Blue Angel 2019

Yo Lip, whoha 2 weeks they will be huge!!! I mostly put mine into dark for 48 with the temp as steady around 74. I have no prof but my belief is 1. they start to stretch in the dark looking for the light with good temps. 2. It depletes the amt of daylight and I assume it resets their inner clock (ie more darkness to initiate flower) so when I turn on the light all they know is it's 12/12 and they flip or show pistols a few days earlier.
So being as these statements are opinion based, I have that opinion from reading these journals. As always Dealers Choice. Their plants they will be fine, but if you like to f with them here's a non invasive way :laugh:
Something I was thinking of trying next year - first I'm going to double the size of my greenhouse - probably 6 x 16' and hopefully 4 nice plants. I was going to try adding about 2 hours of artificial light at the end of the day - maybe from 9 - 11 pm for their veg state and then cut that off about mid to early August to see if I can get them to flip a bit earlier than normal.
Any thoughts???
Hey BL just managed to catch up with your journal and your plants are looking great mate, I must agree with you that family comes first and my wife says to me sometimes that I spend to much time with my plants instead of her lol but I've been changing that also and have been spending more time with the family, nice tent upgrade also looks great
You are definitely be ready for flip soon. Looking good.

If it were my old 5’ tent, I would have flipped by now for sure! I’ve got an entire 1foot and 4more inches of room to work with.:ganjamon:

Just trying to utilize that extra room a gave my self on my first run with the upgraded tent. :yahoo:

They shouldn’t be doing anymore growth horizontally but all vertical from here! :yahoo:

Thanks CNB!! :Namaste: Always good to see you!

I’ll have to try get you to wear a Pittsburgh jersey next time you come for a visit! :rofl:

(I imagine your answer, will be “good luck with that”) :rofl:

Yo Lip, whoha 2 weeks they will be huge!!! I mostly put mine into dark for 48 with the temp as steady around 74. I have no prof but my belief is 1. they start to stretch in the dark looking for the light with good temps. 2. It depletes the amt of daylight and I assume it resets their inner clock (ie more darkness to initiate flower) so when I turn on the light all they know is it's 12/12 and they flip or show pistols a few days earlier.
So being as these statements are opinion based, I have that opinion from reading these journals. As always Dealers Choice. Their plants they will be fine, but if you like to f with them here's a non invasive way :laugh:

It’s definitely not advice to be sleeping on. That’s for sure! It does make sense! Absolutely! I’ve never tried it, but I could probably try it with this run. I don’t remember how many days it took for my last batch to start flowering, but I could maybe try this concept with this batch and try compare the two.

Thanks for your reply, and insight on said topic.:thumb:

Thanks bro! Always good to see you!!

I'm going to double the size of my greenhouse - probably 6 x 16'

Woah green jeans!!

You grow a couple plants, and I think it’s safe to say. Your addicted! :yahoo:

That sounds like a hell of a plan! I look forward to seeing that dream a reality next spring!:thumb:

was going to try adding about 2 hours of artificial light at the end of the day - maybe from 9 - 11 pm for their veg state and then cut that off about mid to early August to see if I can get them to flip a bit earlier than normal.
Any thoughts???

It’s a hell of a concept you have there. I have no idea to if it would be beneficial or not.

Most photoperiod plants won’t trigger flower until it gets a full 12 hour of light, some will be triggered by 11-10 hours darkness. It’s not unheard of, but more common on outdoor grows...

You may be onto something green jeans. Hold on to that, and giver er’ a whirl next time around. I’m interested in if it will work for you. :thumb:
Hey BL just managed to catch up with your journal and your plants are looking great mate, I must agree with you that family comes first and my wife says to me sometimes that I spend to much time with my plants instead of her lol but I've been changing that also and have been spending more time with the family, nice tent upgrade also looks great

Thanks for stopping in Tom! It’s a treat to see you follow along!

Yep, your right! It’s a balance that needs to be present. :thumb: Thanks for your support!

Thanks again, about the tent. It’s something I said I wanted to do, dating back to my first post on this thread. It’s nice to finally achieve it!!:yahoo:

Thanks again for dropping in! Hope to hear from you soon!

@Greencheezit and @Pennywise :popcorn:

I hear you guys! I’m following along! :blunt:
It’s not unheard of, but more common on outdoor grows...
Basically what I am going to try is have all these darn plants in one place - right now I'm all over the place - and too many!!!
By adding a couple of hours of light to the natural sunlight at the beginning or end of the day, and they get used to that and then cut that off and go back to natural only they should think that the days are shortening and go into flower! If I'm in the greenhouse frost might not be a problem but the sooner they are ready the better.
Basically what I am going to try is have all these darn plants in one place - right now I'm all over the place - and too many!!!
By adding a couple of hours of light to the natural sunlight at the beginning or end of the day, and they get used to that and then cut that off and go back to natural only they should think that the days are shortening and go into flower! If I'm in the greenhouse frost might not be a problem but the sooner they are ready the better.

I absolutely hear what your saying, even trying to accomplish, but unfortunately, unless they have at least 11 (sometimes 10) hours of darkness when grown outside, they won’t trigger flower.

So for you to give them the extra light all the way till you have 12, 11 or even ten hours darkness, Their wouldn’t really be any point. If you know what I’m sayin? :ganjamon:

You would just be paying for extra power, for no beneficial reason (sorry to be blunt). In my opinion, I would use that free light that sun puts off, and let your beautiful ladies enjoy their dark cycle! :thumb:
They shouldn’t be doing anymore growth horizontally but all vertical from here!

That’s not true, I completely understand, the bigger they are, the wider they will be. I definitely need to keep that in mind.

Did I just reply to my self? :hmmmm:

Did I just ask my self a question?..:hmmmm:

I think I’m going crazy :goof:
I was just thinking if you or anyone on here has ever done test or studies to see if more darkness (more than 12 hrs) is beneficial

Just a thought
I actually read an article recently that states more darkness onky ripens the buds faster but does not increase any yields. :thumb:
Im no expert though its just based upon what I've read.
Pretty messed up I missed so much going on here. Loving the growth and hell yeah utilize that extra space! We want tall forests of dankness! Plus you running led so a few more inches to play with! Keep up the amazing grow!

It was feed day, but by the time I got, time to get around to the plants, I don’t have enough, time tonight. Lol that sentence was really painful! I said it so many times in my head that it doesn’t make sense any more :laughtwo:

The plants seem to have exploded with growth since the flushing and raising of light. The DA1 is blowing away the other two in growth. :morenutes:

I’m not going to touch base on my temperatures tonight because the pics I took of them to remember for now, turned out to be to dark for me to see, but the temps and humidity has been fine so I’m not going to bother tonight.

back to the feeding. Yes, not tonight, but I gave them all not quite a half gallon but not quite a quarter gallon of water (yes I know 3/8 just didn’t want to get that technical) just to tie them over till tomorrow. As they were all around that weight I like them to be before feeding.

So that brings me to tomorrow. I’m going to try and pawn the lil one off at grandmas for the night, (Be her first sleep over at grandmas). I’m going to give the plants a late veg feeding, defoliate them a bit, and I was thinking of letting them stay under the light for the full 18 light schedule. Then unplugging my 18/6 light timer, and leaving them in the dark for 24+ hours. Then Sunday (before 12 noon, I will plug in my 12/12 light timer. Starting the 12/12 process. Let’s see how many days it will take for pistils to show! :yahoo:

If they need to be fed again before showing pistils, then I will give them another late veg dose, then starting the early flower dose of nutes + my new bottle of early flower. Let’s give er’ a whirl!! :surf:

I brought all the plants out tonight and had a photo shoot for them. Was no fashion show runway music, playing though.

I was jamming to some Metallica :headbanger:

Metallica- Master of puppets

Listened to Metallica- One
for the next photos.

that brings me to the end of my update.

I’ve got some leafs periodically through out the canopy of leaves that look like this.

any ideas on what you think it might be..?

I don’t believe it’s a boron deficiency, is they’re not common, and the twisted growth isn’t accompanied with brown or yellow spotting on new leaves. :hmmmm:

There’s no urgency in me for noticing this. I’m cool as a cucumber :cool:

Just want to see what everyone’s opinions are on it.

That’s all for tonight.

Thanks for tuning in,

And stay tuned!

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