Blue Angel 2019

Your plants are looking great,BL-they couldn't be any healthier!
Just want to see what everyone’s opinions are on it.
I've got something similar on the gdpxgb seedling-I think it's just a little genetic defect.
Plants are pretty easy to inspect at this size,and there's no bugs on her.

gdpxgb  odd leaf.JPG
Wow looking seriously good BLS! They look so healthy! What’s your humidity like in the tent?

Thanks @Opar :Namaste:

Of course the update I don’t touch base on the humidity and temp levels you ask me! :rofl:

If you look at previous posts (somewhere in there) is what they have been previously.

It’s been pretty consistent around the 50-60%

Your plants are looking great,BL-they couldn't be any healthier!

I've got something similar on the gdpxgb seedling-I think it's just a little genetic defect.
Plants are pretty easy to inspect at this size,and there's no bugs on her.

gdpxgb  odd leaf.JPG

Thanks carcass!! :Namaste:

Your xiwtbfkeh looks great! I see that one leaf! Well noted, I will keep an eye on my three ladies.

big flowers for sure.

That’s what I’m going for! Lol

Thanks brother!! :Namaste:

Hope all is well with you and yours!! :ciao:

I might have to swing by your journal, I think it stopped giving me notifications again!
I wanna hang out with this guy now you passed the test! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hold you to it!

Beers cooling in the fridge as we speak! :headbanger:

Don’t know what test it was! But I’m sure in hell glad I passed! I suck at test!!

Pretty messed up I missed so much going on here. Loving the growth and hell yeah utilize that extra space! We want tall forests of dankness! Plus you running led so a few more inches to play with! Keep up the amazing grow!

Haha ya it’s funny how that happens. My journal is quiet for a while and then bam! Everybody fell behind!

Thanks brother!! :Namaste:
Your xiwtbfkeh looks great!
I've got to come up with a better abbreviation for Granddaddy Purple x Gumberry
gdpxgb looks like I had a seizure or something while I was typing....

What a day indeed! Easy day at work, and busy day after work. The daughters been gone since 5ish, and I haven’t even really enjoyed the no daughter being around!! Well kinda, I noticed my self being a lot louder then normal! (What a rebel) :tommy:

I mixed up three gallons with a late veg dose with about 24ml of CalMag added to the three gallons of water!

I should have added some super B+ with it because I also did a defol As well! Would have helped with the stress of what I just put them through. But they will be fine! Their hardy plants! They grow as if they’re a weed or something..

I’ll try and post the pictures in order, but I have a lot to post. So bare with me.

The wife is hungry now, after this we’re going to go get some food, and go together! Because we can actually do that! Kid free for the night! :yahoo::woohoo:

And actually drive 50 Km/h in school zones! :woohoo:

They recently come out with this bylaw a while ago where school/park zones are 30 Km/h from 7:30Am to 9Pm - 365 days a year.

Ok now I need to go post this pictures online.

Hang on.

I just want to say how much of a help the wife was with the DA1 trim job. Both her and I tackled her, making my job easier!

I’d still be trimming the DA1 if it weren’t for her! Awesome! :yahoo:

Now to go get some food!

But first, I went and did something today.

Bought my self something.


I’ve grown this strain before, but I really enjoyed it! Was a great smoke and a beautiful plant! Let’s hope I can try replicate that plant. Except it was my first plant so I’d really like to train it the way I know how to this time, rather then just letting it grow out.

I will start a new journal for the green Crack. It won’t be for a while yet, but I will let you all know when I do.

Thanks for dropping in!

Now to go get our munch on! :slide:


What a day indeed! Easy day at work, and busy day after work. The daughters been gone since 5ish, and I haven’t even really enjoyed the no daughter being around!! Well kinda, I noticed my self being a lot louder then normal! (What a rebel) :tommy:

I mixed up three gallons with a late veg dose with about 24ml of CalMag added to the three gallons of water!

I should have added some super B+ with it because I also did a defol As well! Would have helped with the stress of what I just put them through. But they will be fine! Their hardy plants! They grow as if they’re a weed or something..

I’ll try and post the pictures in order, but I have a lot to post. So bare with me.

The wife is hungry now, after this we’re going to go get some food, and go together! Because we can actually do that! Kid free for the night! :yahoo::woohoo:

And actually drive 50 Km/h in school zones! :woohoo:

They recently come out with this bylaw a while ago where school/park zones are 30 Km/h from 7:30Am to 9Pm - 365 days a year.

Ok now I need to go post this pictures online.

Hang on.

I just want to say how much of a help the wife was with the DA1 trim job. Both her and I tackled her, making my job easier!

I’d still be trimming the DA1 if it weren’t for her! Awesome! :yahoo:

Now to go get some food!

But first, I went and did something today.

Bought my self something.


I’ve grown this strain before, but I really enjoyed it! Was a great smoke and a beautiful plant! Let’s hope I can try replicate that plant. Except it was my first plant so I’d really like to train it the way I know how to this time, rather then just letting it grow out.

I will start a new journal for the green Crack. It won’t be for a while yet, but I will let you all know when I do.

Thanks for dropping in!

Now to go get our munch on! :slide:

Wow! That's beautiful. I can't wait to see what they look like in a few weeks! Nice seeds! And is that a badge you get with?
Backlipslide (AND wife!),
Well done on the trim job. i can't get over the depth of green colour in those plants. i'm re-learning to cultivate and i wish i had trimmed the ladies at the same stage (or more consistently throughout) as you have just done. they all look wonderful and healthy. hope dinner was good...stay classy

Thanks brother!!:Namaste:

Pause for the cause! Just got up not long ago, and I need a hoot! Be right back.


Ok I’m back!

They are all very green, and I’m loving it! I can’t remember if they were green like this in my last run, in coco or not. It could very well be my soul choice to why everything is so green. The Bc last run gave me problems, and wasn’t green like this all through out the grow, but the DA was all through out. Maybe that last Bc seed wasn’t a very good generically carried seed or something.. idk or well, all that matters is there green now, and healthy! :thumb:

I trimmed all that garbage crap down below before the initial stretch going into flower because, now I don’t have to deal with the extra over whelming amount after the initial stretch, and now the plant can focus all their energy on the top canopy. I do it for many reasons, but those gotta be the main two reasons.

stay classy
Lol that we were not. We got macdonalds last night lmao!! That’s just not classy :rofl:

But thanks again bro!!!:thumb:

Wow! That's beautiful. I can't wait to see what they look like in a few weeks! Nice seeds! And is that a badge you get with?

Thanks brother!! They look great! I’m loving the way these ladies have grown! :thumb:

Yeah every time I buy a new pack from crop kings. They have a pin pushed through the pack, (as well as a security sticker on the back) to ensure you that they’ve stayed fresh in the pack, and never been opened. I’ve got three pins now :yahoo:

I’m really pumped to get the green Crack going, but I need to calm down, it’s not for a while. The other three need to be well into flower before I start them, and get my veg box going again.

Thanks for stopping in bro!

The lights turned off at about 6Am this morning.

So I went into the room, unplugged the 18/6 light timer. Plugged in my 12/12 light timer, turned it off. I will leave the timer in off mode until Sunday when I wake up. The timer will turn the lights on at 12Pm and back off at 12Am.

That means they will be in the dark for roughly, 30 hours, before having their first day of 12/12 light schedule. :bong:

I always good at math in school, every other subject.. well it depended on if I would show up or not..

I was good with shop wood working class, but not mechanics class. I sucked at mechanics. I’m starting to learn a lil bit of the ins and outs of vehicles but I’m no mechanic, that’s for sure! It helps to have my wife as a ticketed parts technician, so she can get parts very easily, and knows good mechanics in the area. She also used to tune computers for drift cars, and work on them before she moved to Alberta from the island. She also used to drift as well, she worked on the cars, so why not right!

So I’m a bit stressed out today.

I was summoned for jury duty, :eye-roll: and I was supposed to mail back a form after filling it out, within 5 days of receiving said letter. Which I got the letter about A month ago(ish).

Say that I was summoned and said “good grief!” Put the letter down and forgot about it.

Good thing I looked last night for the letter, because the date for my service is on Monday.:thedoubletake:

Good thing I looked, but damn! Failure to comply with this, can lead to a big fine and or jail time.

I didn’t read to far into the letter when I got it, I saw I was summoned and I put it on the back burner till September.

I thought I just needed to show up for the court date with said papers, and that’s that...

I was wrong, oh so, very wrong! #facepalm

I guess I show up on Monday and go from there..

Thanks for listening to me!

Hello, welcome to Blue Angel 2019. I’m new to the site, so I will spend a bit of time introducing my self. I’ve been growing for almost two years, growing indoors (successfully) for about 8 months or so. I don’t know everything, but I like to think I have a good grasp on things. Always room to grow (no pun intended) and love to learn new things.

Oh, I’m also Canadian, Eh!

Last year I built my own grow tent, 32” wide, 2’ deep, and (originally) 4’ tall. I built it out of 3/4” pvc pipe, and furniture grade 3 way elbows. I was in a pinch last year to get it finished, and bought the most readily available product to wrap it with. Space blankets from wal mart. It has its draw backs, yes. It by no means affected my grow as my girls came out marvellous, but it’s flimsy and tears super easily. Now that my tent is temporarily empty, I would like to buy some panda film and re-wrap the tent. Unfortunately I may have to wait, because I modified the tent, and built a platform for the tent to sit on,out of wood. Cut holes in the bottom of the tent so the pots were sitting just “below” the tent. (Will get a lil more into detail about this a bit later) It now made my tent 5’ tall. I have some 6’ 2” pvc pipes and would like to get rid of the platform and 4’ poles, replace with 6’2” poles, then re-wrap my tent with panda film. My problem with that, is that I have no more height above my tent, so for now I will probably have to just deal with what I have, for now. Untill I get into a bigger place and have the room for it. I will also get into why I have no more room above my tent a bit later. For now I’ll show my 4’ original sized tent.


With the door shut^


The top cross brace I hang my light off of^

So, at that time I had it in my fifth wheel (before Snow was on the ground). I then moved it inside. I know right! Smart decision lol :high-five:

So fast forward some time...:morenutes:

I was quickly running out of room, my girls were exceeding my expectations. With only 4’ of room, when I transplanted them into 5 gallon cloth smart pots, there was no room for the light to comfortably hang above them.

I then built a platform for my tent to sit on. Cut holes in the bottom and boom! I now have a 5’ tent (kind of).

So I then, wanted to have two more plants ready to put in the tent when these two were finished. See this is where I needed better timing judgment. I’ll get into that more later.

I germinated two Jamaican mountain kush seeds, and I needed a veg compartment. So I built a grow box, to sit under my tent. Easy peasy! Not, I himmed and hawed, swore, a couple times, built it too big, got mad, broke it, rebuilt it, and Voilà! End result was a (nothing pretty, but it doesn’t have to be damnit! :goof: Lol) grow box made to my exact specifications.

What it looks like with the cover on^


The cover off, friction fit!^

I built the box to be 32” wide, 2’ deep, 16” tall, inside to inside. I built it with wood because I was flipping my other two girls soon(in the tent), and didn’t want to disrupt their 12/12 light schedule. Wanted minimal light penetrating through it. Needed it sturdy for the tent to sit on and it’s light weight as I built it with 2x4’s ripped in half, 1/4” plywood inside and 1/2” on the top.

I then tapped black garbage bag on the outside of tent and platform.

Side view^ left a small viewing window.


Front view^ door off.

So that’s why I ran out of room above my tent.

Now, let me get into my lighting choices, and strains. In the box I have a small 2’ T5 light that my plants love. In my tent I have a 1000W Higrow LED light, again my plants love it. In the tent I had one Green Crack and one Black diamond.

Before they finished flowering, I was running out of room in my grow box. Poorly judge my timing, as I should have flipped my flowering girls earlier or germinated the two JMK later then I did.

Ren on the left and stimpy on the right^
I Topped them at the 3rd internode. LST the crap out of them. They still outgrew the box.

I ran out of pictures that I’m able to post, And will post more after this. I’ll also post my last pictures of the flowering plants before harvest.

So, long story short. Ren and Stimpy turned out to be males. Big waste of time. Oh well :surf:

So this brings me to the present. Also explains as to why I chose Blue Angel 2019 for the name of my journal.

I germinated one Dark Angel feminized seed from crop kings seeds. As well as a Blue Cookie seed from crop kings. I have them in peat pucks at this time, but will be moving them to their first pot tonight, into coco.
I have Orchid strain Blue Angel :bong:
Hey Slider!

Been a few days since I stopped by, so just catching up and everything is looking great! I am amazed at how dark-green your leaves are, and no tip burn. Well done.

Congrats on the trim job, with the bonus of quality time with Mrs. Slider. We don't have kids, but can imagine a little solo time would be nice once in a while.

Have a great weekend!
Nice job trimming those ladies !
Now you just wait for the magic to start happening...

Good luck on the jury duty thing-the last two times I got summoned,the cases settled before I had to appear, so you may still dodge that bullet.
Although it may not work the same way in Canada...
I have Orchid strain Blue Angel :bong:

Hey Albert! Thanks for dropping in!

And how do you like your blue angel?

The reason why I picked the name Blue Angel for my journal title, because blue for blue cookies, and angel for dark Angel. As I’m growing blue Cookie strain and dark Angel strain.

Is your strain actually called blue angel?

Hey Slider!

Been a few days since I stopped by, so just catching up and everything is looking great! I am amazed at how dark-green your leaves are, and no tip burn. Well done.

Congrats on the trim job, with the bonus of quality time with Mrs. Slider. We don't have kids, but can imagine a little solo time would be nice once in a while.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks for stopping in Bard! Good to see you!

Yes they are beautiful! I’m surprised with the no tip burn as well! I’m about to really step up the nutrients here in the near future, so I hope that continues! Good eye! I was looking at that last night when I had them out. It’s great to see! :yahoo:

Yes Mrs. slider was a big help last night! It was great to have her there with me!

Kids, yeah three years ago, I didn’t think it would change me to be the person I am today! But I am forever grateful for the gift of her life, and the person I am today. One day you, may be rewarded with the same gift! :circle-of-love:

Have a great weekend, right back atch-you brother! :snowboating:

Looking like green beasts!

Hahah I had to take a second look at that! It looked like you said green beans!:rofl:

Thanks brother!!

Good to see you b.real!

Have a great weekend!

Nice job trimming those ladies !
Now you just wait for the magic to start happening...

Good luck on the jury duty thing-the last two times I got summoned,the cases settled before I had to appear, so you may still dodge that bullet.
Although it may not work the same way in Canada...

Damn! That title looks good under you name brother! :high-five:

Thanks carcass! I was dreading the trimming but knew it needed to be done.

I dug out my fire pit, and built it today. I’m 8 bricks short, so I need to steal them from upfront where I’m going to eventually expand my drive way over to the end of my property line. So I won’t need them up there. It’ll just be an eye sore for a while.

Don’t know what striked me to tell you all that, but I’m not deleting it. So it lives there forever!! :laughtwo:

In the letter they gave me for jury duty it has a phone number to phone on the Saturday before the court date and I did, the automated recording told me the court date is proceeding to move forward on Monday. So I need to show up now...

that’ll be fun..

Thanks for stopping in sir! Always good to see you!
Hey Albert! Thanks for dropping in!

And how do you like your blue angel?

The reason why I picked the name Blue Angel for my journal title, because blue for blue cookies, and angel for dark Angel. As I’m growing blue Cookie strain and dark Angel strain.

Is your strain actually called blue angel?

Thanks for stopping in Bard! Good to see you!

Yes they are beautiful! I’m surprised with the no tip burn as well! I’m about to really step up the nutrients here in the near future, so I hope that continues! Good eye! I was looking at that last night when I had them out. It’s great to see! :yahoo:

Yes Mrs. slider was a big help last night! It was great to have her there with me!

Kids, yeah three years ago, I didn’t think it would change me to be the person I am today! But I am forever grateful for the gift of her life, and the person I am today. One day you, may be rewarded with the same gift! :circle-of-love:

Have a great weekend, right back atch-you brother! :snowboating:

Hahah I had to take a second look at that! It looked like you said green beans!:rofl:

Thanks brother!!

Good to see you b.real!

Have a great weekend!

Damn! That title looks good under you name brother! :high-five:

Thanks carcass! I was dreading the trimming but knew it needed to be done.

I dug out my fire pit, and built it today. I’m 8 bricks short, so I need to steal them from upfront where I’m going to eventually expand my drive way over to the end of my property line. So I won’t need them up there. It’ll just be an eye sore for a while.

Don’t know what striked me to tell you all that, but I’m not deleting it. So it lives there forever!! :laughtwo:

In the letter they gave me for jury duty it has a phone number to phone on the Saturday before the court date and I did, the automated recording told me the court date is proceeding to move forward on Monday. So I need to show up now...

that’ll be fun..

Thanks for stopping in sir! Always good to see you!
I am waiting soon to start flowering maybe in the next 2-3 months
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