Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Thanks for clarification on the Wedding Cake genetics Twox. Must be a hellava strain when a pheno's notoriety results in its own separate name! Yes, I saw the new Symbiotic Purple Punch strains...thought you or other Slurricane fans might go for it. Haha. Seeing Oni's name pop up more & more...he must be good. Have you seen the new stuff from Compound Genetics? Apricot & Gelato crosses...caught my eye because I have some OBS Apricot x Aliendog. OBS was gifted the Apricot Helix from non-industry NorCal folks awhile back. Even OBS doesn't know the genetics....his best guess is it has some old Killer Queen in it. Very rare. Jungle Boyz put it in the public spotlight w/ Orange Apricot. Prices of these new release are going up real fast too....& they still sell like hotcakes.
:tokin: :Namaste:

Ha,ha ... you KNOW I needed that Purple punchf2.. I've been wanting that strain for months.. The Slurricanes are amazing so far, I'm thinking about running a few or all of them again. The Purple Punch kicks out some stank. I have 3 female Mimosas about to hit flower too so plans might change.

Oni killed it with his Tropicanna cookies. Wish I would have grabbed a pack but I have a couple citrus/apricot cookie flavors stashed for a rainy day.

I really like the Compound line up and I'm kinda waiting for him to release something I really want. Sour apple, Gmo, maybe some banana og... I'm not sure yet. I want something I don't have a cross Of yet.

Cool story about the Apricot.. The lore always intrigues me. How was the obsoul33t alien dog cross? Did it taste like apricots? Compound is also test growing every strain and has already pulled the Ogkb cross due to stability issues. Very few breeders out there that would do that and the seeds were all ready to ship when he pulled them... They also sourced all these elite cuts for there crosses from the breeders. This is almost like a community project with everybody elite cuts.. pretty cool. Something I've noticed lately is that these breeders are not being as stingy with their strains. Everybody is sharing cuts and our options for genetics is getting huge... I love it...
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I never L2Breed, but how can a company that's been in existence for only a year be able to test a hundred crosses?
Half are F2's, which looks like crowd testing to me.

I would run a JFGelato cross, but I'm not sure I'd run the F2s even if they were free - just based off what little I know about F2 plants.
Am I missing something, or is that Apricot F2 special in some way? Anyone like Apricots lol? Was the name Brady Bunch Punch taken? Just full of questions and jokes this morning.

Time to :volcano-smiley:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Wow... really??...

The Compound line hasn't been been released yet, something about testing each strain... Takes some time I guess .. The Orange apricot is special, f5 or f7. The legend is pure and breds true. The cross of these two made the f2 line.. Hope that helps, no time for drawn out responses this morning ..
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Wow... really??...

The Compound line hasn't been been released yet, something about testing each strain... Takes some time I guess .. The Orange apricot is special, f5 or f7. The legend is pure and breds true. The cross of these two made the f2 line.. Hope that helps, no time for drawn out responses this morning ..

It'd take a year of "testing" on the 40+ crosses listed, at scale, to determine wether any of them are anything more than poly hybrid dumping grounds. I think we both know, that's not going to happen. .
They'll grow a few, take the best one, apply copious Instagram filters, and drop 'em. The usual amateur, money grab, modus operandi.
I know exactly what the Legend cut is, because I have it.
Actually, I have "them", plural. I'd like to hear exactly which "Legend" cut that is, because (not surprisingly) there's more than one. And the legend BX is the only potentially genetically interesting thing on that list (if indeed the father-side isn't a disaster.)
An "f5-f7."... lol okay. Um, why?

Ok, ☕
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

The project has already been going on for about a year with a year to go... compound isnt new, Tiger Trees is running this project.. Some of the biggest growers are testing these strains and most are being done by the original breeder of the initial cross. Hence Capulator is running the MAC cross, OrgnKid running the Banana cross, etc etc. They test hard, 10 to 20 packs at a time... Easy work for a dedicated pheno hunter looking for or that new new.. Like most people, They are using the Krinkle cut "Malibu Cut"... I'm not seeing these filtered pics your talking about??

I realize some of the 420 fam likes these old school strains so I'm not trying to knock all these widows, fake kush and og, northern lights, headbands, blueberrys, different stroke for different folks..
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Thank you BL, I figured they breed inside. I ask cause wondering if bred outside and bred close to me maybe its going to grow better in my back yard. Being TGA is from Santa Rosa.
Its not that im real hip on Dark Heart its just that they are there. Im standing there and the clone drop looks great and they got chem dog 4? Well fuck we gotta run that!! Also had the Blue dream Wills keeps raving about. Ive got 13 plants i think in the tent to get narrowed to 8 soon. What the fuck Im going to do with the rest I guess the laundry room veg grow needs to get prepared.
Bugs, Im battling. Looks like my mix is good. Making my own G.cleaner. Using Rosemary and possibly peppermint. Need to get more today, Got some Bonners and got unscented, Like a dummy. It comes with peppermint. My thoughts are if I can keep them Russets out the tent this run it says lots about lots.
Fuck I can relate to that dumb ass poster post. My stupidity hurts me too though! I aint lying I got scars to prove! How true that poster is. I do good watching Jeopardy though. No joke. I learned long ago that you can learn something from the dumbest mother fucker so keep your mind open.
Wow you guys and your breeders! Jesus do I need to right down Compound Genetics too?? I got a list going already and too many bought seeds now but fuck listening to you guys talk these strains makes me want them too!! Some of there names suggests Id be the only one with this stuff in my area. Some reason my instinct says theyre killer. I have a 3yr supply already. So Im not going to even google Compound cause it will be like a kid in a candy store
I gave some samples/examples of my pot to a friend and he said he likes the Emdog and Raskal best. They dident like being thrown out in the back yard. That Raskal grew so strong and beautiful indoors. Its all cured and great!!!
Thanks for answering my questions BL. Much appreciated! Great Day 420!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

It's actually funny to read these HOT catalogues by the awesome breeders, who specialise in crossing OG with OG or OG with Girl Scout Cookies (which is 50% OG btw), but they make sure their OG is called Melt Your Face OG or Triple Banana OG, so buyer doesn't think he's just buying OG :laugh:

But yeah some of these polyhybrids might be really good, I'm not gonna shoot down bud I haven't grown or smoked. It's just you can do so much with inbreeding genotypes that are almost identical. Sure you can always come up with something tad stronger or add more fuel to lemon, but you cannot create anything NEW that way and for sure nothing stable.

Rule of a thumb is unstable parents breed unstable progeny or heterozygous plants breed more heterozygous plants. It takes a lot of dedication to inbreed one single line very well using just a hunch and to stabilise one for homozygosity takes even more.

We have a BIG problem in our world, which is lack of true breeding plants! We also have another problem, which is lack of strong, healthy lines that are immune to pests and molds and can be relied on outdoor.

Check Snowhigh's thread elsewhere. Before he started breeding OGs with anything he acquired 20 best elite cuts, tested them for all most important things and he sticked to 3 only!!! And that says it all, 90% of these cuts are garbage out of sterile grow room, where you can make them happy. You put them in a natural environment in organic soil and it's a lottery.

BTW I like OG or at least I like trippy sativa in it, cause once indica hits you can fall asleep in a chair, comedown is a bitch too. But if grown right it's an excellent bud. It's just limited in my opinion.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hmm S1 OG I grew looked like that btw and it was good :)


re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

But I get the same feeling when I see all these names that mean nothing to me, and no mention of the character of the high.

I've always been disappointed when I see cross on top of cross on top of cross, with an gorgeous finish - sparkly sticky glistening buds, with distinctive colors and flavor. OK, but what kind of high does it have? I recently posted something similar. If someone refines a strain that has the perfect Thai/Colombian Gold high, and then works colors and resin production and flavor into it, I'm on board! For me, the first priority is the high.

But it's amazing to watch what some of these breeders are accomplishing. :thumb:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Looks good conradino. I feel both skunkworkz and twox have points. I'm sure there are alot of pollen chucking going on today and that would be an issue to have plants hermie because of genetics. Bt twox has grown some gorgeous plants from fems and new breeders and I would hate for someone to tell me I didn't know what I was doing or I wasn't growing legit plants if I had the resume of twox. Just my 2 cents
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

A stunner of a segue Conradino. :Namaste:
Well I sun depped it on my windowsill and that's what came out. You know I'm not really a trichome fetishist, I like to show off wispy buds usually and ppl don't really know how to react to that. When I tell them it's absolutely amazing they must think I'm crazy :laugh:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Good morning.....out here on the left coast all the action takes place before it even gets light out here. Glad CareStaker brought the coffee....I was out getting us some donuts.

We all love our weed & our strains. The antique hunters searching for the old landraces. The traditionalists growing their Widow & Blue Dream. The millennial hip cats growing the modern high fire exotics & cookies. But whatever one's's all weed & we're all still brother & sister growers of our revered plant. Isn't it still amazing to all that now we have all these choices & can even openly talk about it?

I am an old F*ck (with a capital F). Likely among the oldest of the old on 420. I love the old strains & have great memories of them. I still seek out Thai hybrids. When I find one I like, it's always in stock. Maybe only the old fogies prefer Thai? I respect the Widows, Blue Dreams, Green Cracks but have zero interest in growing or even smoking them. But if I want to try something like the Wedding Cake Gelato I just picked up, it's pre-order or forget it.

About a year & a half ago...I bought some packs from another site I frequent (FS). I was gifted some In House freebies. Being a strain addict I immediately saw some fire strains in these. So I bought a few IHG packs to try & got even more IHG freebies. Figured I'll get around to them sooner or later. At the time....same discussion everywhere then as here today. Chuckers, untested, money grab, herm city. I said "f*ck 'em, gonna grow them". Besides "how else will I get to sample these clone only strains that are so highly regarded?" Others started growing them & the tone changed. Yes....ball risk & unstable.....but clearly some serious dank produced.

One of these freebie was Gelato 41 x DoSido. I said..."aha my chance to grow 2 I know about & want to try in seed form." Not even called Dolato then. Ended up I liked it but not wild about it...but I got to grow & try it. Dolato is longer available. But I saw someone willing to pay $500 or more a pack if he/she could obtain it.

I've said before....this is the modern frontier of cannabis breeding. Like it or not. I live in the very liberal NorCal region & revere & follow the Emerald Triangle California homies who have been at this for generations perfecting old school Ca stock. But now they are ALL into the new gear along with their classics.

So even though I should be more conservative if only based on age.....I am with Twox on this little discussion. I am still insanely curious about this modern sh*t. It excites me & I want to grow & smoke it. Even with the risks & high prices. Been there, done that with most of the old standards. Give me anything off that Compound list over most any of the older stuff any day. Some of today's stuff seen as "chucker specials" may likely become classics down the line.

Grab some more coffee & relax.....I'm going to take my pals Skunk & Twox out to lunch today. Anyone else care to join us? :goof: As always, thanks to all for joining in & sharing.

:peace: :circle-of-love: :passitleft: :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hey man, just curious, you being NorCal resident and all, why don't you get the cuts? That'd probably set you right forever :)

Hmm my problem is we won't see anything like Cali AUMA for very long time and passing cuts just doesn't exist in Italy. Seeds is all we can rely on, so they have to be very good and I can't spend money on something that I'm not 100% positive about.

This with time brought me to this conclusion actually... I'm better off making my own seeds or growing only respected strains. I don't agree that a strain produced indoor from indoor stock will always perform well in hot climate, I've had a lot of disappointments over the years like finishing too late, PM early on, sunburns, mould, borers you name it with otherwise very respected strains.

I kinda think that for outdoor only strains bred in a climate similar to yours will perform as they should and more often than not they will do well indoor too, butnot vice versa :passitleft:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Glade to see this thread got back on track.. Thanx for Lunch BL,:high-five:

I would never suggest anything I don't have confidence in but there are some shady seed dealers I don't usually discuss. There's much bigger problems in the industry then the small time breeders I like
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hey man, just curious, you being NorCal resident and all, why don't you get the cuts? That'd probably set you right forever :)

Hmm my problem is we won't see anything like Cali AUMA for very long time and passing cuts just doesn't exist in Italy. Seeds is all we can rely on, so they have to be very good and I can't spend money on something that I'm not 100% positive about.

This with time brought me to this conclusion actually... I'm better off making my own seeds or growing only respected strains. I don't agree that a strain produced indoor from indoor stock will always perform well in hot climate, I've had a lot of disappointments over the years like finishing too late, PM early on, sunburns, mould, borers you name it with otherwise very respected strains.

I kinda think that for outdoor only strains bred in a climate similar to yours will perform as they should and more often than not they will do well indoor too, butnot vice versa :passitleft:

A few reasons con.....used to hunt clones & drive all over to get them. Most not even worth it. Not far up enough on the food chain or connected to any of the real big boys so hard for me to get the ultra upper echelon stuff. Plus beyond 91 there is really nothing I cherish enough to seek out a top flight cut to keep, which raises another issue. Don't want the bother to nurse & maintain a mother. Raised 2 kids on my own so don't really want to take care of anything I don't need to. My dog excepted. Recently I've been offered some pretty decent cuts but my paranoia of bugs has me politely refusing. I get bored easily....& would tire of growing out the same old stuff over & over. Strain hunting & growing from seeds works best for me. I love the variety & challenge of always tackling something new.

Having been an outdoor grower for most my life...I'd just grow what I wanted whether strain best indoors or out. Hell I hardly knew the difference for years. Luckily, my climate is accommodating along w/ lots of good luck, I never had any trouble. Now that age & diminished sun conditions have tapered off my outdoor garden, I favor indoor lighting's grow potential but still grow whatever strains I want. Some size issues on some but they all grow ok for me inside. Knocking on wood.

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Same here, i grew outdoors for over 2 decades but those hills keep getting steeper every year. Since ive moved indoors i grow what looks good to me at the time and im good with that. I have a nice stash of landrace and pure strains along with the popular strains from Europe. Twox turned me on to a seed bank and have 4 new strains to play with. At the end of the day its all just personal choice for our own personal reasons. .
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Same here, i grew outdoors for over 2 decades but those hills keep getting steeper every year. Since ive moved indoors i grow what looks good to me at the time and im good with that. I have a nice stash of landrace and pure strains along with the popular strains from Europe. Twox turned me on to a seed bank and have 4 new strains to play with. At the end of the day its all just personal choice for our own personal reasons. .
I've only used Seedsman. Which bank did u use??
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