Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

Happy Hump Day all! I hope everyone is well. I’m going to make 2 updates. First, the autos.

I’ve put the old college locker back into use. What a nice extra piece of equipment to have. This is Tangie. She was up potted on Monday. I have all my SIP stands in use so she went into a 3 gallon plastic pot.

She’s a hardy little gal and I just topped her today as she was showing some preflower. Tangie is some of my most favorite weed. :cheesygrinsmiley: Next up is Mimosa Cake (I also love this weed!)

She is a week older than the other three autos in the basement and she’s just had a growth spurt. I put her in a 5 gallon bag and she’s sitting on a SIP stand. I really do like those stands, just fill and go! Next is the Wookie X Wizard #2.

I plan to top her soon but I’m going to let her go another day or two. She is very happy in her 3 gallon on the SIP.

Finally, here is Queen G. She is a little smaller and a little paler than the others but I’m sure she will catch up soon!

She is also in a 3 gallon plastic pot.

Here’s a group shot of the 3 in the tent

That’s all for the autos. Now for the Wedding Cake…

Now for the Wedding Cake..

that Wedding Cake is classic Boo!
YUP! Too big, too messy haired, too untrained….LOL! This thing has be on 12/12 for more than three weeks now. She has nearly doubled in size….and What the actual fuuuuu?

This has been the weirdest summer grow. I’ve double checked the timer, double checked for light leaks, double checked that this is a feminized seed from Seedsman. She “looks” like she is getting ready to flower but she has looked that way for 2 weeks now. I have decided that if she isn’t fully, convincingly, in flower by this Sunday (the four week mark) I’m going to cull her.

In the meantime…I cleaned up her underskirt…it also prevents Kitt from ripping leaves and sometimes branches off of her. :laughtwo:
I’ve put the old college locker back into use.
That's the perfect spot for that Tangie. :thumb:
Next is the Wookie X Wizard #2.
Love all the lower branching. Noice!
Finally, here is Queen G.
Queen G has become a bit of a hit among my wife's crew, and so sticky it gums up the grinder.
YUP! Too big, too messy haired, too untrained….LOL! This thing has be on 12/12 for more than three weeks now. She has nearly doubled in size….and What the actual fuuuuu?
Sounds like a long flowering auto? Have you tried running it 8/16 to jolt it into flower (assuming it actually is a photo)?
it also prevents Kitt from ripping leaves and sometimes branches off of her.
Oh those puppy days! :love:
Happy Hump Day all! I hope everyone is well. I’m going to make 2 updates. First, the autos.

I’ve put the old college locker back into use. What a nice extra piece of equipment to have. This is Tangie. She was up potted on Monday. I have all my SIP stands in use so she went into a 3 gallon plastic pot.

She’s a hardy little gal and I just topped her today as she was showing some preflower. Tangie is some of my most favorite weed. :cheesygrinsmiley: Next up is Mimosa Cake (I also love this weed!)

She is a week older than the other three autos in the basement and she’s just had a growth spurt. I put her in a 5 gallon bag and she’s sitting on a SIP stand. I really do like those stands, just fill and go! Next is the Wookie X Wizard #2.

I plan to top her soon but I’m going to let her go another day or two. She is very happy in her 3 gallon on the SIP.

Finally, here is Queen G. She is a little smaller and a little paler than the others but I’m sure she will catch up soon!

She is also in a 3 gallon plastic pot.

Here’s a group shot of the 3 in the tent

That’s all for the autos. Now for the Wedding Cake…

Love to see these ladies in good hands. They look healthy and happy and I hope they are 🔥 for you
Happy Friday! Let’s do quotes and then I want to share something interesting with you.
Sounds like a long flowering auto? Have you tried running it 8/16 to jolt it into flower (assuming it actually is a photo)?
:hmmmm: Sooo, I don’t really understand how that would work but I’m happy to try! How long would I put her under 18/6 before I flipped her back to 12/12?
Love to see these ladies in good hands. They look healthy and happy and I hope they are 🔥 for you
Thanks for putting them in my hands! I took down the outdoors W x W this week and I’m thinking I may be wrong about it getting pollinated, maybe just the freaking 90-100 degree temps turned those pistils early. We shall see but I’ve got a sizable harvest drying atm. :love:
Why are you gonna call her? Just cuz she isn't on your timesheet..tisk tisk..that's gonna be a wicked turn out if you'd stop examining the clock.
I’m thinking I may give her a little more time…
Plants look nice Boo, let's hope the WC hurries up and starts full on flowering to avoid an early cull.
Thanks Stunger, good to see you here!
Every leaf in perfect shape is hard and you have them Boo! Great growing! I think Shed might be onto something! Good luck, it's a beautiful plant!
Thanks Stone. We shall see!
She’s back baby!
I’ve been here all along. ;)

I've also been over at the Cannabis Kitchen - Cooking with Cannabis journal and discovered something that @Lady Cannafan and @Azimuth have been working on - THC powder. They’ve been using a couple of different powders to make edibles with and have been having some success. I noticed that there was a recipe that LadyCannafan posted using tapioca starch. I live in an area with a large Mennonite population as well as stores and Tapioca starch is abundant and cheap so I picked some up and made THC a powder last night. All you need is your infused oil, tapioca starch (or another type of starch), and a tsp of liquid or powder lecithin.

Mixed them together

Pushed it thru a sieve

End product is fluffy and looks like grated Parmesan. I put 1 tsp in my coffee this morning and within 15 minutes I was feeling the effects…and still am. The powder just melted into the coffee and didn’t change the taste of it at all. For those of you who prefer to eat your weed, I’d say this could be a game changer. Lady Cannafan also has some delicious recipes over in that journal as well. Here is a link to a RQS article about THC powder and how to make it: What is THC Powder and How to Make it - RQS Blog
How long would I put her under 18/6 before I flipped her back to 12/12?
8/16, not 16/8! Make her think it's December rather than September and see if that starts the flowering process. If you don't see flowers after 2 weeks of that I'd say it's a very long flowering auto rather than a photo.
End product is fluffy and looks like grated Parmesan. I put 1 tsp in my coffee this morning and within 15 minutes I was feeling the effects…and still am. The powder just melted into the coffee and didn’t change the taste of it at all. For those of you who prefer to eat your weed, I’d say this could be a game changer. Lady Cannafan also has some delicious recipes over in that journal as well. Here is a link to a RQS article about THC powder and how to make it: What is THC Powder and How to Make it - RQS Blog
Those 3 autos look just about perfect, Boo!
No surprise there, that's what you do.👍💚
YUP! Too big, too messy haired, too untrained….LOL!
I'm glad you're giving her a little more time...
could you move her outside if she gets too big?

maybe just the freaking 90-100 degree temps turned those pistils early.
My outside ladies looked pollinated after a 95 degree day- apx. 50%% of the pistils dried out and turned brown...
End product is fluffy and looks like grated Parmesan.
Thank you for that, Boo- I've got the infused oil, so I'll have to give that a try!
I've been using cannabis dust (decarbed, ran thru a spice grinder, sifted thru a kief screen) and it works, but it takes 3-4 hours to kick in- this sounds waaay better...👍
Those 3 autos look just about perfect, Boo!
No surprise there, that's what you do.👍💚

I'm glad you're giving her a little more time...
could you move her outside if she gets too big?

My outside ladies looked pollinated after a 95 degree day- apx. 50%% of the pistils dried out and turned brown...

Thank you for that, Boo- I've got the infused oil, so I'll have to give that a try!
I've been using cannabis dust (decarbed, ran thru a spice grinder, sifted thru a kief screen) and it works, but it takes 3-4 hours to kick in- this sounds waaay better...👍
Those 3 autos look just about perfect, Boo!
No surprise there, that's what you do.👍💚
Thanks Carcass. I do love my autos. :love:
I'm glad you're giving her a little more time...
could you move her outside if she gets too big?
Actually, I pulled her out of a 45 gal pot outside and brought her inside because I didn’t want her to get pollinated. She was still small enough to do it. She is already too big so my next step is to do some supercropping. I switched the light as She’d suggested.
Thank you for that, Boo- I've got the infused oil, so I'll have to give that a try!
I've been using cannabis dust (decarbed, ran thru a spice grinder, sifted thru a kief screen) and it works, but it takes 3-4 hours to kick in- this sounds waaay better...👍
The hardest thing about making the powder was pushing it through the strainer. It’s almost like a crumbly pie dough after it is mixed. I measured the tapioca wrong and had to double the batch so it took a while to get all of it pressed thru. I was very surprised how quickly it affected me. Here is a link to the recipe I used. 250 G of starch equals one cup (I weighed my starch first) and after adding the lecithin and tincture I realized I effed up so I added more oil and lecithin.

I've been using cannabis dust (decarbed, ran thru a spice grinder, sifted thru a kief screen) and it works, but it takes 3-4 hours to kick in- this sounds waaay better...👍
And, not only quicker (10-15 minutes vs 3-4 hours) but also supposed to be  much more bioavailable (like 5-10x more available), so could be a game changer for medical especially.
Happy Hump Day! We have had a few glorious days of fall like weather and I am loving it! I thought I would do a little update. First, the Wookies x Wizard came down last week and has dried. I won’t complain about 4 ounces from an auto!

I can’t wait to try her out. Second, I gave the Wedding Cake to a friend since I changed the hours on the timer 5 days ago and she had grown past the light and was just too big. I did figure out what the problem was though….the switch on the timer was in the wrong position so the lights were NEVER a turning off! :rofl:
Oh well, stoner move acknowledged. Let’s look at the autoflowers.

This is Tangie. She is doing her thing and looking sweet as can be. Next up is Mimosa Cake.

She is a good sized auto this time. She is a week older than the other three and also in a 5 gallon bag. I have her where the WC was under the Mars Hydro SP. The light is working but the dimmer doesn’t seem to be…:hmmmm: Here come Wookies x Wizard…

She is starting to flower as well. She’s looking good too. Her sister in crime is next.

Queen G is just starting to flower and is looking healthy like the others. :love:

Together in the tent. That’s all for me. Thanks for looking and enjoy the rest of your week. :peace:
.the switch on the timer was in the wrong position so the lights were NEVER a turning off!
Ha!- I turned the light down to 60 watts for pics on Monday (from 170) and I just remembered to turn it back up about half an hour ago...I thought it seemed dim in there...:lot-o-toke:

She is a good sized auto this time.
She sure is- big and beautiful👍
And your streak of bad luck has evidently moved on...:party:
Here is a link to the recipe I used.
Thank You for that, Boo!- I forgot to mention earlier- I tried the recipe you linked to for cannabis powder, and it works great!
I used cornstarch (all I had) and it worked well- not much taste, which is a good thing, and I get a nice buzz from about a tsp of it- very nice...😌
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