Bowanawana's Indoor soil With Blueberry & Afghan 2019


420 Member
High Ya All from Northern Michigan where it is Cold. When I say Cold I mean Cold.
I have found through the years that March 15th is a great time to get plants going.
I know we are talking about Cannabis but Tomatoes and Peppers are great to start indoors right now as well. Our outdoor season is short and any head start helps when transplanting outdoors later, 2.5 months or so for us above the 45th parallel.
But my goals here are to get some good advise on my grow. No one is perfect and I always run into problems that persist to the point the plant has to go, my heart can not take watching a slow death.
So I got my new seeds from a new source and I chose to go with regular Blueberry and Afghan. I did not go with quantity but started with 12 Blueberry and 6 Afghan, lucky me they sent some extra seeds.
I floated in water as I have been doing for a long time. A farmer told me a couple things many years ago, he said that the first seeds to drop are more likely to be female, he also said plant your seeds under the leaves in the fall season for a guaranteed sprout in the spring. Some things I practiced.
After less than 24 hours all seeds dropped except for one blueberry and at first two blueberries dropped to the bottom of the glass, I had big smiles, and bigger smiles where the next morning seeing most fell.
I then went and got my plastic container and some brown paper towel, I also have found that some paper towels have chemicals that will kill the seed at germination, whit ones, bounty is one for sure.
I forgot to mention that my water is artisan so no worries on water chemicals either.
The towels are moist with the seed placed inside folded over, placed in the container, cover with a towel and put into a known warm spot.
I received the seeds Monday, floated and sank seeds, Tuesday paper towel method, Friday planted inch under soil, 10 blueberries and 6 Afghan, Saturday popping. So far so good.


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Yep, clear plastic. I know most would think that would be bad news for all sorts of things, and i will agree, it will show what might be going wrong, over watering is easy to do and does more damage than under watering. Lets me now when to transplant to.
I can run in and out, so I will say yes, I hope to have to have them sexed by June 1.
I have raised beds up near my house that face south. It helps when frosts are in season to use the house to protect to stretch the grow in the fall.
Thanks for the tip, I will go get some dark containers to see the difference. Thank you for noticing a mistake. I have used clear bags for some years and have had success but never spent the money on containers to grow in. I have used 5 gallon buckets in the past which worked well but found a 3 gallon worked just as well. So I am going to darken the containers, because I am cheap and can, lol.

SO far everything is going well.
12 Blueberry seeds, 10 growing and a slow last start to #11, #12 never sprouted, so sad.
6 Afghan seed, 6 growing, happy happy happy.

The blueberry are in the back and the Afghan in the front. There are three blueberry's that are looking a little freakish with deformities and none symmetrical leaf formation. My experience is that these will more than likely not grow well. Any thoughts?


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All is well and how time fly's watching a plant grow. No water so far but getting ready to give a tsp. ANy hints or tricks at this stage would be appreciated.


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