Blue Angel 2019

Hey brother! Hope you're doing well :passitleft:
The girls are looking great! Not too long now and it's time for bloom in there! :yahoo: DA1 is a beast!
I’m hoping they bounced back
Not to worry,they'll look happier than ever when you look in on them again!
DA1 might hold a little grudge-she had that "Where the hell is BL with the cool ones?" look on her face,but she'll forgive you!
Thirsty or not,they look great,BL :welldone:
Looking great in there. Girls looking fantastic ..cheers Magic

Thanks magic!

Pretty bummed out about how dry I let them get. Oh well, it’s not the first time, and it’s probably won’t be the last! :laughtwo:

Thanks for stopping in magic!

Damn,BL- that's quite a lineup of plant grow stuff you've got there

Yeah, you may be right! Better for me to hear that from you then my wife! Lol :goof:

That three part system doesn’t help at all, I’m really digging the simplicity in super soil..

I've got a little yapping poodle next door that I get to listen to 4 or 5 nights a week-I don't blame the dog, his moron of an owner is the one whose ass needs kicking.....uh-oh -my "grumpy old man" side is showing ;)

Haha that’s funny you made me laugh! :laughtwo:

It’s always the owners fault, the owner gets tired of listening to the dog inside so they kick them out for everyone else to listen to. It’s ignorant.

The house the wife and I lived in (rented) before she got pregnant, I had an elderly couple that lived next to me that was retired. He didn’t have any dogs, but apparently he referred to me as his big guard dog, because I was always out there watching his yard scaring people away from our property’s. Investing on what has changed since the last time I was outside. We lived in a pretty rough neighbourhood at the time so a lot of sketchy stuff happened around there. I miss Irv and his wife, I may have to go see how there doing this weekend.

Looking real good BLS! Can’t wait to see the post flip stretch!

Thanks opar! Means a lot! :Namaste:

I’m excited for that too, but the disappointment yesterday was a bummer. They will bounce back and I will look forward to that again! :cool:

Regardless, what the guy said at the hydro store, you have some great ladies broski. He's there to sell product. I'm glad you completed the nutrient lineup though. Awesome conapy bro. Looking forward to the fireworks man. :passitleft:

You are absolutely right, he is programmed to sell the product lol. He said a lot of people are trying this product line and they’re having a hard time keeping it on the shelf.

Lmao that canopy was depressing yesterday. Even the wife came into the room and said wow, that’s a depressed group of girls! Lol

Thanks again brother!! Not sure when I’m going to flip yet, but maybe soon?

What’s everyone’s opinions on that... should I get that show on the road? Or keep them going?

I’d like to keep vegging for a bit longer I think.

I had this all typed out half way last night, forgot to finish it and went to bed.

Now I’m going to make my coffee and probably hit the road to go help my friend move a load of stuff from his place to the new place. Wish me luck!!

Wow! I get home early on a pay day Friday, just to be very disappointed in my self.

I neglected the ladies for far too long this time around...

Nobody’s fault but my own!

I opened up the tent to feed them, as I let water sit over night in my container, and then added nutrients just prior to opening the tent up.

They’ve never looked so sad.

“Need water now” their saying!


I mixed up an early veg dose of nutrients and 24 ml of super B+ in three gallons of water. I should have mixed up a late veg dose of nutes but I’m a cheap ass and don’t want to use that much nutrients. Maybe next time, (two-three days) I’ll give a late veg dose.

Quick break, I need to order pizza! :woohoo: Pizza night!:yahoo:

ok I’m back,
The tent said 23.2C and 48% when I got to it, and after feeding before I closed the tent i looked and it said 22.5C and 50%.

Just got back from uploading the photos, and I’m almost embarrassed to post these! But I’ve already posted them so here we go!!

Laugh away!

I will be checking on the ladies in a few hours, I’m hoping they bounced back by then. :nervous-guy:

They do look sad but I can guarantee no one here is laughing. I think we would support you anyways! We know you know what to do and will recover soon. I can't wait to see the recovery photos!

Here is wishing them a speedy recovery!

Wow! I get home early on a pay day Friday, just to be very disappointed in my self.

I neglected the ladies for far too long this time around...

Nobody’s fault but my own!

I opened up the tent to feed them, as I let water sit over night in my container, and then added nutrients just prior to opening the tent up.

They’ve never looked so sad.

“Need water now” their saying!


I mixed up an early veg dose of nutrients and 24 ml of super B+ in three gallons of water. I should have mixed up a late veg dose of nutes but I’m a cheap ass and don’t want to use that much nutrients. Maybe next time, (two-three days) I’ll give a late veg dose.

Quick break, I need to order pizza! :woohoo: Pizza night!:yahoo:

ok I’m back,
The tent said 23.2C and 48% when I got to it, and after feeding before I closed the tent i looked and it said 22.5C and 50%.

Just got back from uploading the photos, and I’m almost embarrassed to post these! But I’ve already posted them so here we go!!

Laugh away!

I will be checking on the ladies in a few hours, I’m hoping they bounced back by then. :nervous-guy:


I have to be honest bro. Sometimes, I like them to dry out that much before watering/ feeding. You're going to see a big jump in growth this week. They're so healthy it's cool, you might want to consider it
They look ready to flip to me. You're going to have a nice harvest brother. Congrats.
Hey brother! Hope you're doing well :passitleft:
The girls are looking great! Not too long now and it's time for bloom in there! :yahoo: DA1 is a beast!

Yes sir! I am doing well. Hope the same for you and yours as well!

Thanks for stopping in brother irie!

Great job on the work you just did on that last plant. It looks great! :thumb:

Not to worry,they'll look happier than ever when you look in on them again!
DA1 might hold a little grudge-she had that "Where the hell is BL with the cool ones?" look on her face,but she'll forgive you!
Thirsty or not,they look great,BL :welldone:


Yeah both DA’s might hold a grudge, they looked pitiful. The bc looked not as bad.

I just looked into the tent not long ago, and they all looked much, much happier. Even Jim was thanking me, he was getting pretty depressed in there too!

Looking good Brother. :thumb:

Thanks John wick! You da bomb!! They looked really pitiful in my eyes, but thank you sir!

Thanks for stopping in!!

They do look sad but I can guarantee no one here is laughing. I think we would support you anyways! We know you know what to do and will recover soon. I can't wait to see the recovery photos!

Here is wishing them a speedy recovery!

Thanks man! :Namaste:

They looked way happier today, so I’m just going to forget about yesterday’s depressing photos!

I have to be honest bro. Sometimes, I like them to dry out that much before watering/ feeding. You're going to see a big jump in growth this week. They're so healthy it's cool, you might want to consider it
They look ready to flip to me. You're going to have a nice harvest brother. Congrats.

I like creating a nice wet/dry cycle... but that was just pitiful. No words to describe that, but pitiful. Straight negligence on my behalf.
They will recover though! I’ll hopefully get around to an update later as well! As I’d like to showcase what they look like after 24 hours of being fed.

Thanks man, they didn’t look ready yesterday, but when I looked today, they looked much happier and maybe closer to the end game I’m looking for.

The plants sure have bounced back, I knew they would, but damn did it make me feel sick to my stomach how bad I let them go.:lot-o-toke:

So earlier today I drove to the city in my truck, and helped a friend move, just outside of the city and, Ironically enough I helped him move into the basement suite my family and I just moved out of.

The neighbours were probably scratching their heads :hmmmm: thinking “didn’t you just move out of here?”:goof:

So that went well, later on in the day I was trying to have a nap on the couch (not with my daughter around) she was jumping all over my head, and body. I don’t mind, as long as she sits in one place. You want to sit on my head, go ahead! Just stop moving and let me nap damnit!

So I was able to get idk, about 10-15 mins of shut eye in until my daughter jumped back on my chest.

I said to myself
“Don’t move, pretend like your sleeping. Maybe she will go away.”

Then I heard a loud thump in the back of the house. I guess a bird hit our back window and was on the ground twitching.

The wife was upset because she knew the outcome when most birds are on their side twitching. (She’s also terrified of birds, so she wasn’t going out there) she “wakes me up” (finger quotes) and in a sad voice says to me, “I think you might have to go and finish this bird off.”

I kind of chuckle to my self and get up to asses the situation.

Go out back and see it twitching on it’s side. I end up flipping it over on to it’s feet, and it perks back up. Breathing super heavy, just looking at me and blinking. (As I’m not even a foot away from this bird)

I end up picking it up with an old plastic flower pot I have kicking around in the back yard. Moved it into a big flower bed in the far back of my yard. Was going to nurse this lil bugger to life. Find him a lil worm later and call him Phill the thrill. I’ll love him and squish him, and we will be the best of buddies.

So I continue with my day, I go inside and check how the plants are doing... Much better! :headbanger::woohoo:

The tent was 21.1C and 60%H
A high of 23.8C and 62%H
A low of 18.4C and 46%H in the last 24 hours.

I got some better pictures then last night. Hang on, I need to go up load them.

Ok I’m back.

They look much happier tonight! :thumb:

Tomorrow I will probably run some clean water through them giving them a bit of a flush. I noticed some leaves getting crispy and dying towards the bottom of the canopy. Also showing signs of a calcium deficiency. I’m going to wash away any salt build up around the roots, and will start fresh with a late veg dose 3-4 days after said flush.

I will give them two or three doses of late veg, and then BAM! I will hit them with the 12/12. :yahoo:

I look forward to try out my new nutrients. Once they are well into flower I will think about checking out my local seed store and maybe pick out a new batch of seeds. New batch, new journal... unless I just have a Blue Angel 2019 trilogy! And pop the last four seeds I have of them.

Rather It would be nice to have a couple new strains in my tent. I will have to go on the interweb and see if Crop Kings has any new strains. My seed store in town I go to usually stays on top of their ongoing selection.:popcorn:

So anyways I go back outside later to check on the bird and it’s still in the same spot, and this time when I got two feet away from it, phill the thrill flew away right past me and landed on the lock on my shed. Stayed there for a long time and I was able to get a picture of it, maybe 12” away from the bird.


Phill the thrill jumped on the ground and is still kicking in my back yard. He’s actually running around my flower bed just making him self at home. The wife asked me if she should go get it a strawberry. And I said sure, phill would love that!!

We’re just rooting for him to go find it as he runs away from us now. Doesn’t want to leave the yard though.

Come on phill the thrill you can do it! :cheer:

Anyways my update is getting to be long enough, my apologies. Thanks for sticking it out!!


The plants sure have bounced back, I knew they would, but damn did it make me feel sick to my stomach how bad I let them go.:lot-o-toke:

So earlier today I drove to the city in my truck, and helped a friend move, just outside of the city and, Ironically enough I helped him move into the basement suite my family and I just moved out of.

The neighbours were probably scratching their heads :hmmmm: thinking “didn’t you just move out of here?”:goof:

So that went well, later on in the day I was trying to have a nap on the couch (not with my daughter around) she was jumping all over my head, and body. I don’t mind, as long as she sits in one place. You want to sit on my head, go ahead! Just stop moving and let me nap damnit!

So I was able to get idk, about 10-15 mins of shut eye in until my daughter jumped back on my chest.

I said to myself
“Don’t move, pretend like your sleeping. Maybe she will go away.”

Then I heard a loud thump in the back of the house. I guess a bird hit our back window and was on the ground twitching.

The wife was upset because she knew the outcome when most birds are on their side twitching. (She’s also terrified of birds, so she wasn’t going out there) she “wakes me up” (finger quotes) and in a sad voice says to me, “I think you might have to go and finish this bird off.”

I kind of chuckle to my self and get up to asses the situation.

Go out back and see it twitching on it’s side. I end up flipping it over on to it’s feet, and it perks back up. Breathing super heavy, just looking at me and blinking. (As I’m not even a foot away from this bird)

I end up picking it up with an old plastic flower pot I have kicking around in the back yard. Moved it into a big flower bed in the far back of my yard. Was going to nurse this lil bugger to life. Find him a lil worm later and call him Phill the thrill. I’ll love him and squish him, and we will be the best of buddies.

So I continue with my day, I go inside and check how the plants are doing... Much better! :headbanger::woohoo:

The tent was 21.1C and 60%H
A high of 23.8C and 62%H
A low of 18.4C and 46%H in the last 24 hours.

I got some better pictures then last night. Hang on, I need to go up load them.

Ok I’m back.

They look much happier tonight! :thumb:

Tomorrow I will probably run some clean water through them giving them a bit of a flush. I noticed some leaves getting crispy and dying towards the bottom of the canopy. Also showing signs of a calcium deficiency. I’m going to wash away any salt build up around the roots, and will start fresh with a late veg dose 3-4 days after said flush.

I will give them two or three doses of late veg, and then BAM! I will hit them with the 12/12. :yahoo:

I look forward to try out my new nutrients. Once they are well into flower I will think about checking out my local seed store and maybe pick out a new batch of seeds. New batch, new journal... unless I just have a Blue Angel 2019 trilogy! And pop the last four seeds I have of them.

Rather It would be nice to have a couple new strains in my tent. I will have to go on the interweb and see if Crop Kings has any new strains. My seed store in town I go to usually stays on top of their ongoing selection.:popcorn:

So anyways I go back outside later to check on the bird and it’s still in the same spot, and this time when I got two feet away from it, phill the thrill flew away right past me and landed on the lock on my shed. Stayed there for a long time and I was able to get a picture of it, maybe 12” away from the bird.


Phill the thrill jumped on the ground and is still kicking in my back yard. He’s actually running around my flower bed just making him self at home. The wife asked me if she should go get it a strawberry. And I said sure, phill would love that!!

We’re just rooting for him to go find it as he runs away from us now. Doesn’t want to leave the yard though.

Come on phill the thrill you can do it! :cheer:

Anyways my update is getting to be long enough, my apologies. Thanks for sticking it out!!

Amazing story. I hope phill gets recouperated and rejoins his birds brothers and sisters in the sky. Maybe he will remember what you’re doing for him and visit you often. Get him some bird seed and dig up a few worms or grubs for treats.
Maybe he sprained a wing when he hit your window. He flew a bit so maybe it isn’t broken. Poor fella. Yup bird seed will cure his deficiencies lol

Btw your plants look healthy aand lush. Great job. Maybe a dose 6 ml of cal mag will help the one that you said is showing calcium deficiencies.
Adding a tiny bet of cal mag every now and then will make your stems super sturdy plus that being present along with your nutrient line will make everything absorb better.
I added three doses of 6 ml cal mag spread out throughout my plants lives on top of the fox farms trio and wow it made the biggest difference. I’m not having any deficiencies (knock on wood) and my plants stems are hard as a rock and don’t bend at all. It’s day 17 of flower for my girls and the stems just got super sturdy. I was able to quadline I guess before the cal mag I added here and there did it’s thing to the branches.

Great job and I’m rootin for phil the thrill!

The plants sure have bounced back, I knew they would, but damn did it make me feel sick to my stomach how bad I let them go.:lot-o-toke:

So earlier today I drove to the city in my truck, and helped a friend move, just outside of the city and, Ironically enough I helped him move into the basement suite my family and I just moved out of.

The neighbours were probably scratching their heads :hmmmm: thinking “didn’t you just move out of here?”:goof:

So that went well, later on in the day I was trying to have a nap on the couch (not with my daughter around) she was jumping all over my head, and body. I don’t mind, as long as she sits in one place. You want to sit on my head, go ahead! Just stop moving and let me nap damnit!

So I was able to get idk, about 10-15 mins of shut eye in until my daughter jumped back on my chest.

I said to myself
“Don’t move, pretend like your sleeping. Maybe she will go away.”

Then I heard a loud thump in the back of the house. I guess a bird hit our back window and was on the ground twitching.

The wife was upset because she knew the outcome when most birds are on their side twitching. (She’s also terrified of birds, so she wasn’t going out there) she “wakes me up” (finger quotes) and in a sad voice says to me, “I think you might have to go and finish this bird off.”

I kind of chuckle to my self and get up to asses the situation.

Go out back and see it twitching on it’s side. I end up flipping it over on to it’s feet, and it perks back up. Breathing super heavy, just looking at me and blinking. (As I’m not even a foot away from this bird)

I end up picking it up with an old plastic flower pot I have kicking around in the back yard. Moved it into a big flower bed in the far back of my yard. Was going to nurse this lil bugger to life. Find him a lil worm later and call him Phill the thrill. I’ll love him and squish him, and we will be the best of buddies.

So I continue with my day, I go inside and check how the plants are doing... Much better! :headbanger::woohoo:

The tent was 21.1C and 60%H
A high of 23.8C and 62%H
A low of 18.4C and 46%H in the last 24 hours.

I got some better pictures then last night. Hang on, I need to go up load them.

Ok I’m back.

They look much happier tonight! :thumb:

Tomorrow I will probably run some clean water through them giving them a bit of a flush. I noticed some leaves getting crispy and dying towards the bottom of the canopy. Also showing signs of a calcium deficiency. I’m going to wash away any salt build up around the roots, and will start fresh with a late veg dose 3-4 days after said flush.

I will give them two or three doses of late veg, and then BAM! I will hit them with the 12/12. :yahoo:

I look forward to try out my new nutrients. Once they are well into flower I will think about checking out my local seed store and maybe pick out a new batch of seeds. New batch, new journal... unless I just have a Blue Angel 2019 trilogy! And pop the last four seeds I have of them.

Rather It would be nice to have a couple new strains in my tent. I will have to go on the interweb and see if Crop Kings has any new strains. My seed store in town I go to usually stays on top of their ongoing selection.:popcorn:

So anyways I go back outside later to check on the bird and it’s still in the same spot, and this time when I got two feet away from it, phill the thrill flew away right past me and landed on the lock on my shed. Stayed there for a long time and I was able to get a picture of it, maybe 12” away from the bird.


Phill the thrill jumped on the ground and is still kicking in my back yard. He’s actually running around my flower bed just making him self at home. The wife asked me if she should go get it a strawberry. And I said sure, phill would love that!!

We’re just rooting for him to go find it as he runs away from us now. Doesn’t want to leave the yard though.

Come on phill the thrill you can do it! :cheer:

Anyways my update is getting to be long enough, my apologies. Thanks for sticking it out!!

Wow brother. They look amazing and big. I told you that dry soil works sometimes. I'm sure it's a "good stress" for wow, they popped overnight. Great job man, they look outstanding.
Yeah, when I Veg them that long they tend to eat up all those Nutes but with your new line up shouldn't be any problems.
Hope Phil bounces back soon. Looking forward to the Flip brother.
Plants are looking amazing,BL -totally recovered from "the droop"!
-good plan for 12/12-can't wait to see them covered with buds:drool:
I guess a bird hit our back window and was on the ground twitching.
We had a sparrow hawk (American Kestrel) smack into the window a few years ago-broke his wing in the process,but otherwise OK-I brought him inside,and he was really trying to rip me up with that beak and his talons,until I fed him some raw hamburger-it was like "bird valium" to him,he was my buddy from then on.
We had to call the dep't of fish and game to come and get him-It's illegal in the US to keep a wild bird as a pet-and I didn't know how to fix his wing anyway.
They came to get him the next day,and asked me if I'd been trying to feed him-I told him that he seemed to love raw hamburger...the guy (typical gov't employee) said that wasn't possible, because they won't eat anything they didn't kill...o_O
They called us about a month later to let us know that he'd healed up and was released back to the wild,so happy ending.
Sounds like an awesome after noon ok Phil no rest for champs!
I like your flip plan :yahoo: that should be fun to watch!

Haha ya man! It was an interesting evening to say the least! :goof:

Thanks Lowded! I’m glad your hear for the show! :thumb:

Amazing story. I hope phill gets recouperated and rejoins his birds brothers and sisters in the sky. Maybe he will remember what you’re doing for him and visit you often. Get him some bird seed and dig up a few worms or grubs for treats.
Maybe he sprained a wing when he hit your window. He flew a bit so maybe it isn’t broken. Poor fella. Yup bird seed will cure his deficiencies lol

Btw your plants look healthy aand lush. Great job. Maybe a dose 6 ml of cal mag will help the one that you said is showing calcium deficiencies.
Adding a tiny bet of cal mag every now and then will make your stems super sturdy plus that being present along with your nutrient line will make everything absorb better.
I added three doses of 6 ml cal mag spread out throughout my plants lives on top of the fox farms trio and wow it made the biggest difference. I’m not having any deficiencies (knock on wood) and my plants stems are hard as a rock and don’t bend at all. It’s day 17 of flower for my girls and the stems just got super sturdy. I was able to quadline I guess before the cal mag I added here and there did it’s thing to the branches.

Great job and I’m rootin for phil the thrill!

Thanks brother!

Phill is gone today, but that’s okay, that means he’s back to shitting on people things! :laughtwo: Back his normal self.

Ya I think it definitely dazed him pretty good. He flew, so his wings were fine, he also moved his head around, so I knew he wasn’t paralyzed, or neck broken. He probably just had to gather him self and away he went.

Yeah I usually do add cal mag in with my plants every so often. This last time I didn’t, but I should have. Next time:thumb:

Thanks for stopping in man!! Hope to see you soon!

Wow brother. They look amazing and big. I told you that dry soil works sometimes. I'm sure it's a "good stress" for wow, they popped overnight. Great job man, they look outstanding.
Yeah, when I Veg them that long they tend to eat up all those Nutes but with your new line up shouldn't be any problems.
Hope Phil bounces back soon. Looking forward to the Flip brother.

Thanks brother! Thanks for your help! Means a lot!

They had me worried for a bit, was awful to see them so un happy.

Phill is gone, and to be never seen again. Lol or maybe I will, I really would have no idea :laughtwo:

Thanks again bro! I also look forward to flip day. :yahoo:

Definitely looking a lot better now Backlip, good job.

Thanks for stopping in CNB. It’s good to see you. Not sure if you read the full update or not (it was a long one either way it doesn’t really matter) but now that you know I’m a penguins fan as mentioned in your journal. The reason I picked the name I did for the bird is because I enjoyed Phill the thrill when he played for the team. He was a good fit for the team!

Thanks again man! Yep, they look much happier they could :yahoo:

Hey, not to worry - everything droops from time to time!!!! :goof:


Plants bounced right back to looking good again lol keep it up bro

Thanks man!

I was happy to see them so happy after what they went through :laughtwo:

Thanks for dropping in man!

Hope to see you soon!

Plants are looking amazing,BL -totally recovered from "the droop"!
-good plan for 12/12-can't wait to see them covered with buds:drool:

We had a sparrow hawk (American Kestrel) smack into the window a few years ago-broke his wing in the process,but otherwise OK-I brought him inside,and he was really trying to rip me up with that beak and his talons,until I fed him some raw hamburger-it was like "bird valium" to him,he was my buddy from then on.
We had to call the dep't of fish and game to come and get him-It's illegal in the US to keep a wild bird as a pet-and I didn't know how to fix his wing anyway.
They came to get him the next day,and asked me if I'd been trying to feed him-I told him that he seemed to love raw hamburger...the guy (typical gov't employee) said that wasn't possible, because they won't eat anything they didn't kill...o_O
They called us about a month later to let us know that he'd healed up and was released back to the wild,so happy ending.

Well, why thank you Mr. MOTM! :battingeyelashes:

What an honour to have you drop in on my journal!

With such uplifting, kind words!:circle-of-love:

Congrats again man!

You got that right! I also look forward to seeing them full of buds! Will be my first harvest in the new tent. I look forward to what these three can do in there.

That’s a great story of the American kestrel! Great ending to it for sure! It must have been super hungry if it ate the hamburger, then that’s crazy you were able to get it to eat:thumb:

Thanks again for everything carcass!!

That goes to everybody! Thanks for everything everybody.

A special shoutout to everybody that works behind the scenes to make this forum run, the way it does. Thank you all!
(Not sure if they will see this or not, but maybe)

I was hesitant on doing this, but I went ahead with it anyways. It doesn’t hurt to do a fresh clean water run through the plants. I don’t want to call it a “flush” because I don’t have the time to run “15 gallons” of water through each plant.

Two will do.

I trimmed around each plant on the outer edge, taking off big fan leaves to make it easier for feeding them. I cheeped out and didn’t buy enough soil/perlite. Planted them so far down from the top edge of the pots. So there’s probably only 4 to 4.5 gallons of soil in there. I like to stay a bit lower then the top edge but damn not that low.. ohh well.

The Blue Cookie I took the bottom internode off on both sides. It helps me water and they weren’t mounting to anything anyways. I could have tried cloning, but I’m not geared up for that. Maybe one day I’ll dabble into it. Probably not with these strains though.

I raised my lights back to 24” above the plants.

And I will be sticking to my plan. Once they dry out I will smack them with a late veg feeding. 2-3 more times after that. Then flipping to 12/12. That will probably put me at around 2 weeks give or take from now. Not sure at how many days old they will be at that point, but I will look into that.

My question is, I see people leaving their plants in 24-36 hours of darkness before flipping. Why do they do that? I’ve heard of leaving in 36-48 hours of pure darkness before harvesting... but why before flipping? :hmmmm:

Anyways, the tents temp in the last 24 hours was,
21.8C and 62%H
A high of 22.8C and 64%H
A low of 19.1C and 59%H

Those are exactly where I want them to be! :yahoo:


I had that much run off of water from all three plants^

I just need to go upload the other photos, then I’ll be right back to post them here.


That’s it for tonight, gotta get ready for work tomorrow, because this guy works the holiday Monday!

Thanks for all the support everyone!!

Stay tuned!!

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