Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Nice update BL. Love the full tent shot with the variety of plants! :love:

I haven't had problems the last 2 grows with gnats but prior to that sns 203 worked well to get rid of them. As for mites I've never had a problem with them on my weed plants. I did purchase a indoor Calamondin citrus tree that was infested with mites. After battling with them for close to a year trying different products I found that you had to consistently spray the fukers off with water every few days for a month while also using some sort of mite control for foliar and drench. I used sns 209 but I think the key was spraying the entire plant on a regular basis for a month to get rid of any new mites that hatched that the sns did not get too. The plant has been mite free for over 3 months now with no more treatment or spraying of the plant.

One other thing you can do for the mites in regards to spraying with water is to add some rubbing alcohol to the water. Do it a 9:1 ratio of water to rubbing alcohol. They can kill the mites well especially if you do it every couple of days. The alcohol makes it more potent against the mites and it doesn't hurt the plant at all with that ratio.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Thank you to all. Far from"perfect"....but they're healthy & happy, which makes me happy. Geez...crazy that we're so linked to our plants. about music or whatever anytime you want. I still love punk rock....since late 70's when it started. Bought Rancid CD for my son when he was young teen & his mom got mad at both of us. Here's a quick pic taken today.....exactly 4 wks. of 12/12. For any GoT fans, as Daenerys said, "Shall we begin?" The best part of growing is mid flower to finish....right?


:thanks: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Ah man that is so fuckin cool brightlight.. rancid is awesome. Nofx and dropkick murphys are pretty sweet too fellas.. got all their old music burnt onto cds when i was younger in my cd case. Need to bust out all my old punk music again.. loved the dead kennedys. Makes me wanna go piss on a cop car or something like i would used to do lol.. good times.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I use to listen to the Clash for a second.. Till I found the off switch... JK But I id go see them once out at Standford U. A friend drug me along and happen to be a Pro Iran thing going on in the parking lot,,, and it was during that hostage crisis thing during Carter prez. Needless to say I ended up in the errr cooler....
Hey, it's sure looking pretty in the tent there BL.. Full house of happy plants I have to say... GL and Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I have to say I come from HC/punk scene myself. A lot of gigs and nights getting smashed and wasted before I even turned 15. Somehow grass turned me more into 60's counterculture and psych/prog when I was 16... acid and speed followed shortly after :)
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I only sell to three people...they do the selling of small amounts.

Catching up so sorry for late reply. ^^^^ That is how I do it. We B the farmers. Awesome that we can get proper wages at least for now.

The deal going forward the way I see it, is find the Cannabis Connoisseur.... make a connection and all good, they have friends.

Believe me, there's a ton of folks with big coin that want to keep greens on the down low, and will pay the proper price. I deliver flowers, yeah buddy! The market is there, we just need to tap into it.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Looks pretty perfect to me. I'm a picky fart and I'd be happy with that for sure. So, yup - great looking set. Even a level-ish canopy. :Namaste:

It's a "Fake Canopy". :laughtwo: Many boosted up on foam to keep up w/ tallest one. Can see it at bottom. That tall one is Pisces Blood Orange OG. Blood Orange cut of Tangie x Louis x True. OG skimpy so far but already rich/deep orange liquor/perfume kind of citrus. Not the usual astringent Tangie citrus.

Ah man that is so fuckin cool brightlight.. rancid is awesome. Nofx and dropkick murphys are pretty sweet too fellas.. got all their old music burnt onto cds when i was younger in my cd case. Need to bust out all my old punk music again.. loved the dead kennedys. Makes me wanna go piss on a cop car or something like i would used to do lol.. good times.

Still listen to PIL often. Lots of old punk & new wave. Funny since blues are my go to music. Used to buy shitloads of records...lots of punk just on 45's. Now sticking to

I use to listen to the Clash for a second.. Till I found the off switch... JK But I id go see them once out at Standford U. A friend drug me along and happen to be a Pro Iran thing going on in the parking lot,,, and it was during that hostage crisis thing during Carter prez. Needless to say I ended up in the errr cooler....
Hey, it's sure looking pretty in the tent there BL.. Full house of happy plants I have to say... GL and Keepem Green

Clash was an all time concert. Berkeley Community Theatre. My ears rang for 2+ days....for real. Louder than anything I'd ever gone to. Love everything versions chance of a lifetime for me.

I have to say I come from HC/punk scene myself. A lot of gigs and nights getting smashed and wasted before I even turned 15. Somehow grass turned me more into 60's counterculture and psych/prog when I was 16... acid and speed followed shortly after :)

Oh yeah all that other stuff....& way too much. Phew! Happy to be here in one piece. See a lot of Dead LP covers in your pics.....60's rerouted my life.

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I really appreciate the acceptance of me sharing BL. I dont have a whole lot to be happy about or proud of or people to brag to.. But Im proud of Aaron. I tell him so. Only one from the neighborhood who ever amounted to anything. Mother fucker gives me the time of day 30 yrs later. Returns my text. Dudes got great character which few do where Im from. I got the book. Ive been reading it. The chick gettn choked in the hot tub on page 180 is my ex sister in law. Her and her ol man Eric used to strait box. Dident take long to learn to let them box or youd be fighting both of them. I wont intervene when a couples fist fighting unless he's strait killing her. Reading about NOFX's drummer saying how Courtney Loves telling him hes the worst junkie shes ever met
I got the predatory mites and released them. I scope them first and they were alive!! I orderd the Califas and I got a mixed mite batch. With all the russets problems they might be running short on the Califas mites. I saved the Bananas looks like but I scope a top of the Pergutorys and theyres still a few live Russets. One more week and I'll restart the home made green cleaner again with no oil. I can see with the Bananas that Rosemary works and I will add the clove oil too BL. I told my trim buddy we have to treat the tent like its already infested by weekly maintenance. Something different every week. I will be up potting them very soon.
Heres my mite infested 2017 yard grow
This is the MK Ultra and the mites dident like it

Heres the Banana OG. Behind the 2x4

Heres the only one I grew that I bred. Called Indica Cross. No mites

Heres the Pergutorys that might still get pulled

Great day BL, 420 now lets get high!!!!!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Drive by..... Dutchess, iffin you get rid of them mites with anything,,, your doing great... Even with the problem,, you got solid buddage going.. Best luck my friend.. Stay down Peckerwood.. But hey BL,, Lets see that tent again.. Should be a tad bigger.......... I got both of the Wild Berrys up. One looks perfect,,, the other,, well she's healthy. Leaves are alittle wrinkled,, but they should iron out in the next week or two. I'm not doing the pollen chucking for now,, so I hope for a female.. 50/50 chance huh.. I grew Warlock before,, so I wanted to give her another try,, loved it the first time,, but anyways,, she didn't make it. I dug a hole and buried her in some potting soil with a prayer... Never know??? But I'm going to regroup and dig out another to try.. Not sure what yet.. You know how that goes................Whatever feels right at the time. But if I do find a female,, I'm getting a cut for sure.. Hope all's good in the hood,,, or least under it??????? Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I appreciate all that NCW.
Reading about the MK Ultra Im glad Ive got a cut of it in the tent. Before I flip I might take another cut to save her. Instincts telling me hes special (so is all I read about her). I guess potent stuff. The MK and the Banana both Im excited to tent flower. The Bananas are turning out nice too inspite the bad mite infestation I stopped. Rosemary works people!! Im training my trim buddy, had him come help me spray last night. Just the Pergutorys with 2oz ISO and a 1/4 tsp dawn soap get the most treatment. The MK and Banana have probably 3-4 more weeks at most. I figure the Pergs will go till Nov. My buddys tshirt was soaked with sweat after. I told him how much I need his help cause I do it all and sometimes its too much. I told him how the Pergs need to be sprayed daily with the ISO. In fact Im going out and pulling a top and scoping the Pergs this morning. As long as I see crawling Russets they will get sprayed. I had to both feed and spray the yard grow yesterday. Told him not too many feeds left. Two more weeks maybe and then a two week flush except for the Pergs.
Also BL the Blue lab PH pen you recommended is so much better that the other two Ive got. Its cause the B.lab is faster. I use the B.Lab and the $60.00 MH pen together. Im getting good and fast at PHing now. Its been two months since I calibrated because no need, I can tell its accurate using the two together. The MH pen runs 4-5 deg. higher that the B.lab consistently. I can hear you saying I still need to calibrate monthly. The Blue lab pen saves me time and frustration. Thanks again BL.
The grow shop told me last year that no need to use the PH storage solution, use tap water. I said distilled? he said NO tap. And hes right. Been using tap water for a year and it works and is free!!! I try to keep the storage water PH'd at 7 so it calibrates quicker. Heres the best part of this post......... last years Aug. electric bill was $350. vegging the tent and this year it was $85. using T5's instead of 600w HPS's. What fun 420 and thank you for all the help!!!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

@4Dutchess....good to hear progress on the mites. Rosemary & clove combo worked great on gnats but no experience to share on mites for these ingredients. A fragrant combo too. Thinking Aaron is son? Good job....nice when they throw us some time & keep in touch. Some nice greenery out in your back yd.....hope the beneficial mites stick around long enough to do their job. Ladybugs have happy feet....hard to keep around unless banquet conditions. Recalibrate that BL pen when the screen checkmark disappears....around a month. Remember pH is logarithmic scale.

@Norcaliwood....been slacking on taking pics but they're getting more photogenic now. Tomorrow is 5 wks. Good 4th & 5th weeks....adding noticeable bulk. My 2 heaviest feeding wks. Will take a tent shot when lights go on. Wildberry leans indica in plant structure & bud style. Slow to frost but powerful pine terps....pinene I guess. Haha...maybe you & I are among the few fans here of Warlock. Didn't like my last version....determined to do her better next time.

Here's a couple of 1st bud pics at 30 days using new iPhone after 12 yr. old flip phone finally died of natural causes. Better at low light than iPad, noticed that right away.

91 Star Looks like a 70+ day strain....vigorous in veg, slow developer in flower. Just starting to smell & throw a little frost. Got 1 of 2 females. Male was handsome....would have been a voluptuous girl. Anticipated strain so my "inner chucker" almost had me save some pollen to dust a small branch since seeds so costly. Decided to skip since IDK if I'll even like the strain enough.

Lost Coast OG (Emerald Triangle version, not HSO)
The early attention grabber.....stink, sticky, frosty. Grew her for 2 years outdoors....big, rangy OG plants....much like Tahoes. Inside on this try she's the shortest of 9...~20". Same tropical fruit sweetness plus subtle background lemon citrus so far similar to outside plants.

:thanks: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

From my experience, Chem D's "anomaly" is variegation, and not, imo, TMV. And it doesn't actually "vary in levels, due to "stress" nor has it ever caused any issues that I'm aware of. If you don't treat Chem D right, the clone lets you know it & if you don't straighten her ecosystem out, quick-quick her final results at harvest will reflect your disrespect of her domain.
The variegation is a dominant trait, & is frequently passed on to progeny-also to no noticeable effect other than the aforementioned camo patterned, splotchy variegation. TMV has never been shown to pass to cannabis, yet the "TMV" urban legend regarding the Chem D cut lives on... Like powdery mildew you just can't fuckin kill it .But it's also a thumbprint of sorts-the prolific variegation makes it very hard to pass of "other" cuts as "Chem D." And as it does show up in progeny, when it does pop up it can show that actual Chem
D was used in the stated cross-another fingerprint of sorts. .

Ok, ☕
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I knew you had a gem hidden away in that tent... Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I will look for the check mark on the pen. Get the directions out and read them again regarding its function. The check mark info is golden bro thank you.
I orderd some R.mary essential oil from Amazon and seems stronger, better and cheaper than what I got from the health food store. looks like a bottle of clove is next.
"I think Aaron is son?" No, Aaron is the lead Guitar for NOFX. The book is good people, only $12. from Amazon, NOFX's "Hepititus Bathtub and Other Short stories". Again, NY Times best sellar!! I texted Aaron and asked him if he smoked weed cause Im bringing him some to the show for appreciation. He said no but his crew does. Im thinking a 1/2 oz of both my indoor and out. And a pack of papers!! Awwww what fun! I got Aaron a shirt from Amazon, "Drunk Lives Matter" Again, what fun!
Found out yesterday my youngest checked into rehab for dope on Mon. Im so glad my friends. I heard his mom is dating a "Hang Out" and goes to Red and White parties. Cunt. NCW you might know what all that means. I know you all know what Cunt and rehab for dope means and "Cunt" is the correct adj.
Looks like my yard grow is going to make it!!! Time to wake and bake!!! Great day 420!! :passitleft:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

From my experience, Chem D's "anomaly" is variegation, and not, imo, TMV. And it doesn't actually "vary in levels, due to "stress" nor has it ever caused any issues that I'm aware of. If you don't treat Chem D right, the clone lets you know it & if you don't straighten her ecosystem out, quick-quick her final results at harvest will reflect your disrespect of her domain.
The variegation is a dominant trait, & is frequently passed on to progeny-also to no noticeable effect other than the aforementioned camo patterned, splotchy variegation. TMV has never been shown to pass to cannabis, yet the "TMV" urban legend regarding the Chem D cut lives on... Like powdery mildew you just can't fuckin kill it .But it's also a thumbprint of sorts-the prolific variegation makes it very hard to pass of "other" cuts as "Chem D." And as it does show up in progeny, when it does pop up it can show that actual Chem
D was used in the stated cross-another fingerprint of sorts. .

Ok, ☕

For reference: Chem D clone; variegation:
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