Blue Angel 2019

Dendro on the right in the background
This one is Laeliocattleya



Ok now, I feel stupid.

Completely looked past that.

this is good stuff! laughing hard at the end, i had to go back and re read the thread to actually understand what was going on!!! once the screen shot with ORCHID painted on was posted it started to become clear, and that's when the laughter began...i once was lost, but now am found...
the orchid thing came out of nowhere, but right in front of us the whole time
thanks @ALB3RT
looking forward to the bloom on the ORCHID

just sitting in the back rolling sativas, feeling irie...

The light flicked on at noon, and I was eager to see them.

So I go barreling in to the room with great anticipation! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Pull the door open, releasing the grip of the Velcro tabs I have it in place with.


The anticipation quickly flipped to disappointment. :straightface:

After 30 hours of darkness, my plants look fucked up... pardon my language.





It’s kinda hard to see under the LED light, but through my glasses you can definitely see what’s going on there...

It looks like a zinc deficiency, but.

The only thing I’ve done differently here, is the 30 hours of dark. They have never, ever reacted that way with a feeding of the nutes that I use.

Well, today will mark day one of 12/12 light schedule. I hope they bounce back from this set back and move into flower gracefully.:nervous-guy:

I will not be leaving my plants in the dark for that amount of time before flower again. Lesson learned.

Now, moving forward..

I will update later if anything happens worth sharing.

Looks like the new growth hasn't gotten it's chlorophyll yet- didn't need it with no light-
they should green up quickly now that there's light...
Kind of like those little fish that live in caves-they don't have eyes,because they live their lives in complete darkness.
Mine look like that when their growing really fast also under normal lighting.

The light flicked on at noon, and I was eager to see them.

So I go barreling in to the room with great anticipation! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Pull the door open, releasing the grip of the Velcro tabs I have it in place with.


The anticipation quickly flipped to disappointment. :straightface:

After 30 hours of darkness, my plants look fucked up... pardon my language.





It’s kinda hard to see under the LED light, but through my glasses you can definitely see what’s going on there...

It looks like a zinc deficiency, but.

The only thing I’ve done differently here, is the 30 hours of dark. They have never, ever reacted that way with a feeding of the nutes that I use.

Well, today will mark day one of 12/12 light schedule. I hope they bounce back from this set back and move into flower gracefully.:nervous-guy:

I will not be leaving my plants in the dark for that amount of time before flower again. Lesson learned.

Now, moving forward..

I will update later if anything happens worth sharing.

They still looks so Purdy! After a few comments here it does look like something minor and it will recover fast! This stretch is going to be something else! I can't wait!
Hey brother! Hope you're doing well :passitleft: I haven't been able to swing by here in a while but i'm all caught up and damnnnn your plants got big! Congrats on the flip, it's gonna be one hell of a flower show in there! :slide:

Last weekend was busy. I finished building my fire pit in the back, as well as I got a load of fire wood from my firewood guy. Truck loaded over the brim, for 85 bucks. It’s normally 65, but he was out of that type of wood and only had the 85 so I said, “I’ll take it”. Loaded it into my truck, then stacked it very neatly in my shed.

I also did a bunch of cleaning around the house. Hung a height chart (finally) to keep track of my daughters height, with stickers saying how old she is. It’s actually a really nice stained wood 1X6 that was made special for my daughter. That my wife bought, something I could have made very easily, but it’s nice, and I’m not looking back, only forward. I hung a mirror in our front entrance that has a shelf on it (for candles or what ever).

Here’s a picture of the fire pit. I’m sorry if you have to remove the photo admin. I enjoy showing my handy work.

I brought out the ladies tonight after work, and gave them their (hopefully) last late veg dose of nutrients.

I gave them this line up of nutrients..


They all felt pretty light, I wasn’t using that as a guide on when to feed this time, I wanted to feed them last night, but had no time. So it was tonight no matter what, but it worked out perfectly.

They have exploded with growth since flipping the light back on after the 30 hours of darkness. They are absolute fu**ing monsters!

I’m sorry @Lowded118 i wasn’t trying to put you down by saying I will never put them in 30 hours of darkness before flower again. But damn man! These bitches really started growing! FAST! :drool:

So I’m just enjoying a beer right now, sitting out back listening to rain droplets hit the ground. It’s Quite peaceful. :peace::ganjamon:

Puffing on my Dark Angel buds.

I’m almost through the first jar, it will be a sad day when I go through the second jar. I haven’t even really touched the Blue Cookie. I think I might give a large amount of it to my dad. As he just mixes small amounts in with hit tobacco and will smoke trim if he gets it for free. So I think I might surprise him with a nice bag of home grown bud. So he doesn’t have to smoke my uncles trimming :laughtwo:

Oh yeah! :idea: I should maybe touch base on jury duty. They had no problem with me not sending my papers in. She got me set up at the front desk within 5 mins. Then the waiting game began.

Was a number system. Over 160 people. They randomly called a number and then the defence and crown prosecutors either challenged you, or accepted you. If they challenged, you were free to go.

If they picked the twelve jurors before your number was called, you were able to leave.

Thank god, they picked the twelve jurors before my number was called. I could not afford missing a week of work for that crap.

Well I think that’s enough rambling. I just need to upload a new browser page, post my pictures, then I’ll be back to post here. :thumb:


ok I’m back! Here they are!

I may have mixed my photos up, I’ll do my best to keep them in order, but no promises.

I think I might have got them in order!

Won’t truly know until I hit post reply. It hasn’t been letting me edit my posts after recently so if it’s not, that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

The DA1 is by far, the biggest plant out of the three, she blows me away every time I open the tent, and I see her towering over the other two. :drool:

They are all so very beautiful, but that DA1 is amazing!! :adore:

That’s all for tonight!

Now I go back to getting caught up with my notifications! I’m only two pages behind!! Slowly getting there!

Thank you all for being present, and showing your love! I appreciate you all!

Looking perfect in there brother :passitleft: :high-five: You filled your space extremely well and it's looking so good heading into bloom not too long from now.
Everything's looking excellent,BL- 3 beautiful girls you've got there!
Nice fire ring too- Getting stoned and staring at a campfire is one of my favorite things!
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