today everyone is either above ground or breaking surface. i didn't even have to go digging
five days from beans is not bad at all. seems like it's one of my faster starts. it doesn't work unless the seeds are decent and fairly fresh. i kinda chose some of the better looking ones to help.
both gelato had an early start yesterday. gelato 1 was outta the gates early.
she's already optimistic enough to start shooting a set of trues lol
the other one is only a half day behind
these guys were incredibly eager to go right from getting them in the towel. not to be out done one of the acapulco gold busted top late yesterday about 3hrs from lights out. took the pic this morning.
still hadn't oriented to the light yet. it'll be stock straight by end of today.
thought i might have to go give the others a little help getting to the surface but they are breaking today.
nearly there. keep going buddy..
the most shy of the bunch
no helmets when they came up. sweet but i probably blew all my lottery luck on it so far
got the conditions a little more dialed.
the rh continues absolutely crap but at least i got my temps more in line with less high / low swing. outdoor conditions are crazy unsettled right now, which is affecting my indoor. would like it just a degree or so lower, but i'm happy to run as is.
i got the light running at about 35% right now and holding. might have a connection issue with the burple. happened to be up early and noticed it hadn't fired. just gave everything a snug and it was ok.
i'm giving everything a mist a few times a day with the RO and weak cal mag because of the crap RH.