passitleft: :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Try to look for rosemary seeds or cuttings too. It's in every Italian garden, cause we season a lot of food with it, but it's also a good insect repellent.

I have been wondering about that since SM-90 and SNS-217 are both essentially rosemary oil as the main active ingredient. I have some Rosemary that I grow for cooking, I have been toying with the idea of cloning it and planting them in future grows and see if they help keep them dreaded mites out of my tent.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Amazing looking tent BL.....gorgeous buds my brother!!! Thats going to be a nice harvest when you chop em!!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Re: ProMix peat moss ...

Back a few years ago I called Premier for info about the various versions they offer, and managed to talk with a soil engineer. I learned that all the retail products they offer, including ProMix, start out the same. They simply balance pH with calcium - mixed carbonate and dolomite. Then the other additives go in. I've seen the bales of peat from Premier but I don't see any mention of pH, and we didn't discuss that product.

Is it pH balanced too, or do you add that yourself?

I get my soil tested after I mix it... I use the standard Premier stuff for $10 at Lowes and my soil PH is perfect on soil test results from our county extension service so its all good.

I'm not a fan of Dolomite lime (Ca:Mg ratio @ 2:1 need 8:1 or more), good to know I'm not wasting my coin. I'm sure it works GREAT for a mulch, and where I see all the local landscapers use it.

We can get into trouble withe the Ca:Mg ratio in container gardening with dolo lime. Ever since I stopped using it (Dolo lime & ProMix) I've stopped having issues. With all that Mg what happens is the Ca get used up, then successive rounds in that same soil=Mg toxicity. It's ok for outdoors, the issues are compounded in a container...
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

"Do I like to fuck with my plants all the time... if answer = yes ... Doc Bud's kit will work for you."

Sorry Bobrown , i have to disagree , unless your wording was mixed up. When using Doc Bud's kit , the main beauty of it , is you DON'T have to fuck with your plants all the time...NO WAY. Your wrong sir! This system is so easy it's stupid. Water or Drench and walk away till next drink , period. We mess with our plants to LST , train , Scrog, etc. , this has nothing to do with the soil or medium or growing method. After i water or Drench my plants ...i walk away , with no worries or concerns of PH , run off , deficiencies etc. Remember over 30 yrs. growing ...made a lot of mistakes along the way. It's nice to have a system that delivers , repeated , stellar results every single time without all the fuss i had to endure , all those years. People wearing white lab coats figured this method out , Doc has just refined it for our plant and for container growing. The science is proven and MOST of the guess work has been removed! Ask the 'kit' growers how they like using Doc's. gear.....ask them if they are learning anything about soil and plants....the answer will be yes.
Have a great Thanksgiving Sunday BL, Bobrown , GOP, and friends.

Hey there Duggs.....It's all good bro... I went away for a month came home harvested, flipped plants that were in VEG and then went away for another 2 weeks...

I wasn't hitting down Docs kit by any means.. It works, my point is that if you like a structured growing platform; and a lot of us do, Doc's kit is good for that, if you want to water and walk away, LOS is good for that. One system isn't any "better" than the other. Sorry if you interpreted what I said to be a negative on Doc's kit - I did not mean it that way at all. My bad... :Namaste:

I am slightly biased... but don't mean any negative towards Docs kit... I know a lot of people are hitting it out of the park with that kit so its all good. Whatever works .... that's what counts. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how we get top shelf buds as long as we get them in the bag and on the shelf.

Different strokes ... I basically do the same thing, creating high brix organic soil and let the plants do their thing. If I had to follow instructions, I'd be messing shit up left and right. Docs kit is a bit more structured with time frames for this and that.. I'm just not able to follow instructions very well and left handed!

Even driving my pickup I can't seem to follow the NAV instructions..and of course we get lost every once in a while...part of the fun for me I suppose... unless in CA and 401 is shut down... :lot-o-toke:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I get my soil tested after I mix it... I use the standard Premier stuff for $10 at Lowes and my soil PH is perfect on soil test results from our county extension service so its all good.

I'm not a fan of Dolomite lime (Ca:Mg ratio @ 2:1 need 8:1 or more), good to know I'm not wasting my coin. I'm sure it works GREAT for a mulch, and where I see all the local landscapers use it.

We can get into trouble withe the Ca:Mg ratio in container gardening with dolo lime. Ever since I stopped using it (Dolo lime & ProMix) I've stopped having issues. With all that Mg what happens is the Ca get used up, then successive rounds in that same soil=Mg toxicity. It's ok for outdoors, the issues are compounded in a container...

So what would be a good alternative to dolomite lime to help with ph in peat based mediums and will also supply ca at a better ratio?
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