Brightlight's Strain Fest: Organics & LED

re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Ahhhh drama... JK Drive by.. Drama,, Don't worry BL I won't get started. I've grown pot afew times over the last 40+ years... Whats in a name? And just because someone claims thay have the orginal cuts of this or that... don't mean shit I've grown pot from name breeders,, and cuts from the underground before we had people 'Claim' this is a orginal cut, only to find their 'mother' plant of these prime cuts, are nothing more than store bought gentetics rebranded with classical names. And how is anyone going to know if it's the real deal... Seeing they look the same,, smell the same,, taste the same.. Used the same parents as the orginal,, So is it the same? Who the hell cares... As long as it's GOOD Weed... Some of the best weed I've ever grown,,,, didn't even have a name. Bag seed from some pot I bought off the street.. Claimed it was Chemdog.. Was it? Hell if I know.. But alot of fake breeders out there and alot of good ones. And I do know this,, these older and larger breeders,, sure they are grabbing money,, why woodn't they? But is a fact,, most of these breeders have ALOT larger farms than me. So I'll let them do the breeding. And I'll cash crop from it. Do I get bad seeds? Yea, but I also find afew gems along the way.. BL hope alls' well in your neck of the woods... Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

At these prices the weed better grow itself, dry itself, and bag up itself... Do me a favor,, if you ever seen anyone grow some of this shit please PM me or post on my thread. I'd love to see who has 10 grand to pay for a seed....... I got some ocean front property in Az I want to talk to them about. Or some ocean front property in Miami I'd sell cheap........... GL everyone and Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

At these prices the weed better grow itself, dry itself, and bag up itself... Do me a favor,, if you ever seen anyone grow some of this shit please PM me or post on my thread. I'd love to see who has 10 grand to pay for a seed....... I got some ocean front property in Az I want to talk to them about. Or some ocean front property in Miami I'd sell cheap........... GL everyone and Keepem Green

Evenin Norcal,...ya,..that's gotta be a mistake....right?...LMFAO...Has to be a typo....!:wood:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

If it isn't it sure should be............... Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I could see spending afew bucks on a proven cut of 'great' weed... But 10 grand per seed? Man, I could fill up my seed stash box with top shelf stock for the price of a half a seed. To me half the fun is looking for that gem. But for a cash cropper,, it wood be worth acouple hunderd for a 'off the chart' strain. Hey BL, you rememeber all the people that use to talk shit about the speed Stoney Girls claims were,, and the claim of close to 30% tHC values? Nowadays it isn't uncommon to find strains that finish in under 7 weeks if that is what you are looking for. These 'Fast' prove that. I might even try pollenating one of these fast ones with my Crippled Rino that is a 7 week finisher,, cept she gets big. Mine is over 9' this year. Miss J loves it... And afew people say it even cures a headache? Most weeds seem to just make a headache worse.
But some of them GModifed on that link have claims of over 50% THC... How wood someone keeps a dubie lite... Man, it wood crackle just like a rock... Oh well... Hope alls good and Keepem Green
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hey Conrad Im living that right now, growing seeds I bred and where I grew them. Fuck you should of saw last years outdoor! Savage and bug free cause of the breeding I think. Growing fancy bought seeds outside suck Im finding out. I wish I would of did a great male when I bred but I just bred. Multiple clones to one male. It turned out good! Wait till next year! Ive only got one outside this year I bred and its beautiful and bug free. Again you veterans, I think my yard has Russets all day every day every year. Strait infested. I will be real proud of myself if I keep them out the tent. I have already, so far. My home made green cleaner works great!!! I got some peppermint from the grocery store. Maybe some Eucalyptus too. Im going to Bonner spray tonight and Im adding some ISO to it. I rinsed them last night cause my spray stays on the plants good.
Im not buying no more seeds for a while. Not even looking. My question is...... is Bohdi seeds worth the price? It seems theyre more expensive than average. If I bought next I thought of going Bohdi. No one comments on the TGA Subcool I bought so they must be crap??? The Russets like the Pergutorys too but not like the bananas. Theyre on the bananas like a Chimpanzee.
My Asian neighbor who was shut down either rented or sold the house to a dude with Jamaican accent and cars coming all hours and all day. All walks of life carrying bags the size of a pound. I saw a dude walking out with an envelope yesterday. The worst part is the cracked out blonde coming and going daily. I hope the cock suckers leave me alone. Theres no doubt they know Im growing inside and out. What luck huh 420. Maybe a connection!!! Dont always think negative.
If I get a hard on for a seed I will come here and get advice first. I never clicked that link to see the $$ seeds mentioned, why?
As big as an Irish fan I am I dont think McConner is going to win. Hes a tough fucker but fighting Maryweather in his game I dont think he has a chance. I hope he wins (Mcconner)! I saw 4 yrs ago he was on welfare getting $188. a month. I saw he just named his yacht $188. I loved it when Nate Diaz from Stockton Ca. beat his (Mcconners) ass recently. Diaz fought him last minute and whooped him good.
Time to get high my friends!!! :passitleft: Dont hold it in the 70's are gone forever! Great Day 420!
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I was really looking forward to some conversation about some new genetics the other day and I still have that itch so if everybody doesn't mind I would like to continue were I left off...

Thanks for clarification on the Wedding Cake genetics Twox. Must be a hellava strain when a pheno's notoriety results in its own separate name! Yes, I saw the new Symbiotic Purple Punch strains...thought you or other Slurricane fans might go for it. Haha. Seeing Oni's name pop up more & more...he must be good. Have you seen the new stuff from Compound Genetics? Apricot & Gelato crosses...caught my eye because I have some OBS Apricot x Aliendog. OBS was gifted the Apricot Helix from non-industry NorCal folks awhile back. Even OBS doesn't know the genetics....his best guess is it has some old Killer Queen in it. Very rare. Jungle Boyz put it in the public spotlight w/ Orange Apricot. Prices of these new release are going up real fast too....& they still sell like hotcakes.

:tokin: :Namaste:

I've been checking out that Apricot Helix.... She's held tight and I have zero chance of getting my hands on her.. She hasn't been spread around like some of these other strains but her crosses are supposed to be killer... I never knew that JB had a Orange Apricot Strain. Pretty cool. I have a jaws cross Of Alien Apricot and OBS Orange Cookies that I hope brings some terps to the table.. I really want a cut of the Wedding Cake pheno fro SJ, it's spreading like wildfire at the moment and I might try to buy a cut.. Should be too hard to get my hands on but I thought the same thing about the Purple Punch... I've noticed there's some bunk Purple Punch going around that looks nothing the the Village's cut... Kinda iffy about sourcing her clone now..

Also a heads up... Sometime this week Seed Junky is dropping a fem line of his Traingle mint wedding pheno reversed to a few cuts.. They will most likely be preorder only and I'm definetly grabbing a pack.. Not sure which one yet but there's a couple that have my attention..

Triangle kush. X Wedding Cake
F cut og. X Wedding Cake
Kush mints X Wedding Cake
Animal Mints bx cake pheno X Wedding Cake
Animal Mints bx lemon pheno X Wedding Cake
True OgX Wedding Cake
Loompas headband x (Tk x high octane bx2) X Wedding Cake
*Fruity Pebbles Og. X Wedding Cake
Animal Mints f1- (cookie dom pheno) X Wedding Cake
*Zkittlez X Wedding Cake
WiFi43 X Wedding Cake
WiFi Rabbit cut. X Wedding Cake
The white. (Kromes)
*Sunset Sherbert X Wedding Cake
*Orange cookies (Capulators Cut) X Wedding Cake
Wedding Cake X Wedding Cake
I put a star on the crosses I'm eyeballin...

Well, lunch is almost over and I have a 14 hour day at work today so I hope everybody has a great weekend. If I'm exhausted when I get done watering tonight I'll p4ovavly catch ya tomorrow on my much needed day off..:high-five:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

I recall reading around when Jaws was asking about & looking for the Apricot Helix. Sounds like it paired well w/ the Orange Juice Bud. OBS has an OJB x Apricot x Tahoe combo that getting a lot of attention & high marks. Not sure if it's out under the OBsoult33t label or his other Franchise Genetics label. I'm new to OBS....current A-Dub x Aliendog is my 1st grow of an OBS strain. Needed to finally grow some Alien Tech strains. It's definitely lighter green as everyone says.

Wow...that's quite a list of Wedding Cake crosses! Glad only the WC x Gelato & Gelato S1's were in 1st release....your new list would have made choosing harder or me ending up w/ more than one. I got the OES notice 1st but skipped it due to his payment routine & short deadline. Was pleased w/ myself for refraining :clap:.....then Neptune sends me notice & his payment scheme is fast & easy.....I weakened at that point. :lot-o-toke: I do have several of those cuts on the WC list crossed w/ either Urkle or Mendocino Purple from CSI waiting in the wings. Figured I know Urkle & MP pretty well so a known baseline will allow me to better check out those cuts.

:passitleft: :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Hey Bl, I dont believe in Karma but I wonder what the fuck i did to deserve these Russets and my wonderful new neighbor is selling dope. Got zombies walking and people cleaning their dope pipes in front of the house dropping their blackend tissues waiting for product. I flew out the house yelling what the fuck dont drop that shit here. The neighbor said his names Lucky. When the timings right Im going to ask him if hes been to prison yet cause those zombies are going to get him busted. Im gonna say the zombies got me busted 7 yrs ago from this house, I did 3yrs in the pen and the guy across the street is a retired sheriff. Tell him hes going to go from Lucky to Unlucky! The same fucking zombies daily, some white dude never showers or changes his pink fucking levis. Im going to tell him he strait looks like dog shit. Cause he does. Sad as fuck. Irish fucking luck again for me. Im not sure whats worse my new neighbor or the Russets. Hows this for judgement...... one zombie chick looks cleanupable! Lack of pussy can fuck your judgement.
Looks like Im saving whats in the yard. The Pergutorys have one more week to clear or their getting chopped. This strain theyre in the developing buds good. I got to the Bananas in time seems like. The MK Ultra is unaffected and so is the ONE I bred. They dont like Scotts OG but it sure is developing slow. So its affecting them. The goal is to keep them from the tent. Ive read so much about Russets lately it all runs together. I live way too close to the freeway and I think the Gov. dropped these fucker in record numbers to fuck up peoples plants right before it goes legal Jan.1. Ive made my own Green Cleaner. Ive got a few different essential oils. Garlic, hot pepper and tobacco mix too. Only the g.Cleaner for the yard cause of the stage of flower, and the hot pepper one too. I have a feeling these gov planted russets are going to be a game changer for many. Evil fuckers. The tents got an Aza drench, Gcleaned twice and neemd the last time. Im on every leaf to the scope. I told my trim buddy if the tent gets infested to a certain point all is gettn trashed. Im treating the tent every weekend till buds show. Then just the peppers and green cleaner. Thinking of some Demacrious Earth too. Wet and or dry sulfur? Oh Im getting some Califias predatory mites too. Spray the yard grow one more week and let those Califas go. I hose the plants with the water at night and they love it!! Learning!!
Great Day BL. I hope your holiday went well.
Re: Brightlight's Outdoor & LED Gardens

Hmmm I don't know if it's gonna help someone, but if one has problems with mites one has to try anything I believe. Just check the vid.

Grow Marijuana: Kill Hemp Russet Mites & Broad Mites on Cannabis - YouTube

Thanks Conrad Ive seen/watched that a few times but havent listend to it yet. I dont think anything they recommend is organic but no matter to me. I dont remember any essential oils mentioned? Again no matter. Im guessing the variety they recommend is all you need and will check it out again. Im keeping them at bay in the yard. The stuff I made at first with the Rosemary worked. It really helped to save the plants (Banana og) but the TGA Pergutorys might get pulled. That video is probably the best advice out there and I need to organize what I have and watch it and incorporate some of it. If I cant keep them from the tent its a game changer for sure for me. Fuck I can see the tanker truck cruising down the freeway at 2 am just spraying these Russets every where this year. I hear the Russets are bad for lots this year. When the plants big and in flower you might as well pull her like ive read if infested. Could you imagine putting tons of $ in a big warehouse grow only for it to go to shit cause of Russets ?? Again, I read where these Russets will end many grows and people growing from some time to come. The only thing i havent got yet is Thirps and tobaccoo virus. Thanks again Conradino
Re: Brightlight's Outdoor & LED Gardens

The only thing i havent got yet is Thirps and tobaccoo virus. Thanks again Conradino

Sorry to hear of your ongoing pest problems 4D. SNS is kinda local to me & I got involved w/ them ~2010 to test their yet unreleased in CA 204B product. Reason I say that is it got me aware & acquainted w/ several of its products. I've used 203 for gnats but it's too expensive & weak. I reversed engineered it using both Rosemary & Clove oil. Mine worked better than theirs. Lucky I guess. (Knocking on wood but this time around only 8 gnats in wk. 2 & none since.) :goof: But their 209 product is intended for mites....still Rosemary but at 10% rather than the 1.5% in 203. Organic if that's what you prefer or seek. Or maybe look up its MSDS to make your own recipe/batch.

Speaking of mosaic virus......look what I found this run. Drove me nuts for a few days trying to diagnose. Never had it before. I don't say Tobacco Mosaic Virus since it hasn't ever been scientifically determined to infect cannabis. There are many types of mosaic virus. However, in the community it is widely said that Chem D is a known carrier. Well I have some D in my A-dub x Aliendog. Usually I don't bother using alcohol on snips between each plant while defol. but after spotting this stuff, I started to sanitize after ea. plant. Likely I spread it to other plants from the culprit.

At 1st I was thinking some expression of Mg deficiency that I've not seen before. But felt that was very unlikely because of the care I've taken on this run to maintain exacting pH level & proper soil TDS. I use mostly coco & if conditions are kept proper, Mg should never be a problem when using coco since it chock full of it. While not positive as to which plant it originated with, it has only infected a couple of leaves on a total of 3 plants. Doesn't seem to be hurting them as far as I can tell.


Here is tent view about a wk. ago at 3 wks. You can see majority of leaves look fine. Sigh.....always something with this hobby of ours but that's the life of growing, right? Good luck in your battle brother.


:circle-of-love: :Namaste:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Ooooh, is there NINE in there? :love: :blunt:

I've had good luck with the SNS 209, and just ok luck with the 203. I've always thought it was TMV, rather than variegation, but I've flip-flopped maybe a few times. When it's clearly running in distinct patterns, it looks more variegated, and when it's more vague, it's as if it's the TMV. I heard the same about the D. Stress will bring it out more. I don't see any stress in that garden though. Looks like a perfect run man. :circle-of-love:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Perfect looking grow Bl. Very nice. I might take pics today of what Ive got going or whats left. Im spraying the yard grow every night this week with my ISO mix (no oil) and when those Califas predatory mites come that will be it for spray for them. Im thinking the tent grow will get one more neem spray a few weeks after flip and thats it for them too then they get some Califas mites. Im green cleaning the tent weekly until the Califas get introduced.
Im not too impressed with TGA's Pergutory and its not cause of mites. Maybe why noone comments on this breeder too much. I just be loving on Santa Rosa Calif. Nice area.
Hey Pennywise, I never heard Pennywise before but utubed it and theyre badass. I saw the Murpheys while working in Vegas and Pennywise is better. I almost went to see the Murphys and Rancid in july here. Pennywise is much better than Rancid too. Rancid was the guest band on a late night talk show recently and I wasent too impressed. I saw on utube SXSW NOFX 2016 interview about their book and its a bad ass interview. The book made the new york times best sellars list!! Oprahs book clubs next!! Ha! Im so impressed with Heffe the only one from the neighborhood who amounted to anything. When we was kids and them playing in the garage I told them..... not IF you make but WHEN you make it I want back stage, promise me now. Dude I was like 16yrs old. It was Aaron who stood up and said of course! In the interview he talks about the neighborhood band. This will be 3rd time back stage and Im excited. I wonder if Pennywise hates NOFX and visa versa and I thought of getting a P.wise shirt for the show to fuck with people. Thought maybe a Bad Religion shirt. I orderd a Sex Pistols shirt yesterday to wear cause why not get a shirt of a band i actually like but Im thinking of getting a Too Short tshirt for the show instead. I saw a Too Short shirt that was a pic of him as a kid I might get. I cant stand rap but you got to love Too Short!!! Too much fun!!! Hey Pennywise I sure am proud or Aaron.
BL, i dident mean to hijack your thread for fucking Punk Rock, Check out the interview....SXSW 2016 NOFX interview on utube. Theyre honest as fuck. I ordered the book. Utube Mark Curry the musician he was the neighborhood band. Mark told me the chick at Virgin Records told him when they UNSIGNED him ...... your going to have a great career too bad you wont remember it!!
Great day 420 now lets get........HIGH!!! :passitleft:
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Nice update BL. Love the full tent shot with the variety of plants! :love:

I haven't had problems the last 2 grows with gnats but prior to that sns 203 worked well to get rid of them. As for mites I've never had a problem with them on my weed plants. I did purchase a indoor Calamondin citrus tree that was infested with mites. After battling with them for close to a year trying different products I found that you had to consistently spray the fukers off with water every few days for a month while also using some sort of mite control for foliar and drench. I used sns 209 but I think the key was spraying the entire plant on a regular basis for a month to get rid of any new mites that hatched that the sns did not get too. The plant has been mite free for over 3 months now with no more treatment or spraying of the plant.
re: Brightlight's Strain Fest - Organics & LED

Nice update BL. Love the full tent shot with the variety of plants! :love:

I haven't had problems the last 2 grows with gnats but prior to that sns 203 worked well to get rid of them. As for mites I've never had a problem with them on my weed plants. I did purchase a indoor Calamondin citrus tree that was infested with mites. After battling with them for close to a year trying different products I found that you had to consistently spray the fukers off with water every few days for a month while also using some sort of mite control for foliar and drench. I used sns 209 but I think the key was spraying the entire plant on a regular basis for a month to get rid of any new mites that hatched that the sns did not get too. The plant has been mite free for over 3 months now with no more treatment or spraying of the plant.

Thats one of the things Ive learnd recently is spraying/rinsing with the hose. They love it. Never would of thought. Even budded out. And it also instill the fact I did not wash correctly when I bud washed last years yard harvest. Im sure climate plays a part and Im hot and dry where Im at. Great day 420
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